Thursday, November 30, 2017

MMS Image Compression Problem - Need Help

Been using my new Verizon enabled HP Elite X3 for about two weeks now and am loving it.

However, recently I received an image of a form with text on it via MMS and I can't read it at all. Zooming in doesn't help. Image was fine on my wife's phone so I know it's my phone with the issue. Didn't have this issue with my old 822.

I noticed my MMS APN wasn't set up so I did that and restarted but it didn't help.

How can I disable MMS image compression on my phone so I rsee the high quality images the same way they were sent to me? I've looked all over the Internet for a solution and can't find one. I would like to stick with the default MMS app if at all possible and not use Skype or third party messaging app.


from Windows Central Forums

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