Thursday, May 24, 2018

E3 2018 Xbox predictions: Everything we expect to see from Microsoft

It's that time again. E3 2018 is almost upon us, which means tons of new games and announcements.
It's that time of year again. E3 2018 is almost upon us, promising tons of new games, new platform announcements, and new hardware. But what does E3 2018 mean for Xbox and Microsoft this June 10th?
While the Xbox division is doing extremely well, E3 is an opportunity for Microsoft to address media and fan criticisms. Many will be wondering if the Xbox team will seek to dispel claims that the company isn't investing in first-party games as much as it could (or should) be. We also have the specter of an evolving game industry lurking in the background, where service-type games like Fortnite, and service-oriented companies like TenCent, are starting to dominate the industry. Amazon and other large tech companies are also exploring ways to disrupt the industry, in a world where Microsoft control gaming on its own, largest platform, Windows PC.
E3 2018 could be a bit of a weird one for Microsoft, as the company shifts strategy following the departure of former Windows chief Terry Myerson, and the elevation of the gaming division to its own seat at the leadership table. We might not see the fruits of this reorganization at E3 2018, it's simply too early. But I expect Microsoft to outline a game plan as it moves ahead, not only towards the next generation of its Xbox consoles, but the next generation of gaming technology in general.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

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