Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Plainly I don't understand OneDrive

Plainly I don't understand how OneDrive is supposed to work. I installed it, and dragged a directory into it - say c:MyStuff\Data and it magically appeared on the web page with its files. Slick. However...

As I poke around it looks like it also copied all that date down into it's own subdirectory Users\MyID\OneDrive\Data. So now it's chewing up twice the GBs on my disk.

And when I install OneDrive on a "B" machine, it slickly downloads data from the web - and buries it down in the User subdir where it's of absolutely no use to me but it chews up GBs. And the files never do show up in the proper usable place in my directory tree.

What am I doing wrong? Thanks.

from Windows Central Forums https://ift.tt/2XsSDEr

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