Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Hi There, Fellow Enthusiast Hrere

Hi, my name is Ramon or Ray for short. I'm a recent windows enthusiast, I have always used windows products, but it was only recently that I decided to fully immerse in the windows ecosystem in order to maximize my productivity. I enjoy learning about windows products and services, I also like to pay attention at the technology landscape overall and follow how Microsoft fares in it. I currently have a Lumia 650 as my main mobile phone and Lumia 640 in the fast ring insider program (not like there is much to look forward to in mobile). I'm also a frequent listener to the Windows Central Podcast. I look forward to having great discussions with all of you, as we all await the prophecy of the Surface Phone to be fulfilled.

Thank you,

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/2xYVUAL

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