Saturday, April 28, 2018

What's in store for Windows Store?

Windows Central has spilled a lot of digital ink on the subject of Windows Store (does anyone call it Microsoft Store?). Some of the stories are realistic but many look to a bright future.

The one Windows Store app that I _actually_ use recently announced that it soon will be pulled from Windows store.

It's called "Uitzending Gemist" (only available in the Dutch store) and is an app that gives access to public Dutch TV. The public organization in charge of providing on-line access to these TV programs has decided to end support for Windows Phone and for Android versions 4.2 and earlier.

I'm guessing that they've looked at usage statistics and likely found that the Windows app simply isn't being used in large numbers relative to the Android and iOS versions. This is despite the fact that it runs (well) on Windows 10 desktop and is a decent app as far as apps go (it's essentially a port of the iOS app which means it's decent quality).

If Windows Store can't provide enough users in a country in which Mac penetration rates are lower than in English speaking North America then what's the future for Windows Store?

FYI: to see the page go to slash vragen slash 16687

from Windows Central Forums

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