Friday, July 29, 2016

My Apps (Messaging, Phone, People, Outlook) get RESET randomnly since 14393.3.

My phone model is Lumia 730, and I am on Fast Ring.
Since last week, my phone is behaving oddly. Here's what's been happening:

* Messaging app (and tile) does not update if a message is read/arrived.
* Messages stops sending with an error 'We couldn't send this message'.
* Phone app does not register any calls.
* People app crashes and does not open at all.

Then after a lot of crashes (or if I restart my phone,) phone does the following things:

* Messaging app deletes all threads, and sign out my account.
* Phone app deletes all history and speed dials.
* People app sign out my account and there are 0 contacts shown there.
* All my accounts in Outlook gets deleted.

This has happened at least 6-7 times in last 5 days. I did a Soft Reset, didn't help. Then I did a Hard Reset. didn't help again.

I have posted several feedbacks, but I don't know if anyone else having this problem.
I can't find any help online, and I don't know if it is a hardware issue, OS issue, or something to do with my account.

Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you.

from Windows Central Forums

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