Thursday, March 30, 2017

Can I remove my Cortana App from my XBOX ONE?

I'd love to remove her. Yeah she's handy when you're on your lazy mode. But when you're calling out stuff in a party on a game when the majority of the objects sound like you are trying to speak to her.... I.E Dark Souls Language. I'll just explain here. Last night my friends and I set out to play the new Dark Souls 3 DLC and throughout my almost 4-hour stream I've had to tell Cortana to F off dozens of times, because she keeps coming up and trying to search the stuff I say, completely cutting off my screen and getting me killed. So. Evidently, I'm switching her off and there should be allowed a way to kill - I mean remove her from the apps until there is such a time when she doesn't recognise everything I say as if I'm wanting her to look up everything I say! Or at least set her to pick up kinect voice only, that way then she wont listen as I don't have our kinect connected as it's broken anyway.

from Windows Central Forums //

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