Friday, March 31, 2017

Why Nokia's Lumia 930 is still a great Windows phone in 2017

The Lumia 930 is now three years old. How well does it hold up in 2017? You might be surprised.
It's not like we're getting any new Windows phone hardware right now, so I thought it'd be a good idea to go back in time and re-review one of my favorite Windows phones, the Lumia 930. I've rocked many Lumias in my time, including the 925 the 1520 and of course, the 950. But my all-time favorite Windows phone is the Lumia 930. So after three years, how is it holding up?

Lumia 930 tech specs

As a phone from 2014, its specifications on paper aren't going to impress. Still, it's by no means a badly spec'd device, even by today's standards.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums //

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