Monday, June 5, 2017

Upgrade from Pro 4?

So, for starters, I'm really torn between the Laptop and the Pro.

I'm active duty doing my masters online, and I have the Pro 4 (i5/4GB RAM). For the 16 months I've had the device (prior to starting my masters online), the specs have fit my needs perfectly. Light Edge use (3-4 tabs at a time), light Office use (Word, maybe PowerPoint at the same time at the most), DrawBoard PDF -- usually light work. Steam runs great on it, and I'm mostly playing old school computer games like StarCraft, Homeworld, Age of Empires II, stuff like that. Not very taxing. But now with my masters, I'm running Edge (10-12 tabs at a time), multiple Office Word docs, PPT presentations, DrawBoard PDF and OneNote 2016 simultaneously and this thing is HURTIN.

Form factor conversation aside, would it be worth to go Pro (2017) from Pro 4 for the bump in specs? Obviously future proof myself a little better with at least i5/8GB RAM? Is Kaby Lake all it's cracked up to be? Thanks all!

From Surface Pro 4

from Windows Central Forums

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