Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Windows 10 black screen after login

My PC was experiencing random, repeated freezes and shutdowns. I couldn't find any evidence of a hardware issue, so after a while I decided to reset the PC (preserve documents and files). After finishing this process, I was able to log into Windows. However, after the login page, a completely black screen is shown. I can use Ctrl-Alt-Del to access task manager - it shows up normally - or to restart Windows. But every time I return to Windows, I get the same black screen. I tried resetting it again but no change.
I found an article from Mauro that seemed to reference something similar, but he had a taskbar and possibly also a Start menu. He mentioned RunOnce.exe in processes or services but I haven't found that.
I don't think it's a video driver issue because I can see the login screen normally. But even if it is, how would I access that? The black screen comes back even if I boot in Safe Mode.
Any help would be much appreciated!

from Windows Central Forums

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