Tuesday, January 30, 2018

New 920 in 2018

I found a NIB, unused 920 (AT&T, Yellow!) for sale, for cheap. I've never owned one (1020, though), but always loved the design. At any rate, I received it in the mail, brand-new goodness and all. What a beautifully designed phone, especially when vs the stale slabs and tired iOS devices of now.

This is such a fun phone to use! Coming from a 950/830, I was planning on updating this to W10M. After much reading (upgrading sounded iffy, and difficult), I decided to ride-out W8.1, since every app I had on my W10M device restored on the 920. Honestly, I don't totally miss W10M. Sure, Edge and Groove are better than IE and XbM. But I get Nokia Here Maps and City Lens. I forgot how great these apps were. Also going back to 8.1, I hadn't realized how fluid, fast and integrated this is vs W101M. I admit, I enjoy the Pivots of Metro. And capacitive buttons!!!

Ok, so is the platform itself hobbled? Sure. For basic functionality (which is about all I need), the 920 works just perfect. Atop that, it's just a really fun phone to use. On a recent ski trip, nearing the end of a sub-0F day, everyone else's iPhones and Samsung's were dead; batteries stripped by the cold. But this old guy was still was rocking, as if nothing was happening.

A bit of a rant, I do apologize. Just wanted to share a bit of my experience, in the off-chance someone else was pondering going down a similar path.



from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/2DLOIs2

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