Thursday, January 31, 2019

Next Xbox family to use Arcturus GPU NOT Navi. Rumor.

Lots of rumors and leaks for Xbox 2 over January. The latest is a supposed very early devkit screen. Showing a possible side Cache off die EDRam of 1GB.

On top of that the most interesting part is not Navi, but the Arcturus GPU. A whole generation ahead of Navis feature set.

The very reliable YouTuber has also given reasons as to why this particular screens hot of the devkit shows 22gb ram. As it could be in a mode for Lockhart as opposed to Anaconda. He is expecting Anaconda devkit to use 48gb ram.

Those unaware devkit often use around double the ram of the actual retail console. So it's feasible it's Lockhart around 11-12 gb GDDR6.

Of course it could be fake. Or even early and subject to change.

from Windows Central Forums

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