Friday, February 22, 2019

How AI makes Microsoft confront racism, health-care disparities, and more

Artificial intelligence is hailed as the cornerstone for technologies of the future, but present social biases have already begun molding AI in the image of the worse parts of humanity?
Different things come to mind for different people when they hear the words "artificial intelligence (AI)." Some envision Hollywood representations of A.I. as depicted in movies like The Terminator, The Matrix or I, Robot. Others conceive a more conservative image, such as A.I. players in video games or digital assistants like Cortana. Still, others envision the complex algorithms powering the intelligent cloud that provides helpful insights for decision-making in business. All of these are AI or, "intelligence exhibited by machines or software and the study of how to create computers and computer software that are capable of intelligent behavior."

Though Hollywood renditions of AI are extreme exaggerations of technology far beyond what we are capable of today, they offer a cautionary warning rooted in the ethical challenges AI currently presents. AI is fundamentally "made in our image." It is founded upon machine learning scenarios where humans provide systems with data to "create" its intelligence.
When human biases or limited perspectives forge the basis for how these artificial systems perceive the world, they invariably reflect the negative and often stigmatizing perceptions that plague human cultures. Thus, as AI becomes part of judicial, health, employment, government and other systems, it behooves us to temper its evolution with proactive guidance that preempts a dystopian manifestation of human prejudices.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

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