Friday, December 30, 2016

How do I get my laptop's mobile hotspot sharing to work again?

It worked JUST FINE before Windows 10, I think it may have even worked sometime on Windows 10. I may not have a strong enough Wifi signal to connect my iPod Touch 4th Gen too in the house I'm about to live (my family uses neighbor's wifi, with permission, it's actually my mom's parents) and it will be COMPLETELY UNUSABLE in the house if I can't connect to wifi on it. My family will most likely not bother getting their own home Internet when they get it for free.

Mobile Hotspot sharing on my laptop use to work JUST FINE, why do companies have to update and make things stop working? Updates are supposed to make things BETTER! I'll tell you why updates make things stop working, because the company wants you to go and buy new products so they can make more money!

Can I make my mobile hotspot sharing on my laptop work again! I used to live in a house with a dirt cheap wireless router that could barely reach (and sometimes disconnected) in my room, and it worked just fine then! HELP!

Oh, I tried getting my dumbphone Tracfone (not smartphone, dumbphone) that can connect to wifi connected through my laptop's mobile hotspot (not that it's really usable for Internet, but I wanted to see if it was just one device that couldn't connect) and that also could not connect.

Twice after a VERY LONG time my iPod Touch 4th Gen connected to my laptop's mobile hotspot, but the little wifi symbol at the top of the screen never showed up, which means it's not connected to the Internet, just like Safari said right on the screen. My laptop's mobile hotspot sharing used to work just fine! Please I need this fixed!

from Windows Central Forums //

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