Monday, January 30, 2017

Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows Phone 10, the dilemma....

Hi Dan,

I believe there are many Windows Phone fans out there like myself who're really torn between continuing to use a Windows Phone 8.1 device or upgrading to a Windows Phone 10 one. I am using a Lumia 830 at the moment and while the main camera is great, the front camera and processing power really takes away from the experience. To make matter worse, none of the new WP 10 devices really look or feel as great as the flagships of WP 8.1 or even my Lumia 830. What do we do now as Windows Phone fans? Hang tight onto our WP 8.1 devices? Would you recommend getting a Lumia 930 at this point in time or is Microsoft no longer going to support last gen devices??

from Windows Central Forums //

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