Saturday, March 23, 2019

Best facial recognition app / service

I've just sent the following question to Ask Dan, but thought I'd also check the communities experiences with facial recognition apps / services.
What is the best facial recognition app / service?

I've just had to do a clean install of Windows 10, and am having trouble with the Photo app actually scanning and tagging faces in my photos. So that has got me looking elsewhere. What is your suggestion of the best app or service for facial recognition?

And after spending a couple of frustration days with Photoshop Elements 2019, here's what I've learned about what "best" must do:
1. Actually identifies all faces in all photos.
2. Can deal with photos of groups of 15 or more people.
3. Can distinguish between family members.
4. Can track same person across different ages; different hair styles and colors; glasses / sun glasses / no glasses; beard / no beard; hats / no hat.
5. Allows for manual tagging of those whose back is to the camera or who are wearing a mask; and manually correcting / changing tags.
6. Ideally should also include tagging pets.

And apart from facial recognition, the app / service should also handle geo-tagging; scene recognition; event recognition (e.g. holidays, birthdays); album creations; and slide show / video creations.

And it must work or be accessible across platforms. Our household has W10, Android, and iOS.

from Windows Central Forums

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