Thursday, June 30, 2016

Two User Accounts After W10 Upgrade

Hi everyone! Wanted to see if someone could shed some light on something for me. About a month ago I upgraded my work PC to Windows 10 from Windows 7. Everything went smoothly and I've had virtually no issues with it since the upgrade. However, I noticed something recently that I'm a little confused about. I now have two user accounts where before I had just one. The username I log in with is "ManageTwo", which is still there, but now I also have a "ManageTwo.000". The weird thing about it is some things seem to point to one of the accounts, and other things point to the other one. For example:

Under "ManageTwo", my Sharepoint and OneDrive Personal drives are there. Meaning if I save something to OneDrive, it goes to C:\Users\ManageTwo\OneDrive.

Under "ManageTwo.000", my OneDrive for Business and my standard PC folders like Desktop, Downloads, etc. point here. Meaning if I save something to my Desktop, it goes in to the folder C:\Users\ManageTwo.000\Desktop.

I'm logging in using ManageTwo, and the odd thing to me is that everything seems to be seamless, like I don't notice when I'm using a folder under ManageTwo or ManageTwo.000. I want to try and understand what happened here before I update the other PC's in my office. Any info on this would be appreciated, thanks!

from Windows Central Forums

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