Wednesday, November 23, 2016

950 XL Stability issues: random restarts and crashes

Since buying my Lumia 950XL a year ago it has had constant problems with random restarts and crashes. I initially attributed this to the poor beta OS software and assumed that it would eventually resolve itself as some of the other issues were indeed eventually ironed out. However, a year later the device is perhaps even more unstable. I have performed numerous soft and hard resets during this period, both restoring from previous back-ups and fresh installs and this has not resolved the issue. Furthermore, though the device has remained on the consumer build since the anniversary update, it has previously had many different OS builds installed during this period as part of the Insider Program and has stability issues throughout, leading me to believe the hardware is defective in some way.

Currently the device reboots or crashes 3-4 times a day. This often occurs during unlocking the phone but also occurs during app usage (official i.e. Edge/Messaging, and third-party i.e. Facebook Messenger), checking notifications, when receiving a phone call, or even just when the glance screen activates. There seems to be little identifiable pattern to these crashes, though occasionally the screen momentarily flashes green preceding a crash. These crashes sometimes result in the device restarting by itself but more often the screen turns off and the device is otherwise unresponsive but the battery drains rapidly and becomes very hot until it is either drained completely or the power button is held down prompting a restart. Once the device has crashed it appears to be more likely to crash again when it restarts, resulting in occasional crash loops of 4-5 restarts. These appear to happen more frequently when the device is low on battery but this may be a coincidence or is simply more noticeable because it renders the device unusable.

After finally losing my patience I recently sent the device in for an in-warranty repair with Microsofts third-party support service, B2X. Unfortunately they returned the phone without fixing or even examining the issues I'm having with the device and instead claim that the hairline crack on the display renders the device unrepairable in warranty. I have read the warranty for the device and cannot see anything to suggest that damage outside of the scope of the warranty invalidates the commitment to repair damage that should covered by the warranty, namely whatever is causing the stability issues.

I have spoken to B2X and they have simply recommended that I send the device in again though with no guarantee that anything will be different this time. I have also spoken to Microsoft's store support who were unable to help as the device is outside of the return period, but recommended I called their support number. This automated service in turn sent me back to the website which recommends that I contact B2X. At this point I am simply at a loss as to what I should do. The phone is completely unusable in this state and yet Microsoft seems content to pass me around in circles. I wondered if anyone else has had a similar experience or can offer advice on what to do next.

Thanks for any help.

from Windows Central Forums

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