Thursday, August 31, 2017

Microsoft owes us that have stuck with them since Windows Phone 7 and even beyond!!!

Like most of you on this site I have become frustrated with MS. I have been a part of their ecosystem since Windows Mobile 5.0 on the HTC Dash. Just when I was about to jump to Android, MS rolled out WP7. I stuck with them. Then after the WP7 upgrades (7.5 & 7.8) all through to 8 & 8.1, which meant more new hardware. I stuck with them. Then there was another shift to WM10. I stuck with them. MS was in a good place. The Surface brand, Windows 10, Xbox and Hololens had made MS an exciting and cool company once again! During this time I would convince anyone who would listen to get a Windows product (especially phone), but now that is not the case. And it has been that way for at least almost two years.

I am in it pretty deep! Everything is Windows - SP4 that is less than a year old, but freezes randomly, DV8P still chugging along, Lenovo Idea PC Stick (RIP), Band 2 - nuff said, Lumia 925 w/ 8.1, Lumia 640 w/ WM10 IP, and Idol 4S IP. Lately, I have been looking at my options meaning which Android hardware am I going with. I am still fighting Apple although everyone in my family has an iPhone.

It seems, at times, the writers on this site struggle with content compared to a couple of years ago. So many similar articles about best PCs or the surface phone keeps popping up. I cannot recall being super excited about an article in a while. Not 100% writers fault, MS just has not been exciting lately.

Jumping off my soap box now and getting back to the subject at hand. There are many of us who have been in this deep for as long/longer than I have. If there is a Surface Mobile device somewhere on the horizon, then MS should do what Samsung did for the Note 7 owners - hand out heavy discounts to those who stuck with them since WP7 and prior! Is that too much to ask?

from Windows Central Forums

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