Saturday, December 29, 2018

OneDrive problems problems on my new SurfaceGo

Good morning all,

OneDrive never functioned properly on my new SurfaceGo, I have the following issues.

A) After freshly installing the Onedrive app from the MSStore all seems ok, although I have no idea where the local onedrive is located. All files and folders show up, but new files added by phone or notebook never show up.

B) When I take a photo with my Surface Go this photo shows up in a different (at least I think it is a different one) Onedrive at C: USERS MYNAME ONEDRIVE CAMERAROLL

C) None of the files or folders mentioned at A show up in the Onedrive mentioned at B.

D) All seems to work ok on my Win10 Notebook and my Android Phone, they all sync with each other and with the online Onedrive.

All help is appreciated because it would be a pitty when I have to downgrade to an Android or Apple tablet.

Thanks !


from Windows Central Forums

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