Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Lumia 950 never ending problems - Anybody care to add to this?

Here's my quick list of issues:

1) Random restarts - the phone will sometimes reboot for no apparent reason. It used to happen frequently when going from the camera to the camera roll, but this seems to have stopped after some of the more recent updates. Now the reboots are really random and less frequent.

2) Drops cellular connection. I can be stationary at home all day only to find that I have no connection to AT&T - no texts or phone calls, but Wifi still on. Happens a few times a month and at very random times. I should mention that I work from my home, it's not like I'm moving around when this happens. If I switch airplane mode on/off the phone will reconnect to the AT&T network.

3) Screen doesn't respond to touch. This only happens sometimes when I try to answer a phone call. It's like the phone doesn't know the screen is on. Many times I miss the call because the screen doesn't respond to finger input. Again, only happens sometimes.

4) Call quality. People often complain that they can't hear me, like my voice is cutting in and out. I can be stationary and this still happens. Not all the time, but frequently.

5) Call quality 2. People have complained about a mean echo when speaking to me. I found that I can mostly stop this by turning off the "hey cortana" feature. However, this still happens sometimes even though "hey cortana" is turned off. I found that muting the call and quickly un muting it...will fix this. This doesn't happen as often as it used to.

6) Runs hot. Rapid battery drain sitting on my desk. I usually try to charge my phone at the end of my work day to make it through the night. Everyday.

7) Save a phone number from an email or text to a NEW contact in your People app - takes a really long time, so long that it seems like it's not going to work.

8) Cortana/Bing/Edge image search doesn't work. Not sure where the fault is here; but if I call up Cortana and do a search for "beach pictures", it pulls up Edge and does a Bing search. If I click on the "images" tab, i see thumbnails of "beach pictures", but I I try to tap on one of those images, it tries to pull it up full screen, but the image will never come up. If I hit the back key, I can't go back. The only thing I can do is long press the back key and close Edge...and then start over. This happens every time.

9) I have two account in use with my 950, my MS Account of course, and a Gmail account. I have contacts (People) pulling from both accounts. When I get phone calls or text messages, some phone numbers don't pull up associated account names. When my friend calls me from her cell phone, I see her name and image when she calls. But when she calls from her home phone, I only see the phone number and not her name. Both phone numbers are stored in the same contact card. This doesn't happen for every person and every phone number...but I've not done systematic testing. I have a life. And this problem is mostly coming (but not exclusively) from the MS account stored contacts. So in other words, the Google account contacts actually work better.

10) I have a MS Band 2. Windows 10 mobile and the Band just don't work well together. Cortana doesn't work from my Band with the 950 (but it worked perfectly well from my 1020/WP8), and the keyboard on the Band won't work either. (It says it can't connect).

11) Bluetooth connection to my car. With my 1020, my car would read text messages to me and voice prompt me to reply. It worked all the time. With my 950, this feature is hit or miss. Sometimes it will read the text, sometimes it won't. Sometimes it prompts me to reply...sometimes it doesn't. If it does prompt me for a voice reply, sometimes it work, sometimes it doesn't. It's the same with my bluetooth headphones, so it's not just a problem with my car.

In the smartphone era, I've had Windows Mobile, Androids, Blackberry, before switching WP7 with the Focus, Lumia 900, 920, 1020 and 950. (BTW my 950 is an AT&T, non insider phone) The 950 is a cell phone. It should work as a phone. In this regard, issues 1-5 are enough to give up on the 950 as I've never had these types of problems before with ANY phone I've ever owned. The rest of the list contains other bugs or very specific issues; and I'm sure if I sat here longer I could come up with more problems with the 950/Windows 10. I've considered going back to my 1020 but I think I might just as well throw in the towel and go back to Android for good. I used to really like Windows Phone - back in the day I got a lot of friends and family to switch over, but the 950 has killed my affection for the platform.

I'm really curious, how long are you guys going to stick with Windows phones? For those that have jumped, which Android handset looks like a winner? (no Apple products for me...ever. Just my thing).

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1TJ1LuL

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