Monday, May 30, 2016

Microsoft Health battery drain: Concerns

so recently I noticed that Microsoft Health, with background task enabled, drains battery like crazy on my Lumia 950 (Italian CV, build 14342.1004)
at first, I suspected that because I disabled Location for both Lumia motion data and Microsoft Health, the app tries to pull Location data everytime, thus eating battery
then, the same thing still happened after I "fixed" it

does anyone have the same battery drain problem with the Health app?
also, as my MS Band 2 is coming in a few days, I wonder if I disable background task, will I be able to fully* use the Band 2?
if not, then, Microsoft should take a look at this very carefully...

P.S. fully use, e.g. get notifications, track fitness activity, etc.

from Windows Central Forums

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