Tuesday, May 31, 2016

W10M and the anti OS brigade

I have been perusing the boards, and indeed the comments thread, and there still seems to be a persistent 'hatred' / 'dislike' of whatever MS is offering.

We have to remember that W10M is a ground up rework of an OS. It isn't an android 'update', where Marshmallow, is basically the same as lollipop, including the same old bugs.

Yes, W10M has bugs, show me any kind of OS that doesn't. There are still those moaning that MS still haven't released W10M! The worrying thing is, they are members of this community!!

Whilst on the subject of comments or posting, there seems to be an ever increasing number of members who, rather than offer a persuasive or grounded view, will just leap into the usual drivel without backing there comments up. It's not really appropriate to shout that the OS is poor, MS are mugging us off, they don't care etc, usually with slightly stronger terminology. I am by no means a huge MS fan. I may be an ambassador for WC, but I like to research before getting upset and throwing a fit.

If the feeling of dislike is that strong, there are a couple of options available. 1) Chase the Android dream 2) Join iOS.

There is one more, slightly off the beaten track option. Stay with MS and go along for the ride.

Admittedly, the past 2-3 years have been a joke. Hopefully, W10M will emerge all the better for it. MS hit the mark with the Surface line, and maybe, by taking a step back, they can successfully introduce W10M into the enterprise market. That's the only space where they can compete with the other OS's. The consumer market is lost, and we all need to realise that. Its like a community cable station competing with Fox or CNN etc. MS has left the consumer market for third party OEM's to get on board, and we have already seen some interesting devices.

Finally, those who decry the bugginess of W10M. The OS will NEVER be complete, in the context that once the bare bones are in place, regular updates (WaaS) will keep the OS developing and offer fixes and improvements.

For those who disagree, feel free to jump in and explain why you feel this isn't the case.

For those who see the whole picture, have I missed something or gone too far leftfield!

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/22vEDFL

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