Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Help with Cloud

Hello guys,

i am new to the Forum, nice to meet you all.

I have a question for you. I am interested in using a cloud service for around 20/30 TB but what i am looking for is to have all files like PDFs, Images etc on the cloud drive and to have access to them from my pc without these items to take actual space on my pc.

I found only Google drive that was offering so many TB's but if i upload files like the ones i mentioned, they will take space to my pc.

Also i found some other Chinese companies but it wasn't possible to register if you aren't from China (they asked for mobile number and it takes only chinese).

So is there any Cloud Service that offers what i want?

Thanks a lot in advance.

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/297PLHV

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