Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Yellow Tint on Brand New 950

Hi guys! I just received my Dual-Sim 950 from the Windows Central giveaway that I won recently, and had finished setting it up (updated software, firmware, apps, etc.). The wait was long but definitely worth it :D

But anyway, I'm having a problem with the screen, I think. I've noticed that while the screen is great, it has a slight yellowish tint to it. Looking at white backgrounds, I could see that it was a bit yellowish. Gray colors look a bit washed out (very slightly, but it's there). Not sure if the screen is faulty, or maybe my eyes are too used to my previous phone, the 830's display's color scheme that my eyes are now still adjusting to the display? rofl

But I knew the latter was almost too impossible. So I went to my local shopping mall and compared my phone with one of the 950s on display in a Microsoft store. Turns out my 950's screen does have a bit of a yellow tint to it. Not so much that it distorts the color completely, though.

So now I'm wondering. Is this due to manufacture problem, or maybe because the AMOLED screen is acting up? If the latter is true, then is there anyway to fix this AMOLED screen issue? I know for a fact that AMOLED screen burn-ins can be reduced by viewing white background or something, so I wonder if any of you knows of a way to fix this yellowish tint?

tl;dr: New Lumia 950 has slightly yellowish tint. Not sure if display is compromised or just natural AMOLED screen limitation.

P/S: Tried adjusting the color profile, problem still persists.

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/2cofHkj

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