Monday, February 27, 2017

damnit it, finally happened to me!! lost my L950XL

so last weekend I went snowmobiling and I lost my Lumia 950XL somewhere while pushing this guys sled when he got stuck and the phone fell out of my coat pocket that I was sure zipped closed but some how must've unzipped itself! to say the least I was devastated to lose my beloved L950xl and was SO MAD! this is the first phone that I've ever lost in my life and hopefully the last! such a horrible feeling to lose something so valuable and quite frankly personal! so now I switched to an android phone (LG G5) and I already hate it.. not the phone but android! OMG now I know why I luved windows phones! first off ANY APP or GAME that you install has malware and adware that you have to be weary of! even in the bloody reviews that's all everybody complains about! I'm so scared to install anything because of the viruses and malware and adwares, its just disgusting! then you have to worry about these said apps/games getting access to all your personal information and camera's and microphones, and pics... there is absolutely no privacy on android!!!! I didn't have to worry about this crap on windows platform!! it was such a pleasure to have to not worry about these things! and as for the general OS of android, I find it so boring and plain... there is no LIVE UPDATES to let you know what you received in your emails except a bloody number on the static icon to let you know you got 2 emails... with windows 10 I can see I got 2 emails and a brief description of what the emails are... sorry folks but windows has android beat hands down!! the ONLY REASON WHY THERE IS SO MANY MORE APPS/GAMES FOR ANDROID IS BECAUSE YOU CAN'T INSTALL ALL THE CRAPWARE IN THE APPS AND GAMES with windows store!!! therefore the profits are largely smaller! devs must make much more money on android because of the revenues they get from placing fracking annoying and very intrusive ads in their stuff!!! every button you push or next page there is ads pop ups galore!!! I am 100% convinced that's why there is such a huge app gap!! I just hope windows never changes that about itself... its great having all these apps at my disposal but with such a HUGE cost of peace of mind! pretty sad state that android is in... I can't believe android is so popular! blows my mind LOL

from Windows Central Forums //

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