Friday, December 29, 2017

Issues with Idol 4S

I got myself and my parents each one of these phones to replace some aging and/or broken Windows phones (my dad recently broke his 4 year old Lumia 1020). We are all experiencing the same issues. I'm wondering how common these problems are and if perhaps this is just a poorly executed product that doesn't live up to its advertised specs.

All 3 phones are updated to the current Windows 10 Mobile build 15254.124 as of December 12, 2017.

Phone freezing:
We are all experiencing issues where the phone randomly freezes. When this occurs, a running app completely stops responding and the phone will not accept any type of input from the touch screen or any of the hardware buttons.

It sometimes only lasts a few seconds, but often the phone will take a minute or two to start working again. Sometimes the phone restarts itself after it freezes like this.

Touch Screen inconsistency:
I've tried with and without glove mode, but the same issues persist either way. I'm not sure "glove mode" actually changes anything. It definitely doesn't work like the Lumia 920's "super sensitive touch" with my gloves.
  • The touch screen sometimes registers multiple touches when touched once - a letter being entered multiple times when typing or the back button going back several pages at a time. In the case of the back button, the phone vibrates quickly for each time it registers a touch, so we can feel when it thinks that we've touched the back button more than once.
  • Swiping a word on the Wordflow keyboard will sometimes result in a break in the swipe motion. This results in the first letter of the desired word followed by a space and then a completely different word based on the rest of the swipe path.
  • Sometimes the touch screen starts typing each letter in a message 3 or 4 times making it impossible to type a coherent message until the phone is restarted.

Message recipients displayed incorrectly in the Messaging app
Often when we open the Messaging app, the contacts listed for each conversation appear incorrectly. The behavior sounds like a memory lag issue.

  • Last night, I received from my cousin's wife last night. When I opened the messaging app, it showed the newest message was from my cousin. His name was also listed on the third conversation which actually was from him. After I opened up the newest message and then backed out to the conversation list, all the contact names were corrected.
  • My mother said she was really confused when she went to check her messages yesterday and there were 7 conversations listing the same contact name. She had to open each conversation to figure out who each message was from.

I've used Windows 10 on three previous phone models - Lumia 640, 640 XL, and 950. The issues described above are unique to the three Idol 4S phones that my family is using. I've been using Windows phones since Windows Phone 7 first launched, and it is the only smartphone platform that my family, including my brothers, have ever used.

One brother is getting a new Android phone this weekend that I'll have to set up and teach him how to use, and I have a feeling that the rest of my family will reluctantly be switching to Android soon as well based on this experience with one of the last remaining Windows 10 phones.

from Windows Central Forums

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