Friday, December 29, 2017

Wobbly Kickstand?


Was wondering if anyone else noticed a wobbly kickstand on their surface pro 2017 device. I just bought a 2017 256 GB model today to replace my first gen surface pro. I immediately noticed a wobble on the kickstand at 0-20 and 150-160 degree angles. It's quite pronounced with movements of up to 5 mm. Anything in between the wobble is far less. At 60 degree the wobble is similar to my surface pro first gen device. On other surface pro threads the eperiences are a mixed bag, but it definitely seems common with a few users. It's not clear to me if this is a production flaw or not. When I look more closely at the hinge, it seems that a spring or bearing of some sort seems looser. It's hard to see. Curious to know experinces from others. Is this a common thing. Or is it worth going back to the store for to replace? Has anyone noticed temperature affect the hinge mechanics. Not sure, but a theory in my head as to why possibly.


from Windows Central Forums

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