Thursday, June 30, 2016

bluetooth headset in call

I have problem with all preview builds that once I connect Bluetooth headset to my Lumia 640xl it works fine. but when I disconnect it and turn off my Bluetooth from mobile still when I make a call. it shows connected to headset. cant hear any sound even in WhatsApp calls unless restart my phone.

any other fellows has same problem ?

from Windows Central Forums

nokia lumia 1020 release preview

after aug.2 all device enrolled to release preview ring program need to go back to windows 8.1 like 1020 because thiscdevice is not windows 10 supported

from Windows Central Forums

how can go to the boot selection menu of cherry mobile alpha morph duo?

I have this cherry mobile alpha morph duo. Before, erytime you would open the tablet it would let you choose an operating system but mine happens to automatically boot to windows and i cant choose a n operating system. I want to boot it into its android OS. Can anyone help me please??

from Windows Central Forums

Upgrading to W10 Mobile .420 space issues

Hello All,

So just wondering if anyone's been able to finagle an install on the Lumia 640 with the space issues. It's asking for some temporary space from the Phone memory (why it can't use the SD card as temp space, I've no clue) and it's asking for 1.2GB. Deleting some non system apps and maybe wiping all email and messaging, I'd only be at maybe 900MB freed up.

How were others able to upgrade? Or rather, does anyone else have any way to clear up say the system reserve fir space?


from Windows Central Forums

Why cant i turn my lumina off?

My pinon is for me brand new I got it from a gold friend about 7 months ago but I've not stated using it tell just yesterday but it is acting strangely the power button on the side won't respond when trying to turn just the screen on or off. When eld it responds but the freezes on the (goodbye) screen in tell you good for ten seconds when it then starts the bootup prosses. Also when the screen times out the only way to turn it back on is to hold the power for ten at witch point it boots up again.

from Windows Central Forums

Apps not filling the screen and being cut off at the bottom.

I have posted about this before. I have a Lumia 638 with the build 14376 installed. My apps including the Windows one are not filling the screen and being cut at bottom. When I open apps with this issue, even the app starting icon is slight down. This not filling the screen and being cut at bottom is resulting in Apps navigation bar cut at the bottom. I can't perform things. All I can do is scroll down and exit the app. What to do to fix it? I am really waiting for a working answer.

from Windows Central Forums

Stuck on Insider build 14342 (Version 1511 OS Build 14342.1002)

I seem to be stuck on Windows Insider build 14342 (Version 1511 OS Build 14342.1002). Since this build was installed, I haven't gotten any other insider builds.

Any ideas on how to fix this? I want to avoid having to reinstall if possible.

Is there a way to manually install build 14352, the one that followed the one I'm stuck on?

from Windows Central Forums

Another messenger update

Another messenger update just now after OS update tonight. Not sure what's new anyone ??

Lumia 1520 👉👌

from Windows Central Forums

950 Unlocked Not Updating

I have a 950 unlocked that was bought at a MS store. The carrier is att. The build is 218. It always says it's up to date. I know it isn't because my 950xl ( unlocked ) has a higher build number which is also through att. I tried the insider app with slow ring, still says up to date even after a update search. Any suggestions?

from Windows Central Forums

Groove Music update for Fast ring Insiders makes 'Your Groove' more colorful

Microsoft has updated the Groove Music app for Windows 10 on PC and Mobile for Fast ring Insiders. The update makes the recently launched "Your Groove" feature "more colorful."

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

Someone runing W10M without problems on Facebook/Messenger apps?

Hi, i want to know if there are users of the BLU WIN HD LTE runing the W10M and not having problems with the new facebook app and messenger app. because i read about people who have visualization issues on this apps when they use W10M on the WIN HD LTE. and im wanting to update from 8.1 to W10 but im waiting till know if this error is in all BLU WIN HD LTE devices or only a few devices

from Windows Central Forums

Starbucks Windows 10 app is in 'final testing'; could launch 'in the next few weeks'

Starbucks' digital head Adam Brotman says that the long-awaited Windows 10 app for the coffee retailer is in "final testing" and could be released "in the next few weeks".

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

An easy way to download your Xbox video clips and screenshots to your PC

Xbox DVR - View your Xbox clips and screenshots

This site has been around for a while now and I kind of forgot that it existed. It's a great way to grab your Xbox screenshots and video clips. You don't even have to sign up. Just search for your gamertag (or anyone's gamertag) and just like that you can download your recent recordings.

from Windows Central Forums

AT&T customers can claim free movie ticket as part of new rewards program

AT&T has officially started its new rewards program by offering all of its post-paid wirelss customers a free movie ticket if they buy one for a Tuesday showing at an AMC or Regal movie theater.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

Nokia Lumia 520 won't start after the start screens come up.

My Lumia 520 is on the start screen where it says Nokia and then there's the AT&T symbol. It goes back and forth between them and just won't turn on. I've tried resetting my phone already. It just won't turn on past the start screen.

from Windows Central Forums

Two User Accounts After W10 Upgrade

Hi everyone! Wanted to see if someone could shed some light on something for me. About a month ago I upgraded my work PC to Windows 10 from Windows 7. Everything went smoothly and I've had virtually no issues with it since the upgrade. However, I noticed something recently that I'm a little confused about. I now have two user accounts where before I had just one. The username I log in with is "ManageTwo", which is still there, but now I also have a "ManageTwo.000". The weird thing about it is some things seem to point to one of the accounts, and other things point to the other one. For example:

Under "ManageTwo", my Sharepoint and OneDrive Personal drives are there. Meaning if I save something to OneDrive, it goes to C:\Users\ManageTwo\OneDrive.

Under "ManageTwo.000", my OneDrive for Business and my standard PC folders like Desktop, Downloads, etc. point here. Meaning if I save something to my Desktop, it goes in to the folder C:\Users\ManageTwo.000\Desktop.

I'm logging in using ManageTwo, and the odd thing to me is that everything seems to be seamless, like I don't notice when I'm using a folder under ManageTwo or ManageTwo.000. I want to try and understand what happened here before I update the other PC's in my office. Any info on this would be appreciated, thanks!

from Windows Central Forums

Why didn't microsoft think this through?

At this point every Surface Book owner has seen that Windows Media Player does not scale to the deafult Resolution and DPI of the SB. Why in the world has microsoft not made WMP DPI aware to scale on the screen of it's own device? This has been annoying and imo just bad QA. This bugging anyone else?

from Windows Central Forums

Turtle Beach's HyperSound Glass was the most jaw-dropping discovery at E3

E3 is all about the games, sure, but it wasn't a game that totally blew my mind in LA. It was Turtle Beach's HyperSound Glass.
Turtle Beach has patented a method of amplifying and directing audio using ultrasound, and I experienced it for the first time at their E3 2016 booth in Los Angeles.
I entered the meeting room expecting to see a physical prototype only, perhaps some PR speak, and maybe a slick concept video.

Little did I know, I was already experiencing HyperSound.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

[Guide] Installing Windows phone 8.1 GDR2 with/without SD card (X2X Series)


Hi guys, I successfully managed to get Windows Phone 8.1 Update 2 on my Lumia 925. So I thought of making this guide for those who are itching to get back GDR2 on their phones (920,925,1020.....)

Just so you know, I am not making this guide on my own. I have done a complete surf through xda-developers forums (each and every comment), only after doing so, I thought of making this guide. I am not a developer just a leecher using these tools :)

Advice - Please be patient and calm as your phone will be standing at death's door during the entire process. So it entirely depends on you whether you managed to get through this successfully or not :)

Anyway, I will be guiding you through out the entire process in laymen terms so that you might not get astray.


1) Changes made to your phone are not permanent and can be restored using Lumia Software Recovery Tool or Windows Phone Recovery Tool or Windows Phone Internal v1.2

2) Doing this procedure sometimes might accidentally brick your phones, so feel free to ask me questions before proceeding.

3) Exceptional Cases - These are the errors you might possibly face if something goes wrong during the process.

a) Your phone doesn't boot and stays blank (QHSUSB_DLOAD error - to confirm see it in the device manager of your PC)

Use Windows Recovery Tool and select "Device Not Detected" and it will bring your phone back to normal. If the WDR Tool doesn't help go to this link and use the procedure described in it.

b) Your phone says "Unable to find a bootable option. Press any key to shut down" - For this use the same Windows Recovery Tool.

Software Requirements

1) Any Nokia Lumia X2X Series (with and without SD card) running the below OS versions

  • 8.10.14219.341
  • 8.10.14226.359
  • 8.10.14234.375 (My lumia 925 is on this version)

These OS versions are crucial, so before attempting this procedure check if your phone OS has any one of these versions, if not, please politely withdraw right now, before it is too late.

2) Please backup your phone, as sometimes (aforementioned exceptional cases) you may need to flash your original ROM back to your phone.

3) Files needed

a) WPinternals 1.2 and Engineering-SBL3s - Here

b) CustomPFD_0006.xap - Here

c) Emergency loaders - These are the files that helps your phone get back to former state in case of any contingencies.

How to get these files (.mbn and .hex)

i) Go to this link and search for your product code (in my case it is 059T0P2)

ii) Under the "Model Info" original rom files you will see another section with heading "Emergency files"

iii) Download both of them (.mbn and .hex) and move to a folder named "Emergency loaders" (You can use any name...)

d) Windows Device Recovery Tool - Here

We will use this tool to recover your phone in case it is bricked. But, be aware that this tool may sometimes recover your phone and if it doesn't then it is time for you to look for a new phone.

e) Windows 8.1 SDK lite tools - Here

f) Original ROM files - Here

4) Ok, now you have all the required files before you get started.

Hardware Requirements

1) Nokia Lumia X2X Series with SD and without SD card capability.

2) USB cable.

3) Working PC (lol)

Process: Part 1 - Preparation

1) Hard reset isn't needed, just make sure you have any one of those aforementioned OS versions installed on your phone.

2) Next, connect your phone to PC, and Open Windows Phone Internals.exe from the downloaded file (Windows Phone Internals.rar), you will be welcomed with a "Getting started" page. Read it thoroughly so that you will get familiar and aware of risks involved in using this tool. Don't just skim it :)

After opening the tool, Go to "info" and click "Flash mode" under the security tab. Your device will be restarted in flash mode.


Important : Leave the Windows Phone Internals tool open during the entire process (or at least during the flashing)
3) Now, go to "Unlock boot loader" and select the required files for unlocking as shown in the below image. This is where the above downloaded files will come into play.

4) Now click continue and wait for the tool to finish the unlocking process. After it is done, your phone will be booted normally.

To ensure whether the boot loader is successfully unlocked or not, check whether the status of Qfuse, Effective bootloader security, Secure boot platform, Effective boot status turned to green like as shown in the below image. After ensuring only, go for next step.


Note : You will get info only during Flash Mode, so before checking the status put your phone to "Flash Mode"

5) Now you need to enable root access in your phone, which is essential for changing the registry keys.

Now click "Enable Root Access" in the WPI tool and click "unlock phone".

After it is done, a window will be opened in the PC as soon as the rooting process is finished, showing the internal files of your phone, just leave them as it is and don't try to modify them. Your phone will stay blank as it is in Mass Storage mode, which is perfectly normal, don't get panic.

Just press Power button and Volume down for 10 sec and your phone will exit Mass Storage mode. And it will boot normally to your lockscreen.

6) Almost 80% of the process is completed, at this step your phone is successfully unlocked and root access is enabled.

7) Now go to PC and open "Windows Phone Application Deployment 8.1" >> Target = Device; App = "pathoffile\CustomPFD_0006.xap" >> Open >> Deploy >> Deploying File >> App deployment complete. >> Close

8) Verify if "CustomPFD_0006.xap" shows up in app list. If it is there, then you are good to go.

Process: Part 2 - Registry Edits

1) Open "CustomPFD Registry Editor" >> REGISTRY TREE >> HKLM >> SYSTEM >> Platform >> DeviceTargetingInfo

2) Edit Registry:

PhoneMobileOperatorName >> 000-88 >> Write
PhoneManufacturerModelName >> WinWin >> Write
PhoneManufacturer >> HIGHSCREEN >> Write

3) After editing the registry close the app and don't check for updates as we have two more important steps to do.

a) First : Go to "Windows Phone Internals tool" and select "Disable Root Access", make sure you get the message "Root access is disabled". After doing this step, your phone will boot normally and wait for it to boot to lock-screen.

b) Second : After disabling the root access, Click "Restore Bootloader" in the WPI tool (your phone will again go to flash mode). Wait for the process to complete and phone to boot back to normal.

You might be wondering why as soon as we edit the registry we should disable the root access and bootloader, right?
Reason is if you update the phone without disabling the root access and boot loader, the newly downloaded update might corrupt your phone, leading to its death. You wouldn't want that right?

That is why you see this message in the Windows Phone Internal Tool"Getting Started" Page.


A warning : First "Disable root access" and then "Restore boot loader", and don't ever never do the other way (i.e., restoring boot loader without disabling root access, doing so will brick your phone.)
4) Head's up - Don't check for updates without doing the 3rd step as it is the crucial step in the whole process.

Now go to Settings >> phone update >> check for updates >> Install Updates >> Done

5) After the update is installed you may chose to reset and start fresh. Resetting is not mandatory.

That's it.......Enjoy GDR2 on your phone having no SD card :)

Also for those people who would want to "Unlock boot loader" and "Enable root access" again, don't do it as "Windows Phone Internal tool" doesn't support "Enable Root Access" for this OS version : 8.10.15137.148 which is kinda bummer for me.


Anyway we can enable root access for it if we can manage to convince @Heathcliff74XDA to add support for this version.
Note : Remember when using the Windows Phone Internals Tool, always make note of this two important rules.
"First Unlock bootloader and then only Enable Root Access"
"First Disable Root Access and then only Restore Bootloader"

Finally, all the people involved directly or indirectly in making this possible (including me) will not be held responsible for any damage.

BTW I am back to this OS version : 8.10.14234.375 as I need Root access, Haha.

This ends the tutorial. Sry for my poor english, please feel free to correct it.

Good Luck :)

Post below if you are successful in installing GDR2 update or have any questions.
Attached Images

from Windows Central Forums

Landscape vs portait

Can the Surface Pro 4 be used in both the Landscape vs portrait view

from Windows Central Forums

Microsoft Store adds a free $50 gift card to Xbox One bundles

The Microsoft Store has added a free $50 gift card to most of its Xbox One bundles, on top of its previous promotions for the console. The new offer will end on July 17.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

Sound streaming crashes

I continuously lose my sound connection when streaming live radio on my 2 year old Surface RT. This requires that I refresh the browser page every couple of minutes. Does anyone know a fix for this?

from Windows Central Forums

To The Castle, delivering classic arcade gaming to Windows 10 Mobile

To The Castle is a retro styled Windows 10 arcade game where you play the role of Sir Petronius, a brave knight set on saving the world. Available for Windows 10 Mobile, To The Castle sports old-school, pixelated graphics, simple controls and two gaming modes.
Gameplay has a bit of zip to it and coins can be collected throughout the gaming levels that can be used to buy items to improve your chances at success. To The Castle also has a level editor where you can create your own gaming levels that can be shared with other gamers.
The free gaming title is ad-supported and also available for Windows Phone 8.1 devices, including low-memory units. While To The Castle may lack groundbreaking graphics and extensive gaming controls, the classic gaming style works. If you need help passing the time, To The Castle is an option worth considering.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

something really weird is happening this week with my phone

ok so this this week I've had 2 updates for my 950XL which doesn't make sense as I'm on the slow ring and have never had that ever since owning my device! And I think I've went backwards (if that's even possible) and I am on OS 10.0.143720 when I know I was on 11.x.xxxxx can any of you tell me what version you're on in the slow ring at this moment? also what firmware? and can anyone confirm that you have had 2 updates in the past week with the last one just recently like yesterday or the day before? I am wondering what the heck is wrong with my phone that it needs so many updates? the last update even disabled my glance screen and I had to go back and re-enable it.... and if we did have those updates how come no one mentioned it here on WC?

from Windows Central Forums

Digitizer & Screen replacement

I have a WIN HD LTE X150E and it has developed a problem with digitizer response in the centre of the screen. Have tried the software routes through to WIN Recovery to reload the firmware with no change, I therefore think it is a hardware digitizer issue and the screen and other functions seem to still work 100%.

To fix this:

1. Has anyone posted a disassembly video anywhere? So far not found one, and this must be the first time I have not found any posted information for a handset

2. Does anyone know if the digitizer is bonded to the screen? I have done HTCs and iPhones before, and these have used bonded which usually needs a replacement screen and digitizer to get both clarity and the right thickness

I had HTC 8S and X handsets before and desperately wanted HTC to release a new windows device to avoid being forced down the Lumia option. The BLU WIN HD LTE handset is very good up to now. I would like to continue using it!

from Windows Central Forums

BioShock: The Collection is coming to PC and consoles this September

BioShock: The Collection is coming to PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on September 13. The collection itself will contain remastered versions of all three titles in the series thus far (with DLC) for current-gen systems.

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from Windows Central Forums

Band not syncing with computer app or the Windows 10 app

So when I plug my band into my computer and try to sync it, both the app for Windows 7 and the new windows 10 app will not recognize it. Anyone else have this problem?

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android

from Windows Central Forums

Has anyone been able to drive a 21:9 monitor successfully from a Surface Book?

I recently picked up a 34" LG monitor and have had nothing but disappointment from it when attached to a Surface Book. When attached to my original Surface Pro and my later SP3, the monitor functions perfectly at max res of 2560 x 1080 and works either as a primary or extended display. On the Book, it won't display at a res above 1920 x 1080, which leaves black areas left and right on the screen. Display settings allow me to call for 2560 x 1080 (recommended) but Apply won't change the display and I get the red-letter message that the settings cannot be saved. There are additional problems depending on whether I plug the monitor directly into the Book or run it through one of the display ports on the Surface Dock. Sometimes I can extend the displays from Book screen to LG, but mostly I have to choose between Screen 1 and Screen 2. The random nature of these problems is making it hard to diagnose an underlying difficulty. I also get two- to four-second blackouts on the external monitor every two to five minutes when the display is loafing and much more frequently when scrolling through large web pages or moving from tab to tab.

I'd really like to hear that somebody else is successfully driving an ultrawide monitor from a Book, because that would give me hope that my machine can be used as I want to use it. If this turns out to be a universal problem, the Book (which I otherwise very much like) is going to be demoted to my secondary machine and I will go back to the SP3.

from Windows Central Forums

FB Messenger - no keyboard

Has anyone else experienced not being able to enter any text in the new FB Messenger?
I tap on the text field but the keyboard fails to appear ... strikes me as an essential for a messaging app.
My phone is the Lumia 950 xl.
I can do all the other stuff, the gifs, the photos and emoji and as much as it is to communicate using emoji ... it can get a little tedious.

from Windows Central Forums

Tube cast doesn't play songs while app open

Tube cast has stopped playing songs while the app is open and the video is playing, no sound, but when you exit the app it starts playing the music. This is via earphones. Anyone else facing this issue?

from Windows Central Forums

where is the icloud on my nokia lumina 8.1

i have a icloud in my email and accounts but it says not up to date is there a way to change password

from Windows Central Forums

Amazon Prime Day makes its triumphant return on July 12

Amazon is bringing back Prime Day, the day in which it offers an abundance of awesome deals for Prime members. Beginning July 5 Amazon will begin running a number of specials leading up to the big day, which will be July 12. Last year the retailer slashed pricing on Chromebooks, Kindles, televisions, security cameras and more.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

Windows 10 Anniversary Update will also hit mobile on August 2

Microsoft plans to roll out the Windows 10 Anniversary Update to PCs and other capable hardware on August 2, but now we have confirmation that mobile devices will also receive the update on that very same day. Head of Microsoft's Windows Insider program, Dona Sarkar, confirmed on Twitter that phones will also start to receive the update as part of a gradual roll out.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

#OneCast Ep 21: Hands on with Battlefield 1, INSIDE and the implications of Scorpio

On this episode of the OneCast, we round up our biggest moments of E3 2016!

The latest episode of our Xbox and Microsoft podcast, the #OneCast, is now available and accessible through major podcast distribution services. On this week's episode, we share our thoughts on the announcements made at E3 2016, our hands-on experiences at the event and Playdead's latest platformer, Inside.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

Lumia 650 flashlight turns on by itself?

Today i noticed it second time. I got home and noticed it lights through my poket. Turns out flashlight turned on by itself. I didn't actually tried to turn it off in a quickapps, because i didn't knew it was there. yeah i know, but i didn't had much time to know all things yet. Instead i reloaded my phone. It happens 2nd time already. System is up-to-date.

Is there a way to fix it, or i need to go to service, or change it to a new one?

from Windows Central Forums

win 10 installation

I run the installation of win 10 om my HP laptop but by erreur at the end of the installation I pressed decline and now I can boot to the previous systeme to reinstal win 10

from Windows Central Forums

no 2g option in lumia 930 in highest connection speed


i have lumia 930, and don't have 2g option in sim settings, please help to resolve this issue, i have tried different roms (global black) with recovery tool but no success
i have upgraded to windows 10 but no success, still have only 3g/4g option

from Windows Central Forums

How to manage local users in Windows 10

Add, remove, or change users from your Windows 10 laptop or computer.
Windows 10 will let you make multiple accounts on your computer, so your friends or family can all share the same PC. You won't have to worry about not being able to control the user accounts because as the system administrator of your Windows 10 computer or laptop, you add, change, and remove accounts as you please.
Just so you're aware, a local user is the terminology Microsoft uses to describe someone who doesn't already have a Microsoft account.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

Windows 10 Mail app - Default ot show unread items only

I'm trying to set up the Windows 10 Mail app for somebody (The one that comes with Windows by default), and I want to set it so that it defaults to showing only the unread messages without you having to select it from the drop down box.

Is this even possible, and if so how can I do it?

There are a few reasons why I'm setting this app up for them. Rather than using Outlook or Thunderbird, or any of the 100 other mail apps. Most of these reasons are to do with the person who I'm setting it up for being stubborn and pedantic, rather than anything actually logical. So please don't suggest trying an alternative (Better) email client.

from Windows Central Forums

What if some bugs aren't solved because very few have seen them?

I've been thinking that some bugs or missing functionality can go unnoticed because very few use them. For example, because of Cortana's limited availability, I'm sure that the feedback is much lower than would be if all users could access it. Similarly, the feedback about edge could be low on pc because most people use either chrome or firefox

Should we have insiders testing the system features even if they don't usually use them?

For example, I don't use notifications or glance screen or hotspot so I haven't given any feedback on those. Similarly, I don't use MS camera, preferring Lumia camera thus no feedback on improvement for the same

from Windows Central Forums

Is there a windows phone app for monitoring internal components temperature?

Is there a windows phone app for monitoring internal components temperature for example CPU, GPU, Battery.

from Windows Central Forums

how to activate onedrive

I shout down onedrive as xampp did not work and both xampp and one drive use port 80. I didnt helt any way noe I like to use onedrive again and cant find how to reopen it

from Windows Central Forums


Is there anyone received 10586.456 insider release preview for BLU Win JR LTE in India? I didn't receive yet..!!!

from Windows Central Forums

How to upgrade Win 8.1 to Win 10 in Huawei Y11B ?

I recently acquired a Huawei Y11B laptop which is running Win 8.1. As the Win10 upgrade is free I want to do it. The laptop C drive has only 6 GB of free space left out of total of 23.2 GB whereas it has another drive fitted which has 450 GB of space. I tried doing the upgrade from Windows Update but it keeps telling me I dont have enough space on C drive. I have also tried running disk cleanup and cleaning system files repeatedly but the space has not increased. Can anyone guide me as to how to go about the upgrade. Would appreciate a detailed answer. Thanks

from Windows Central Forums

Microsoft's 1TB Surface Book and Surface Pro 4 are available in 10 more markets

Microsoft's high-end Surface Book and Surface Pro 4 configurations (both with 1TB of on-board SSD storage) are now available in 10 more countries: Australia, Austria, China, France, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. The company has also promised to launch the two 1TB variants in more regions by the end of 2016.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

project my screen not working

project my screen is not working with my dell inspiron 15 (windows 10 10586.63) on my sony bravia. even budget smartphones are easily projecting the screen. is the problem with hardware or software? laptop bought 3 days back.though it connects sometimes , the display on my bravia is not responding instantly like it does with the smartphone. my tv is dlna and miracast supported

from Windows Central Forums

windows hello is not working on Lenovo Y50-70

how to use Windows Hello on laptops with there default camera, Is there any update related to this.

from Windows Central Forums

Lumia 530 error message 80004005 persist ISP assures there is nothing wrong with my email account.

All settings are correct and I can send and receive emails but this message screen continues to show every time I check my emails. Any ideas or how to get rid of it? Thank you.

from Windows Central Forums

Frequent Shutdown


I am having Nokia Lumia 1520 brought in Oct 2014. Till May this year the phone was working fine. But all of a sudden the phone is getting shut down. Unless I plug the charger the phone is not getting on. Sometimes it shows the battery as 2% and within 15-20 min the battery goes to full charge level. When the phone is plugged to charger the shut down never happens. When the ph is off from charger and I use the phone its just shuts down. Took the phone to service center and the person said the battery is ok. I had Win 10 then subscribed to Insider and did hard reset. But still the result is same. If the phone is fully charged and I am not using it the battery drain out is very less.

I am puzzled at what has happened. Please help.




from Windows Central Forums

Windows 10 build 14372 ( Slow Ring) in INDIA.

I am using Lumia 640XL and part of windows insider program. Presently i am running windows 10 preview slow ring 15184.420. When am i going to receive the latest build of slow ring.

from Windows Central Forums

When I am trying to open Facebook app in my windows mobile, It gets stuck.

When I am trying to open Facebook app in my windows mobile, It gets stuck.

from Windows Central Forums

My Xbox avatar isn't saving correctly: how do I fix it?

So I recently updated my avatar on my Xbox 1 cuz I have a new look. I naught the beanie w black shaggy hair (total rip of, Xbox y u no have beanies for free?) and I fixed up my face and height. I also changed my color. When I was done, I saved my avatar. I saved the right way, when ever I click on view profile it has my avatar all nice and updated! However, you know the little head shot of you before u click to view the profile? It never changed! It still has my old avatar and color on it! However, when I go to view profile, it shows my updated guy. I went back, redacted everything, and nothing happened! I shut down my xbox 1 and went to bed. The next day, nothing happened:( it's been like this for a week, I've even unplugged my Ethernet cable and it didn't work! Someone plz haelp! I hate other people seeing my old dorky avatar that looks like crap! Anyone know what to do?

from Windows Central Forums

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Anniversary Update For Low End Mobiles too? Like 512MB RAM

Dear All.,

Pls let us know Anniversary Updates for 512MB RAM's too? or Redstone branch?

from Windows Central Forums

how do I get internet explorer for windows 10

how do I make google my default browser

from Windows Central Forums

Samurai II: Revenge port

This game "The Last Samurai 2" is a port of Samurai II: Revenge from Madfinger. How is this possible?

from Windows Central Forums

Windows 10 stuck at 98 percent

Wait and wait no action

from Windows Central Forums

Major Update to Facebook Messenger for Windows 10 Mobile

Not sure if you guys here at Windows Central are already aware, but more than 12 hours ago, a new update to the Facebook Messenger app for Windows 10 for Phones was rolled out that essentially overhauled/replaced the old app.

The new Messenger app is now pretty much on par with its iOS and Android equivalents, might even be a direct port from one of those versions.

Thought you might want to check it out, if you haven't already. :smile:

from Windows Central Forums

My avatar isn't saving correctly

So I recently updated my avatar on my Xbox 1 cuz I have a new look. I naught the beanie w black shaggy hair (total rip of, Xbox y u no have beanies for free?) and I fixed up my face and height. I also changed my color. When I was done, I saved my avatar. I saved the right way, when ever I click on view profile it has my avatar all nice and updated! However, you know the little head shot of you before u click to view the profile? It never changed! It still has my old avatar and color on it! However, when I go to view profile, it shows my updated guy. I went back, redacted everything, and nothing happened! I shut down my xbox 1 and went to bed. The next day, nothing happened:( it's been like this for a week, I've even unplugged my Ethernet cable and it didn't work! Someone plz haelp! I hate other people seeing my old dorky avatar that looks like crap! Anyone know what to do?

from Windows Central Forums

No update!

I have a phone update, but nothing happens - it just sits on the screen (see attached).

Tried switching to WiFi - no difference. No error. It just sits there...

Help me!

Attached Images

from Windows Central Forums

Touch screen repairquestion.

Replacing the screen (cracked) on my 640 XL. Have a replacement screen with frame.

Installed, screen is fine, buttons work, but it doesn't respond to touch.

from Windows Central Forums

What is the batery life with normal daily use

I am considering buying the Microsoft - Surface Pro 4 - 12.3" - 256GB - 16GB Intel Core i7. With normal use ( no HD gaming, or video editing) how long will the battery last on a normal day. Right now I have the Samsung Galaxy Note Pro and the iPad Pro, but want to go to a single windows 10 based tablet (2in1) because that would match all of my computers at home. At Work I use my table approx. 8-10 hours a day and then charge them at night. Will the Microsoft - Surface Pro 4 be able to do the same, Or will I need to plug it in to charge during the day?

from Windows Central Forums

Can we expect anniversary update to w10m on 2 august 2016?

Can we expect update on 2 august whatever called anniversary or Redstone update?
Microsoft recently officially announced for windows 10 not include mobile device,
Like MS Makes delay official W10M update hope this time they change their history.

from Windows Central Forums

4th of July Sale: Save 20% on your favorite Windows Central Shop accessories

Before you fire up the grill and fireworks this 4th of July, swing by Windows Central Shop to save 20% on your favorite accessories.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

ASUS announces the ROG STRIX RX 480, its first AMD Polaris graphics card

ASUS has taken the wraps off its upcoming Republic of Gamers STRIX RX 480, the first AMD Polaris GPU the company will launch. Producing less heat and more power than predecessor AMD cards, the new STRIX RX 480 will prove an ideal purchase for those wanting to upgrade or move into the ROG family. ASUS has opted to pair up 8GB of GDDR5 VRAM.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

My power button stopped working (950)

My 950's power button just suddenly stopped working. I didn't drop it, nor did it come in contact with water. Just one day It was working great, and just stopped. Is there a fix or is it probably hardware related? If so how do I go about fixing it. Thanks!

from Windows Central Forums

MS Health Band Syncing Mobile Build 14376

Is there a fix for MS Health/Lumia 950 not seeing my Band 2 in Mobile Build 14376?

from Windows Central Forums

Messenger blue icon

Hello, how I can remove Messenger blue icon, when I logout from all Messenger apps, my friend still see that icon? Anyone help, please?

from Windows Central Forums

Get a free Samsung 32-inch TV when you buy a $700 or over Dell PC

Dell has a new deal that will allow buyers of its PCs that are priced $699.99 or over to get a free 32-inch Samsung TV that's normally worth $319.99.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

14376: Apps Corner still has issues

Updated to latest Redstone 14376.

Apps Corner appears on Start Screen first time you use it, then it disappears and you cannot get it to show up on start screen again.
in Apps Corner setup, you cannot click on the pin to start screen as it is greyed out still.

Layout still resets every time you go into Apps Corner.
Start Screen Live Tiles still get cleared when exiting Apps Corner.

So still a big FAIL on this build with Apps Corner.
If this is going to Anniversary Update that is slated for August, still have a ways to go before its ready IMHO.

Waiting for a full 2 days on this build before judging anything related to battery life.

from Windows Central Forums

Students in the U.S. and Canada can save at least $300 off a Surface-Xbox One bundle

Microsoft has announced a new bundle deal for students in the U.S. and Canada. Those folks can save at least $300 when purchasing either a new Surface Book or Surface Pro 4 with an Xbox One from now until August 14.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

Quotey, an abundance of memorable citations delivered to your Windows 10 device

Quotey is a large collection of memorable quotes from prominent figures around the world. The app is available for Windows 10 PC and Mobile that also features support for user-added quotations and phrases.
The Windows 10 app currently has just over 37,000 quotations with more quotes added daily. The layout is minimal and save for a few glitches, Quotey is a nice source for citations and can come in handy if you are searching for an inspirational excerpt, a signature line or anywhere else words of wisdom could be used.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

Windows 10 Anniversary Update to include lots of security improvements

Microsoft has posted more details on how the upcoming Windows 10 Anniversary Update will include a number of security improvements for the OS. The update will be released for free to all Windows 10 users on August 2.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

What's keeping you on the Insider Builds?

THe biggest reason I am on the insider build was the MEssaging Everywhere feature, but now that they have taken it away, I wonder what all else y'all are holding on the insider builds still.

The Pen options is one feature I could think of. But I dont use it that much.

from Windows Central Forums

Lumia 1520 capacitive keys disable

I read in a reddit thread that somebody used a tweak(registry hack) to disable capacitive keys and enable navigation bar on a Nokia Lumia 1520...however, they did not say how...I would like to do this because my cap keys have a short that almost instantly drains the battery so I cannot use the phone anymore and have been using a 640 for months...I think that this would solve my problem, but I have been searching online forever and can't find the tweak...I have interop took installed...can anybody help

from Windows Central Forums

Back button for games?

Is there anyway to force the menu buttons to pop up when playing full screen games?

from Windows Central Forums

Xbox Anniversary Update details confirmed ahead of August 2 release

Now that Microsoft has made the Anniversary Update official for August 2, it's as good a time as any to refresh ourselves with what we can expect across the board. The next version of Windows 10 will bring Xbox and PC much closer together, as well as updating the user interface and feature set on the Xbox One.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

Windows 10 now running on over 350 million devices worldwide

Microsoft has revealed that Windows 10 is now running on over 350 million devices worldwide, 11 months after the OS first launched in July 2015.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

why new maps app is white ?

You have an amoled screen phone that its not the best for white themes but you love it because pure black looks awesome.
Then you have an OS so ou can choose dark , ( that is brown-grey on W10) ..
.. and then comes the latest update on maps app , and the app becomes white with no option to go back .. and makes not want to use it anymore ..
Why ?

from Windows Central Forums

It's official: Windows 10 'Anniversary Update' coming August 2nd

Microsoft has today announced that the Windows 10 'Anniversary Update' will be arriving officially on August 2nd, 2016, alongside announcing that there are now over 350 million Windows 10 devices out there in the wild. From today, you have only one month to take advanatage of the free Windows 10 upgrade offer, which expires on July 29th, a few days before the Anniversary Update rolls out.

From Microsoft's official blog post:

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

Spotlight not changing photos

I hadn't noticed this until recently. My spotlight images have not been changing at all. It's stuck on some sea picture with a boat.

How can I get it to work again? I regularly use my surface 3 with about 3-5 hours of use per day on wifi.

OS at the moment is 10586.420

Any solutions I can try?

from Windows Central Forums

SanDisk announces new super-fast 256GB Extreme UHS-I microSD card

Western Digital-owned SanDisk has announced new 256GB microSD cards, including the super-fast Extreme microSDXC UHS-I card. The new family of high-capacity microSD cards offer something for everyone, whether you wish to add storage to your smartphone or require new medium to store your RAW camera roll.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

These awesome charging accessories are up to 70% off right now!

Right now you can save up to 70% on a variety of chargers and charging accessories from RavPower at Amazon. From desktop charging stations to wireless chargers and portable power banks, these deals will help you keep your phone and tablet charged in just about any situation.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums


Is it possible to encrypt a surface 4?

from Windows Central Forums

How to change your keyboard layout on Windows 10 PC

How do I change my keyboard layout in Windows 10?
Most of the time, typing with the default keyboard layout that came with your Windows 10 PC is going to be just fine; however, if you ever want a special character to be one simple keystroke away— like the umlaut — changing the configuration of your keyboard can be a big help.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

Alternative to Microsoft OneNote app

OneNote is by far the best note-taking app one can use to take quick notes,etc but sadly, Now it doesn't allow to take notes when the Mobile data(Or WiFi) is OFF.
If i have to take notes or create a To-Do list, user must be connected to the internet at all times which is not possible sometimes.(For Eg: when in Flight Mode)
So if there is any work around or any other app which works Offline, then kindly feel free to suggest.

Thanks and Regards,

Raviraj H.

from Windows Central Forums

VLC for Windows 10 is now available for everyone to enjoy

VideoLAN, the developer behind the popular VLC player, has launched the media app on Windows 10 for everyone to enjoy across the platform. While it's certainly a feature-rich experience, a handful of things are missing when compared to the desktop client, including support for DVD or Blu-ray.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

Isn't the HP Elite X3 the surface phone? It meets all the rumours almost perfectly

It seems like from what I've read and heard that the Elite X3 meets pretty much every rumour that's been going around about the surface phone.
Are we looking past it still hoping for a magic phone from microsoft to suddenly bring all our windows phone dreams true?

from Windows Central Forums

why can't i find BBM app on windows store, i am using Lumia 950

I am using Lumia 950 and I can't find BBM App on windows store, what is the problem.


from Windows Central Forums

6tag shows ADs even after I pay for th e"Remove ads + video upload"

I noticed that after the recent update, I started to see the ADs in the program again even I already payed to removal them?
Does anyone observe the same and know how to deal with it?

from Windows Central Forums

Lumia 650 overheating and battery drain issue

Hey guys. I just recently got the 650, loving it so far although I've noticed a concerning issue. The phone heats up abnormally when using data around the sim card slot area during what I would consider light use such as browsing on edge or using apps like twitter, FB, whatsapp etc. The battery also drains faster than usual I reckon due to the overheating.

On wifi these problems don't occur. I've tried soft + hard resetting but the issue still persists and I'm on the latest Redstone update. Is there an alternative fix for this? It's really frustrating because I cant use my phone as much as I'd hope to during the day due to charge anxiety.

from Windows Central Forums

Lumia 950 XL - Front Facing Camera not working - 14376

I am facing still the issue that the front facing camera on my Lumia 950 XL is not working, same counts for Iris recognition. Any idea what I can do? I got the phone two weeks back, before jumping on insider the camera worked.
Overall the build runs very smoothly on my device, battery is performing great.

Thanks a lot

Michael D.

from Windows Central Forums

Evernote hikes up prices, limits free users to two devices

Evernote has announced that it will increase the prices for its Plus and Premium tiers, while limiting the sync functionality for Basic users to two devices. Under the new pricing plan, Plus users have to shell out $3.99 per month (up from $2.99) or $34.99 yearly, and Premium users will have to pay $7.99 per month (from $5.99) or $69.99 annually.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Why the keyboard on the screen is not at the bottom? Lumia 950

The bottom edge of keyboard on the screen of my Lumia 950 hangs a bit above the screen edge and upper edge of the key board covers part of print box so I can't see what I'm typing. How to fix it?

from Windows Central Forums

can i get windows 10 update in my nokia lumia 720 with 8.1 os

windows insider is also not working in my nokia lumia 720

from Windows Central Forums

can i get windows 10 update in my nokia lumia 720 with 8.1 os

windows insider is also not working in my nokia lumia 720

from Windows Central Forums

Any chances of Whatsapp getting an update for windows 10 mobile?

Because, this version was made for win 8 and it hasn't changed much even after the OS upgrade.. Any developer versions in beta?

from Windows Central Forums

Flash not working in y nokia lumia 930

Flash stopped working. Dont know what happened. When I try to use flashlight, it doesn't glow at all. is anyone facing the same issue. I am using windows 10

from Windows Central Forums

Facebook Messenger picks up major update, now available as native Windows 10 Mobile app

Facebook Messenger has received a major update with a redesigned user interface, bringing it in line with the desktop client for Windows 10. The Mobile client now includes the changes introduced in the beta client.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

U.S. carriers enable free calls to Turkey following Istanbul terror attacks

Following the devastating terror attacks at Istanbul's Atatürk airport, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon have announced that their customers can call and text friends and family in Turkey for free.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

Lumia 1520 Mobile screen flickering [Both Win 8.1 and Win 10].

Guys if anyone had noticed this and has any procedure to solve, please share here.
THis happens during some gameplay and also on the Main Screen.

from Windows Central Forums

New FB Messenger broken

Always crashes after sms approval :/
Please help i can't sign in to the app

from Windows Central Forums

The Straw That Broke the Camel's Back

Hello all!

I realize that I've not been a very frequent user of these forums since I first started using Windows Phone (starting with my HTC 8XT 2 years ago). That being said I have indeed been very supportive of the Window Phone platform during the past 2 years, until now.

After much time to think about it, today I finally decided to let go of my Lumia 640 and replace it with a cheaper Samsung Galaxy Amp 2 at the cricket store. And I have a few reasons why, which I will get into in just a moment. First, I want to explain that this is not meant to belittle Microsoft, the Windows mobile platform, or anyone who uses the platform. I have every intent for this post to be a constructive way for people to vent and express their likings and dislikings of Windows 10 Mobile.

Now, on to my reasons for leaving the platform (not necessarily the community):

1) I'm really tired of having an outdated Facebook and Messenger app. Every time someone "reacted" to one of my posts, I would get the notification, but wouldn't be able to see the reaction on my phone. On top of that, I was also unable to "react" to other posts. This is on the Windows 10 Mobile app, FYI.

The app was also slow as a dog. Every time I wanted to load something, I'd be sitting there wasting my time for a picture to load. Half the time, the picture wouldn't even load, leaving just a blank post with comments. The other half, the picture would load, and then the app would crash, which leads me onto my next point.

2) Windows 10 Mobile is crash happy. This is the biggest reason why I'm moving on. I realize that the "official" OTA version of Windows 10 isn't available yet on my Lumia 640. AT&T has yet to even make much mention of releasing the update. As such, I went the Windows Insider route, and was able to install a recent "stable" build.

After the installation, all of my apps seemed to work alright. However, a few days into it, I started to notice that all of my apps would crash, and would do so quite frequently.

3) I can no longer find Here Drive in the Windows store. This was my favorite GPS app, as it had turn by turn navigation, and allowed me to download maps (for free) of my entire state for offline use.

While the new Maps app does allow for map downloading and turn by turn navigation, I was always unable to get a route started unless I was connected to the internet via WiFi or LTE. This is infuriating for me as I do sometimes find myself in areas with no cell coverage.

The nice thing about Maps though is that, when it does work, it tells you what side of the street your destination is on.

4) It's been 2 years, and I have yet to see the Windows store improve its app selection. All I see are just third rate apps that try to mimick a certain service, or even act as a third party app for a well known service. For instance, I want to watch YouTube. While, I love MetroTube and MyTube, they sometimes break when Google upgrades things to the YouTube API. Also, my grandfather (on my dad's side), who I hardly see, asked me to add him on SnapChat. Problem is that, there is no official SnapChat app for Windows, nor can I find a third party one.

If Microsoft is willing to fix these issues, and there is a positive improvement in the app selection, I may consider returning to the platform. Until then, Windows 10 Mobile has not been a positive experience for me, and I'm tired of waiting for things to get better.

What about you all? What do you like, or dislike, about Windows?

from Windows Central Forums

Cortana Issues with Windows 10 Manager

If anyone is using Windows 10 manager, READ this before you clean your registry.

I thought I would let you know that using Registry Cleaner disables Cortana. It has something to do with the speech directories that are listed as an invalid path. I am using Windows 10 Manager 1.1.5 and am testing build 14376 of the Windows 10 Anniversary edition.

I created a restore point before I ran the Registry Cleaner. After the delete, Cortana did not work. After a system restore, it did. I checked all the selections under Registry Entries with the exception of Invalid Path, and after the cleaning, Cortana still works. It has something to do with Win10 Manager incorrectly labeling a valid path as invalid.

I have notified Yamicsoft. but beware.

from Windows Central Forums

Call recorder

Build 14376. Lumia 640xl. Plz tell ne whether Microsoft will add call recording feature.

from Windows Central Forums

Glance screen under setting"extra" is not working

Build 14376. Settings -> Extras --> Glance screen is not working

from Windows Central Forums

Help with Cloud

Hello guys,

i am new to the Forum, nice to meet you all.

I have a question for you. I am interested in using a cloud service for around 20/30 TB but what i am looking for is to have all files like PDFs, Images etc on the cloud drive and to have access to them from my pc without these items to take actual space on my pc.

I found only Google drive that was offering so many TB's but if i upload files like the ones i mentioned, they will take space to my pc.

Also i found some other Chinese companies but it wasn't possible to register if you aren't from China (they asked for mobile number and it takes only chinese).

So is there any Cloud Service that offers what i want?

Thanks a lot in advance.

from Windows Central Forums

USB OTG not working with my Alpha Morph windows 10


I am using windows 10 - Alpha Morph and the USB OTG that came with it does not work. It is however working with my other devices (not windows 10).
Do i need specific drivers to install, if so what specifically? I cant find it under Microsoft help. Can someone help please.

thank you!

from Windows Central Forums

Windows 10 and WiFi

I installed the production release of Windows 10 on Friday, so i currently sit at build 10.0.10586.420. I noticed since i upgraded, whenever i come back home my WiFi connection shows it is connected but with "No internet". The only way i can get it working again is to power the phone off and power it back on. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, have you found a way to fix it?

I never had any wifi problems on Windows mobile 8 and 8.1.


from Windows Central Forums

I have Windows 10 but it runs slow and some of the security setting are not working

windows security center is not functioning at all

from Windows Central Forums

How to get Latest version of Edge web driver?

I am planning on automatically downloading Edge web driver when it is available.

I have plans to write a script to poll for the latest version.

But is there another way? Are there plans to push Edge driver as part of windows 10 builds?

Is there a way to get Edge driver as part of windows 10 builds?

from Windows Central Forums

Impressed with W10 Maps and Band

This might be old news to some but I just got the Notifications tile working on my Band and the latest Maps update on my Lumia 950 and they work together really well. I searched, in Maps, for a trip to my destination, chose a public transport route & started navigation, locked my phone and stuck it my pocket.

Maps started popping up notifications which came straight through to my Band. Like 'Walk 80m to stop 41', 'Wait here for the 212 to Blatown', 'Get off at the next stop', 'Walk to your destination' (which at this point was about 80m away).

This is the only time I've used it like this but the notifications seemed well timed and having them appear right on my Band was very convenient. Phone stayed in my pocket the whole time.

That's it. I was impressed and wanted to share.

from Windows Central Forums

MDM Enrollment no longer possible

Is Microsoft removing support for MDM connections into work? For the past few builds I can't enroll my device and receive work mail.

from Windows Central Forums

The Banner Saga 2 among July's free Xbox Games With Gold titles

Microsoft has revealed the two Xbox 360 and two Xbox One games that will be made available for free during the month of July for Xbox Live Gold members as part of the Games with Gold program.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

[Real Users] My Huawei MateBook Review

Who has a Huawei MateBook?

What's the good, the bad and the ugly? How long have you had it and what do you think?

Put your User Review here to help others. The more detail the better, we really appreciate hearing how it performs in the field.

Looking forward to hearing all about your experience!

from Windows Central Forums

Looking For An App

So I'm part of the student council in my uni and we have about 28 members inside. While this is not directly related to Microsoft or windows but I had to ask windowscentral users since they know best.
I am looking for an app or a website where were can all add ideas or documents to one place for everyone from the 28 members to look at without having to share them or anything. Its almost like cloud storages like OneDrive and Drop box but with everyone being able to add things and remove things from one place.

from Windows Central Forums

Roll back

I'm on a preview build but wanting to go back to stock build how do I do it?

from Windows Central Forums

What are your thoughts about the Huawei MateBook?

Sooo you've read the extensive review, (if you haven't already - click this link: Huawei Matebook Review ).

What are your thoughts on the device?

Lets hear 'em!

from Windows Central Forums

Microsoft's latest smartphone patent agreement is with Luna Mobile

Microsoft has signed off on another patent agreement with an Android smartphone and tablet maker, Luna Mobile. The deal will allow Microsoft to receive royalties from the sales of Luna's devices.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

how to lock volume button when screen locked

How to lock volume button when lumia 535 phone is not in use. Because when i screen lock and put mobile in pocket automatic or pressing volume button mobile goes to silent mode and I miss important calls

from Windows Central Forums

DOSBox for Windows Phone


Hi guys, I'd like to introduce a DOSBox emulator port for Windows Phone 8.1 & up.

I developed this app more than half an year ago but final release "polishing" was on hold because of many reasons. However, I think that the app "as is" (btw, it's works and works fine!) published in the store is much better than no app at all so I decided to publish it

What is the "DOSBox" and how to use it, you may read on the official website; shortly: you can run good old DOS games (or other apps!), built for x86 CPU, on your Windows Phone.


Classic Sierra's quests are working fine; Wolf 3D (for DOS) also playable. He-he, you can run Windows 3.1 on your phone too

I recommend to use Bluetooth keyboard and mouse to work with emulator. Camera button toggles "turbo-mode" of emulator (sometime is very useful), you can change this binding in settings. WP standard "back" key bound to the keyboard "Esc".

BTW, app has virtual keyboard and joystick; mouse is emulated via touch screen. Now mouse emulation has two modes, absolute and relative.

  • absolute mouse mode: moves mouse pointer on virtual screen and emulates left button click by phone screen tap. Very simple but still useful in some old DOS games and definitely in DOS programs working in the text mode.
  • relative mouse mode: to move mouse pointer, touch & hold phone screen and move your finger; mouse should move relative to your finger movements. To emulate left mouse click - tap the screen, double-click - double-tap. To emulate right mouse click, hold & release finger. To move mouse with left mouse button pressed - hold for a little and start moving your finger on the screen. So, this mode simulates (at least, is trying too) a standard notebook touch-pad behavior.

How to work with the app:

  • install app
  • connect phone to PC
  • create folder dosbox (or whatever) on the phone or sd-card memory. On W10M you may create folder at the root; on WP8.1 create your folder inside any public folders (Pictures, Documents etc.)
  • launch the app and choose folder; after synchronization it will be your virtual drive "c:". Later, you need to synchronize this folder manually after adding or deleting apps & data.

If you don't want to use PC, I strongly recommend you to use "Total Commander" app! You can easily open and unpack archives with old DOS games and programs to your virtual "drive c:" folder.

App is paid now ($1.99) but still has a free trial version, with some functionality limitation.

Support forum is located here.

W10M store link:
WP8.1 store link:

Enjoy, and "have a nice DOS"

from Windows Central Forums

Huawei Matebook Bugs & Defects

While we hope there won't be any, as long as we're human, there will be bugs and defects. Here's the place to put them

Basic tip: If you're having any issues with your device, try a reset.

Settings > Update & security > Recovery > Reset this PC > This provides you with two options: 1. keep my files and 2. remove everything

Keep my files

Does just as its name describes. If you choose the setting you can reinstall Windows 10 without having to back up any of the pictures, videos, music and documents that you have stored on it. You absolutely should back up these things just in case, but you shouldn't need to use that back up. Keep My Files requires a certain amount of free space on your device. As such, it may be unavailable to you if your device is stuffed with a lot of files. If you get an error message asking for more storage when you choose this option you'll need to back up your files and choose the remove everything option. You could also delete any files that you aren't using on your device and try the option again. This option will take longer than the other options.

Remove Everything

Deletes every file, every setting from your device and gives you a blank copy of Windows 10 to work with. You'll need to add any files you have backed up to your device again

Remember, when reporting bugs be descriptive! The more information you give, the better the chance someone will be able to help you.

What OS version? Any special conditions that should be noted? What were you doing? What is the result? Any error codes or messages given? What have you tried for solutions?

from Windows Central Forums

Microsoft may have let the launch date slip for the Windows 10 Anniversary Update

Microsoft's blog site has posted up a headline stating that the Windows 10 Anniversary Update will be released on August 2.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

WTS: Mozo Microsoft Lumia 950 XL Wireless Charging Back Cover - Black

Item Description: Mozo Microsoft Lumia 950 XL Wireless Charging Back Cover - Black

Price: 35 shipped US

Carrier Locked or Unlocked?:NA

Condition: Mint condition. Used it on my 950 XL for a week before returning my 950 XL.

Includes: Case with original package.

Item Location: Chicago

Shipping Details: USPS Priority

Payment Options: Paypal Gift

Additional Info: I have to sell this as I have returned my 950 XL and went back to my 1520. The case sitting in the package for last one month.

Contact Info: Please PM


WP_20160526_19_00_47_Rich (3).jpg

Attached Images

from Windows Central Forums

Chill out with Zen: Coloring Book for Adults on Windows 10

If you have kids, you know that coloring books can be a relaxing way for children to pass the time. Zen: Coloring Book for Adults is a Windows 10 app designed to help the older coloring crowd to relax, chill out and unwind.
Available for Windows 10 PC, Zen: Coloring Book for Adults has a respectable collection of coloring pages. The designs are noticeably more involved than what you find in a children's coloring book and the coloring tools are very easy to use.
Zen: Coloring Book for Adults may not be everyone's cup of tea, but if you are in search for a casually paced, creative way to spend a little down time with, it is worth checking out.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

New Microsoft Band 2 firmware update is rolling out

Microsoft is rolling out a new firmware update for its Microsoft Band 2 fitness wearable. There's no word yet on what's new with this version.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

Problem with nokia lumia 520

I have Nokia Lumia 520 now I got problem .when ,i touch any icon like photos,music,any app its turn off and again restart.

can anyone help me why is it happening?

I also uninstalled some application but when it restart again all removed apps comes back

from Windows Central Forums

Microsoft Authenticator now lets you add Facebook, Google and other accounts

The Microsoft Authenticator beta app for Windows 10 Mobile has been updated. The two-factor authentication app now allows users to add other online accounts, such as Facebook, Google and others.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

I have never had start up menu or cortana

I downloaded Win 10 a year ago, big mistake, since then I have not had start up or Cortana, not that I think Cortana a priority.
However I have no access to anything in start up menu pictures etc. I have bypassed e-mail and use my Samsung tab in fact if I was able to get to pictures and a few other sites I would probably just transfer them to a remote hard drive and kick win10 into touch.
I though, stupidly , that Mirosoft would have an easy one off patch to the problem, I say stupidly assuming that Microsoft gives damn about people like me who are not PC literate, why should I be, if my new car breaks down I expect the seller to fix it, not have to strip down the engine or for that matter to lift the bonnet/hood to find out the problem.

from Windows Central Forums

Lumia 930 or Lumia 650

Title says it all guys.

Can pick up both sim free for about the same price.

Which do you think is better for WM10?

I know 930 is a lot more powerful, but read bout a few bugs with mics etc.


from Windows Central Forums

Microsoft is changing how it's asking customers to upgrade to Windows 10

Microsoft's free Windows 10 upgrade offer comes to an end in July and the company is looking to change the way it's asking customers if they wish to take advantage of the free offer or not. Microsoft has been rather aggressive in its marketing on older Windows installations, with some people even being upgraded to Windows 10 without wanting to altogether. That's set to change with this upcoming prompt refresh.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

Save up to 40% on various Logitech PC accessories at Amazon today!

Amazon is currently offering a variety of Logitech PC accessories for up to 40% off. Whether you are in need of a new set of speakers, a replacement keyboard or a new gaming headset, you'll want to check this deal out. There are a number of options available, but this is a limited time deal.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

Batman: Return to Arkham remasters get delayed with no new release date

Warner Bros. Interactive have delayed the release of Batman: Return to Arkham. The Xbox One and PlayStation 4 graphical remasters of Batman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City was supposed to be released on July 26 but now have no new release date.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

Huawei MateBook Review

Does the Huawei MateBook help evolve the two-in-one PC category or merely come off as a Surface knockoff? My review may convince you why the MateBook may be the must-have tablet for 2016.
What makes a good Windows 10 two-in-one tablet hybrid laptop? If you ask consumers, you will get a wide variety of answers, but I can also guarantee you will get consensus on many items as well. Thin and light, with good battery life, beautiful display, and good looking design are the distinct requirements. But what about a thin bezel, fingerprint reader, and an excellent keyboard with a trackpad?
Huawei may be a new brand to those in the United States, but after the release of the MateBook, I have a feeling you'll be hearing a lot more from them — and for good reason. The MateBook is the first serious challenger to the Surface brand in quality, but this is not a clone. The MateBook can stand on its own as your go-to daily tablet and computer.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

Why Microsoft store doest have every app like Google Play store

why Microsoft store has not all apps in its store and it is very difficult to download apps from store My Lumia 535 cant download apps update but on other apps n games it show try again whats the problum. Microsoft does not have Farmdale game in store.

from Windows Central Forums

High mha battery

Any one no where I can get a high mha battery for the Lumia 950 xl this 3500 doesn't cut the mustard for me

from Windows Central Forums

How to disable location tracking on Windows 10 PC

How do I disable location tracking in Windows 10?
If you don't like the idea of your Windows 10 PC knowing your location all the time, you can quickly adjust your settings to turn it off. You can choose to disable location tracking for just your user account or for every user account on your computer, and we are here to walk you through it.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums

[UWP][Free] Disko for Discogs - beta release of W10 Discogs client

Hey Windows Central!

A month ago Reddit user /u/wpdownunder posted a thread asking for a UWP Discogs client. I accepted the task, and now I released the first beta of my client 'Disko'.

It's available on desktop, tablets and phone with roaming settings.

Desktop screenshots (the one in the store are old ones)


> Search for

* Artists
* Releases
* Master releases
* Labels
* User

> Manage and add to your collections and wantlist.

> View other user's collection and wantlist.

Download it from the store, free!

I hope you enjoy it!

You can support me and the app by donating in the app (PayPal or via In-App Purchase) or by getting me something from my wantlist. Check the settings page for more info!

from Windows Central Forums

Apps Corner - no People Hub?

Is it just me who is not able to pin the People Hub for use in Apps Corner?

I have this idea for getting my gran onto Windows 10 mobile. It would be easy for her to use the phone in Apps Corner mode and simply click on contact tiles that have photos of the people she knows so she can call them easily, without having to keep a note of phone numbers. The fact you can disable apps and settings in Apps Corner is a bonus as it prevents pressing the wrong thing.

But unfortunately when I go to select the apps I want to pin, every app shows apart from People Hub! Found this strange, as even the Wallet app showed up, which, if this is a privacy issue, makes no sense.

from Windows Central Forums

Slow download speeds on Windows 10 Mobile STORE

NOTE: This query is specific to Windows 10 and for the purpose of this thread, just the mobile version as I've noted elsewhere that people tend to discuss solutions for Windows 10 PC. I can live with the PC issue as I don't carry the desktop around!
Besides poor internet speeds, would someone please explain in detail why it takes forever to download apps from W1OM store particularly on Wi-Fi? 8.1 was a breeze; I could download an app in no time but now on W10M it can take the whole week. If I wanted to use the new app straight away I'm doomed. This has to be the one thing I miss from 8.1 since my other issue, battery drain, is almost all resolved now with 14372.0

from Windows Central Forums