Friday, December 1, 2017

Knock It Off

Seriously. It's inexcusable.


Without Ad Blocker the site performance suffers terribly and what is glitchy with Ad Blocker is often so broken when Ad Blocker is off that it may render the site unusable. Plenty of ads sill come through even with the Blocker on.

For example, when I started Post New Thread just now I couldn't type in the post editor box until I toggled between WYSIWYG and Source Mode. But I could type in the title field. Broken, because no Ad Block and whoever serves your ads runs roughshod all overtop of the place. How many users know that trick? How many have the patience to put up with all the broken bits and still return day after day? I'd wager very few.

Anyhow, I just popped in to help answer a follow up question from a member who needs help diagnosing their W10 system.

I'm logging out, turning Ad Block back on and I won't log in again on any MONA sites until you cease this anti-ad-block foolishness. We don't run it to rob you of revenue, we run it to protect our systems from your overambitious ad servers and to make the site function at a barely tolerable level.

I think you have reached a crossroads. Would you rather have Ads-a-Poppin' all over the place and fewer users every day, or retain and attract users while still serving a few Ads?
Attached Images

from Windows Central Forums

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