Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Windows Update Delivery Optimization download updates from different architecture.

Does Windows Update Delivery Optimization download updates from different architecture? For example, can a Windows 10 Pro 64-bit download updates from a Windows Home 32-bit.

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1WY1pGg

how to open display in nokia lumia 720 phone

After slipped from top of the TV, my phone is not opening its display. It don't has any breakage. I can here only sound from my phone, not the display.

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1TPxr70

Lumia 950 never ending problems - Anybody care to add to this?

Here's my quick list of issues:

1) Random restarts - the phone will sometimes reboot for no apparent reason. It used to happen frequently when going from the camera to the camera roll, but this seems to have stopped after some of the more recent updates. Now the reboots are really random and less frequent.

2) Drops cellular connection. I can be stationary at home all day only to find that I have no connection to AT&T - no texts or phone calls, but Wifi still on. Happens a few times a month and at very random times. I should mention that I work from my home, it's not like I'm moving around when this happens. If I switch airplane mode on/off the phone will reconnect to the AT&T network.

3) Screen doesn't respond to touch. This only happens sometimes when I try to answer a phone call. It's like the phone doesn't know the screen is on. Many times I miss the call because the screen doesn't respond to finger input. Again, only happens sometimes.

4) Call quality. People often complain that they can't hear me, like my voice is cutting in and out. I can be stationary and this still happens. Not all the time, but frequently.

5) Call quality 2. People have complained about a mean echo when speaking to me. I found that I can mostly stop this by turning off the "hey cortana" feature. However, this still happens sometimes even though "hey cortana" is turned off. I found that muting the call and quickly un muting it...will fix this. This doesn't happen as often as it used to.

6) Runs hot. Rapid battery drain sitting on my desk. I usually try to charge my phone at the end of my work day to make it through the night. Everyday.

7) Save a phone number from an email or text to a NEW contact in your People app - takes a really long time, so long that it seems like it's not going to work.

8) Cortana/Bing/Edge image search doesn't work. Not sure where the fault is here; but if I call up Cortana and do a search for "beach pictures", it pulls up Edge and does a Bing search. If I click on the "images" tab, i see thumbnails of "beach pictures", but I I try to tap on one of those images, it tries to pull it up full screen, but the image will never come up. If I hit the back key, I can't go back. The only thing I can do is long press the back key and close Edge...and then start over. This happens every time.

9) I have two account in use with my 950, my MS Account of course, and a Gmail account. I have contacts (People) pulling from both accounts. When I get phone calls or text messages, some phone numbers don't pull up associated account names. When my friend calls me from her cell phone, I see her name and image when she calls. But when she calls from her home phone, I only see the phone number and not her name. Both phone numbers are stored in the same contact card. This doesn't happen for every person and every phone number...but I've not done systematic testing. I have a life. And this problem is mostly coming (but not exclusively) from the MS account stored contacts. So in other words, the Google account contacts actually work better.

10) I have a MS Band 2. Windows 10 mobile and the Band just don't work well together. Cortana doesn't work from my Band with the 950 (but it worked perfectly well from my 1020/WP8), and the keyboard on the Band won't work either. (It says it can't connect).

11) Bluetooth connection to my car. With my 1020, my car would read text messages to me and voice prompt me to reply. It worked all the time. With my 950, this feature is hit or miss. Sometimes it will read the text, sometimes it won't. Sometimes it prompts me to reply...sometimes it doesn't. If it does prompt me for a voice reply, sometimes it work, sometimes it doesn't. It's the same with my bluetooth headphones, so it's not just a problem with my car.

In the smartphone era, I've had Windows Mobile, Androids, Blackberry, before switching WP7 with the Focus, Lumia 900, 920, 1020 and 950. (BTW my 950 is an AT&T, non insider phone) The 950 is a cell phone. It should work as a phone. In this regard, issues 1-5 are enough to give up on the 950 as I've never had these types of problems before with ANY phone I've ever owned. The rest of the list contains other bugs or very specific issues; and I'm sure if I sat here longer I could come up with more problems with the 950/Windows 10. I've considered going back to my 1020 but I think I might just as well throw in the towel and go back to Android for good. I used to really like Windows Phone - back in the day I got a lot of friends and family to switch over, but the 950 has killed my affection for the platform.

I'm really curious, how long are you guys going to stick with Windows phones? For those that have jumped, which Android handset looks like a winner? (no Apple products for me...ever. Just my thing).

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1TJ1LuL

Not able to get call recording feature even after upgradation to Windows 10 in my lumia 730

Last night I upgraded my lumia 730 to Windows 10. But call recording feature by which I could record incoming and outgoing phone call is not possible. I went to the settings. Click on the get an app feature. But after installing the app on myphone, it could not show the option.

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1TPxIHf

735 stuck at Windows 10 logo after installing .1004

Title -- gears finished up, installed, rebooted, now not moving past the Windows 10 logo (the blue four-square). Thoughts or others with same issue?

From Surface Pro 4

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1O3ZMEw

AMD's 7th generation CPUs take the fight to Intel

At Computex 2016, AMD rolled out its 7th generation notebook APUs in the A series, as well as new processors in the FX lineup. The vendor is claiming that its FX CPUs are 56% faster than their predecessors, with a 52% boost for the A series APUs.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1TWltFG

AMD offers a first look at its upcoming high-end Zen CPU

AMD teased its Summit Ridge CPU at Computex 2016, or as it's more commonly known, the Zen core. The vendor revealed a few details about the upcoming high-end core, with the Zen CPU featuring 8 cores and 16 threads. Zen will be integrated in AMD's AM4 desktop platform, a return to the enthusiast segment for the vendor on the CPU side of things.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1sKdDWo

Red tint on black screen

Got my new Lumia 950 yesterday . I noticed in dim room that device has some red tint on black screen unlike total black on normal amoled screen .
even i see red tint while device boot with Microsoft logo .

after searching on internet i found that this is firmware related issue .

i m on 01078.00038.16082.36005 firmware and OS version is 10.0.10586.318 .

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1VusBeF

AMD's Radeon RX 480 is a VR-ready video card that costs $199

AMD finally unveiled its first Polaris card at Computex 2016. With a retail price of $199, the Radeon RX 480 is designed to lower the barrier to entry for VR.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1sKdylL

how can I send email to multiple contacts on Windows 10

I tried to send an email to multiple contacts and it does not work. My contacts are on the people app, but all contacts do not show up when I try to add them to new email.
please explain how I can do this

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1VusNKX

Lumia 950: Can't share/email a picture taken via Exchange email


I used to be able to take a picture in my Lumia 925 and directly share/email it from any of the email accounts configured in the phone.
With the Lumia 950, it's only giving me the option to email it from my Outlook/Live accounts. Any reason why?

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1sKdgvd

Lumia 950: Can't share a picture taken from Exchange email


I used to be able to take a picture in my Lumia 925 and directly share/email it from any of the email accounts configured in the phone.
With the Lumia 950, it's only giving me the option to email it from my Outlook/Live accounts. Any reason why?

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1Xe28UK

Microsoft and Xiaomi sign patent cross-licensing, app pre-install deal

Microsoft and Xiaomi have announced that the companies have reached an agreement that will see the companies cross-license patent portfolios, as well as pre-load Skype and Microsoft Office on future Xiaomi Android phones and tablets. Details on exactly which patents from each company are to be licensed were understandably not revealed, but we do know that apps will arrive on new phones sold starting in September 2016.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1TIOh28


I have this folder in my SD card, is it save to delete the folders in WUDownloadCache?

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1Xe2r1G

How to watch TV with antenna using Window vista business

I heard Window vista business doesn't support Window media center. How can I watch TV ?

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1TVW7aY

Anyone else feel that Edge's settings menu is cluttered?

The more Microsoft adds to the Settings & Advanced Settings menu in Edge the more cluttered, random and disorganized it becomes. That being said, I decided to create a design of what Microsoft could do to clean up the Edge setting menu. The concept has plently of negative space for additional settings/options to be added over time. If you're wondering, it was inspired by the design of the MSN Weather settings view. If you like, please up vote the idea in the Windows 10 Feedback Hub (Search for Redesign the current cluttered layout of Edge Settings to include a tabbed layout ).

Microsoft Edge - Settings Menu Re-Imagined

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1P2xoxj

How can I prevent accidental screen taps?

Is it possible to lock the screen on my Lumia 635 so that accidental touches on the screen don't make changes to apps that are open that I don't want to happen?
(I don't mean the lock-screen which hibernates the phone).
Thanks, John

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1P2xGV5

Using a Mobile Hotspot SIM in the 950 XL

I just had an interesting idea....The second SIM card slot in my 950 XL has been empty since I purchased it on release day.
I also have an AT&T Mobile Hotspot. Instead of carrying two separate devices I wonder if I can use the SIM from the Mobile Hotspot in the second SIM card slot in my 950 XL?!

Having AT&T send me a nano SIM (Hotspot has a regular sized SIM) so I can try it out.

The main SIM in my 950 XL has unlimited internet so I can't use the mobile hotspot on it. My Mobile Hotspot has 100 GBs of rollover data. :)

...if I am actually able to use the hotspot feature with the second SIM card I wonder if I can then connect my 950 XL to it over WiFi?! (doubt it as it is most likely using already using the WiFi to do the hotspot).

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1WXDcQm

$24.9 billion Dell buyout was underpriced, court rules

A U.S. court has now ruled that Dell's 2013 $24.9 billion buyout by founder Michael Dell and Silver Lake Partners was underpriced.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1O3hkke

Windows 10 Mobile build 10586.338 now hitting Insider Release Preview Ring

If you happen to be on the Insider Release Preview Ring for Windows 10 Mobile, you should now be able to pull down a fresh update.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1Uc1yzR

W10M Insider Preview 10586.338 Issues (Threshold branch)

Report your issues here...

Tip: Check out this thread before posting

Is your device behaving oddly, is something just not right? This is the place for discussion of software and hardware issues!

Here is some useful information you may find yourself needing.
Some issues with responsiveness and app delays can be resolved by either restarting your phone or performing a Soft Reset.

If things get a bit more serious, you may opt to perform a hard reset or software reset.

Lastly, if things really get serious, you may need the Software Recovery Tool to recover your phone back to working order - head over to the Microsoft FAQ Page for more information.

Make sure you check the official Windows 10 Mobile Support Page as well for some of the most common tips and trouble shooting guides.

Restarting your phone involves turning it off and then turning it on again. Turn off your phone by pressing the power button until you are prompted to "Slide down to power off". Turn your phone on again by pressing the power button until it vibrates.

A soft reset is similar to pressing the reset button in PCs and has the same effect as pulling out the battery of your phone and then putting it back in. For phones with non-removable batteries, press the volume down and power button together until your phone restarts. Be aware that when using Windows 10, the voume down and power button combination will also launch Windows Feedback. Just continue to hold down the buttons for a full 10 seconds in order to trigger the soft reset. For phones with removable batteries, you can either opt for the button combination or remove the battery and then return it.

A hard reset or a software reset will reformat your phone by removing all the user information leaving only the bare OS and firmware currently installed in your phone. It does erase data so you should always keep a good backup of your phone just in case you have to resort to this option.

The software reset can be done by going to your phone Settings > System > About > tap on "Reset your phone." You will be prompted once before doing this just to be sure. Be sure, also, to have everything backed up since there would be no way to recover all of your files.

The hard reset accomplishes the same thing as the software reset, but can be accomplished when the phone is non-responsive and you are unable to enter into settings. To perform the Hard Reset, "Power off the phone > hold Volume Down > press Power > keep holding Volume Down until you see the exclamation (!) screen, then immediately release the Volume Down. Now tap Volume Up / Volume Down / Power / Volume Down. You should see the spinning gears and your phone will reflash the last OS version held in recovery.

The Software Recovery Tool is the final option, for example for "bricked" phones that would no longer turn on, be charged, etc. This can be used to either roll back to a previous OS version or force an update to a more current OS version

Remember, when reporting bugs be descriptive! The more information you give, the better the chance someone will be able to help you.

What OS version? Any special conditions that should be noted? What were you doing? What is the result? Any error codes or messages given? What have you tried for solutions? What variant of the phone are you using? Single SIM or Dual SIM?

Please describe as much as possible about the bug so others may try and replicate the bug and don't make suggestions for solutions that you have already tried which have failed.

When reporting bugs/issues, please also use the Windows Feedback app to report issues directly to Microsoft. Microsoft don't actively read forums looking for people reporting issues when they have a data collection system built right into the operating system. They use WF to analyse numbers and prioritise fixes (issues with more reports, get sorted quicker).

"You can use the Windows Feedback app to tell us which features you love about your Lumia with Windows 10, or when something could be better.
1.To launch the app, swipe over to the App list, and then select Windows Feedback.
2.See if someone else has given similar feedback by entering the topic, such as Microsoft OneDrive.
3.If you find similar feedback, tap the Upvote or tap on the feedback to open it, write the problem details to Add details-field and tap Send.
4.To narrow your search to a specific topic, you can filter the results by picking the category that matches your feedback the closest. For example, for feedback about the Microsoft OneDrive, select Apps and Games > OneDrive.
5.If you don't find any similar feedback, tap + to add new feedback. Select the correct category and subcategory from the dropdown-list.
6.Enter your feedback (the more details the better!), add a screenshot if you can, and tap Send.
7.Your feedback will automatically upload when you are charging your phone and connected to Wi-Fi, but you can also upload the feedback manually by tapping … > Upload feedback data."


from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1O3hp7p

Is there something to protect microsoft band 2 to split en 2 pieces in the rubber band?

I recently bought my firs MS2, im still waiting for it, but right now im reading a lot of people that had big problems with tears and breaks in the band.
Is there something i can do to avoid it?

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1O3gKTn

Windows Phone = Gameboy?

Picture this………. Microsoft mobile repositioning themselves in the market to cover more than just business. Business people need down time too! With all of the gaming studios that closed like Fable's Lionhead Studios. Pool those resources to create an exclusive Microsoft Mobile gaming division. Create exclusive Xbox Mobile games of improving quality. Within that division figure out how to stream/emulate Xbox/360/ & One titles to both surface tablets and Mobile phones. Maybe they could use a piece of the Azure cloud to support it. Your Windows phone could make calls, send text, skype, and now be an Xbox on the go. That type of device would directly compete with both Nintendo Ds and the PlayStation Vita. Microsoft could also create an exclusive app that enables the Windows Phone to become a controller for those carrying Surface/ Surface Pro devices. Waste no device! LOL. That would give you a smaller form factor for travelers instead of toting a complete Xbox one controller. Heck if you wanted to, you could even create an adapter that would utilize your phone if you need the feel of a controller. Develop a mobile charger to support a set up like this. Maybe a backpack with integrated battery. Make sure you can charge both the Windows Phone and Surface/Surface Pro with it. You could also put solar panel in the bag to charge as you commute if you are outdoors. Last but not least, make it compatible with Continuum. Oh Yeah, you could also create an Xbox app for Iphone and Android users but make them pay an access fee to access the gaming features like office 365. I know. I know. I am dreaming. Do any of you think that this would help Windows 10 Mobile?

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1Uc1Qa2

insider build .338 now available

.338 is now rolling out on Release Preview

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1r1Hdp9

HoloLens - Hands-on with the Windows Holographic May 2016 Update

Earlier today, Microsoft pushed out the first update for their HoloLens Development Edition to all users lucky enough to own one. Since HoloLens runs a version of Windows 10, this update comes as a standard Windows Update found under Settings.
The actual changelog for the May 2016 update is massive with many small and useful additions added.
Since you can only record up to five minutes of video, this one is short, and maybe I'll follow up with another later on.
Disclaimer: HoloLens can only record video at 720P. However, I'm quite confident that this update also introduces some software video stabilization, which is why it now looks smoother. However, if you know anything about SW stabilization you will know it does this by cropping the video dynamically reducing the overall resolution. As a result, this video is not quite 720P. Please keep in mind that wearing the HoloLens is very different than what you see regarding the quality of the experience. It's a lot of processing to do holograms and record video at the same time, after all!

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1Y1tdsZ

Notification problem in wp8.1

I recently did a hard reset in my 1320 after that some of applications push notifications not working anymore.I checked in notification list some apps are not even listed even windows central.I did synced my email,this is really annoying plz some one help asap.

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1r1Hokq

Disapointed in the quality of the Mozo back cover for the 950 XL

Received the white leather back cover for the 950 XL today. I have to say I was expecting much better quality.

The metal coated plastic has a number of dimples and one raised bump.
The leather has two lines of surface imperfections that appear to possibly be from scratches.
The leather had a spot where it was slightly dirty on arrival (came off easily).
The buttons are not as nice compared to the OEM cover.

On the plus side it does not creak like the OEM cover did!

I knew the danger of ordering online (MobileFun) was not being able to inspect the case for imperfections due to quality variations. Unfortunately the only version in retail is the brown cover for the 950 XL. I noticed similar imperfections with the covers sold at the Microsoft store with some being better than others.

Would like to order the light oak case but fear it will be the same situation. Hopefully they will decide to carry those in the store.

Still generally happy with the Mozo cover but expected more from them.

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1Y1t5K8

Minecraft Story Mode and other Telltale games could be coming to Windows 10 Mobile

Microsoft has posted an article detailing how Telltale Games brought Minecraft: Story Mode to Windows 10 via the Windows Store. It also says Telltale is working on bringing the game's engine to Lumia phones running on Windows 10 Mobile.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1r1HuZo

How can I get my gmail working properly in W10M?

I do not really like the Outlook email interface in W10M on my Lumia 640. So I go to the Gmail website in my browser and use it from there. Everything is fine until I press the reply button and the font changes to what looks like ASKI . Worse still is that when you try and reply in that strange ASKI font, the moment you press the "Enter" key to start a new paragraph, the cursor jumps to the bottom of the email you are replying to.

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1Y1t4FS

Lumia 640 XL won't turn on, how can I get it working?

while i was doing a factory reset the battery fell out and now it wont turn on

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1r1HVCX

Can't get rid of weather channel app from Vista- keeps popping up even though uninstalled?

I understand weather channel is no longer supported by Windows 7 , but I have Vista.

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1Y1t6xv

Dust on camera ?


I have recently bought a second had Lumia 950 wich is still under warranty.

But I noticed last week a kind of black spot when I take some shot with the back camera. I have tried to clean my camera but with no success.

What do you think ? Do I need it to get replace ?
Attached Images

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1O2WLo1

Anyone having issues with Netflix on W10M

Netflix simply won't start for me. I get the Netflix logo for a couple seconds and then it crashes to the start screen. Tried reinstalling to no avail. Any ideas?

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1TVkyW4

Mods are now available for Fallout 4 on Xbox One

Bethesda has added support for playing many of the mods created for its post-apocalyptic RPG Fallout 4 for players on Xbox One.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1VtsAHU

Has anybody had a Lumia 550 hardware failure?

My Lumia 550 has just completely failed and now is unable to boot up. It's only 3 months old. Over the last 3 days, the phone has been getting progressively worse and restarting on its own accord.

Yesterday it started to fail when booting up and was reporting a UEFI error 1. Soft resets would get it out of this state but then this even stopped working. Hooked it up to Windows Device Recovery Tool and this forced it into life a couple of times but then it just died.

The phone now just vibrates as if it is going to boot but the screen stays completely blank, and is no longer recognised via usb.

Well it is back to my trusty 520 until I get a replacement.

Anybody else experienced a hardware failure with the Lumia 550.

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1VtsqAm

Gmail does not work properly in w10m

I do not really like the Outlook email interface in W10M on my Lumia 640. So I go to the Gmail website in my browser and use it from there. Everything is fine until I press the reply button and the font changes to what looks like ASKI . Worse still is that when you try and reply in that strange ASKI font, the moment you press the "Enter" key to start a new paragraph, the cursor jumps to the bottom of the email you are replying to.

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1TV9ng2

Jawbone says it has no plans to exit the fitness wearables business

Jawbone has issued a statement claiming that recent reports stating it is exiting its fitness wearable business are "false".

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1VtsrEx

Done w Band 2.

Returned it to MS store due to so many probs. Had to argue bc had since Nov, but eventually got store credit. Will check out Band 3 in July or Oct....

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1TV9Lel

The Windows Central App grabs fixes, improvements and more with build 33 today

In the next few hours an update to the official app for Windows Central will be hitting your phones, PCs, and tablets.

The app was just submitted to the Store, and it can take a few hours before it is live, but for now we'll give you a sneak peek of what is new.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1VtrXhE

Lumia 640 XL won't turn on

while i was doing a factory reset the battery fell out and now it wont turn on

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1TV9gRM

Can't get rid of weather channel app from Vista- keeps popping up even though uninstalled?

I understand weather channel is no longer supported by Windows 7 , but I have Vista.

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1Vtrw78

W10M and the anti OS brigade

I have been perusing the boards, and indeed the comments thread, and there still seems to be a persistent 'hatred' / 'dislike' of whatever MS is offering.

We have to remember that W10M is a ground up rework of an OS. It isn't an android 'update', where Marshmallow, is basically the same as lollipop, including the same old bugs.

Yes, W10M has bugs, show me any kind of OS that doesn't. There are still those moaning that MS still haven't released W10M! The worrying thing is, they are members of this community!!

Whilst on the subject of comments or posting, there seems to be an ever increasing number of members who, rather than offer a persuasive or grounded view, will just leap into the usual drivel without backing there comments up. It's not really appropriate to shout that the OS is poor, MS are mugging us off, they don't care etc, usually with slightly stronger terminology. I am by no means a huge MS fan. I may be an ambassador for WC, but I like to research before getting upset and throwing a fit.

If the feeling of dislike is that strong, there are a couple of options available. 1) Chase the Android dream 2) Join iOS.

There is one more, slightly off the beaten track option. Stay with MS and go along for the ride.

Admittedly, the past 2-3 years have been a joke. Hopefully, W10M will emerge all the better for it. MS hit the mark with the Surface line, and maybe, by taking a step back, they can successfully introduce W10M into the enterprise market. That's the only space where they can compete with the other OS's. The consumer market is lost, and we all need to realise that. Its like a community cable station competing with Fox or CNN etc. MS has left the consumer market for third party OEM's to get on board, and we have already seen some interesting devices.

Finally, those who decry the bugginess of W10M. The OS will NEVER be complete, in the context that once the bare bones are in place, regular updates (WaaS) will keep the OS developing and offer fixes and improvements.

For those who disagree, feel free to jump in and explain why you feel this isn't the case.

For those who see the whole picture, have I missed something or gone too far leftfield!

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/22vEDFL

Microsoft revamps its start-up investment division to help fund more tech companies

Microsoft has announced it will be revamping its start-up investments with a new division called Microsoft Ventures. Its goal is to find and invest in companies that can take full advantage of Microsoft's own technology and products.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1Y0TY0L

OneLocker, the feature-rich password vault, receives a Windows 10 tune-up

OneLocker is a Windows 10 app designed to help you manage the dozens of passwords that fill your daily life. The app isn't a stranger to the Windows Store, first being released as a Windows Phone 8.1 app, and was recently updated as a Windows 10 app.
Available for both Windows 10 PC and Mobile, OneLocker is packed full of features such as 256-bit AES encryption, support for multiple accounts, OneDrive backup and more. You can store website credentials, financial information, contacts, audio notes and more in a secure environment.
While OneLocker is still available for Windows Phone 8.1 (including low-memory devices), the Windows 10 version continues the appeal of the app and it is nice to see it available for tablets or personal computers.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1Y0UdZF

How to enable native call recording on lumia 640xl

i have very needful every incoming call recording, please help me for How to enable native call recording

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/22vF03f

Xiaomi Mi4 LTE Windows 10

When will ne final released windows 10 for this phone but without chinese app. of Nearby numbers?

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1Y0Ueg6

EA is giving away Battlefield Hardline DLC Getaway this week on Xbox One

EA is giving away the Battlefield Hardline DLC Getaway for free this week to Xbox Live Gold members on Xbox One. Should you be interested in the optional extra content, you'll be able to add the pack to your console for free for this week only. The promotion is part of EA's Battlefield festivities, which sees the publisher offer bundles of content for free each week.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1WWqmBZ

BBC's £13 Micro:bit computer is now available for everyone

The BBC has made its Micro:bit computer available for everyone and anyone to purchase. The corporation was previously only working with schools to have year 7 students use the device to help understand programming. Now anyone can pre-order the Micro:bit from element14, the company that manufacturers the small device.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1Uaqo2Z

how can i create a new microsoft account on lumia 520 windows 8.1

i have just updated the phone

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1RIBwT0

Best Accessories for Dell XPS 13

Want to get the most out of your XPS 13? Have a look at the best accessories available now.
The Dell XPS 13 is a wonderful laptop that can function entirely on its own. There are, however, several accessories that will make your experience that much better. Without further ado, let's take a look at the best accessories for your Dell XPS 13.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1Vsjyee

Digital Storm's latest all-in-one puts your gaming PC to shame

Digital Storm has unveiled the Aura, a high-end all-in-one featuring a 34-inch ultra-wide curved monitor with a resolution of 3440 x 1440. The machine is one of the first to offer Intel's 10-core Core i7-6950X Extreme Edition, which retails for $1,723. There's also a GTX 1080 thrown in for good measure.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1Ua9qlq

Satya Nadella wants Microsoft to be a platform for innovation in India

Microsoft's CEO Satya Nadella paid a visit to Delhi to meet with students, developers, and entrepreneurs in the country in an event titled "Tech for Good, Ideas for India." Jayant Sinha, Minister of State for Finance, was present at the event, as was Ravi Shankar Prasad, Minister of Communications and Information Technology. The ministers lined up to discuss how Microsoft can play an increasing role in the government's Digital India initiative.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/25y3mOR

The new Dell Inspiron 7000 series sports the world's first 17-inch 2-in-1 laptop

Alongside its new Inspiron line-ups, Dell also announced the 7000 series at Computex 2016. This family of laptops not only sports 13 and 15-inch options but also the world's first 2-in-1 laptop. All models are powered by Windows 10 and start from $749, launching in June.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1Ua9qlu

Dell's new Inspiron 2-in-1 Windows 10 laptops start from just $249

Dell has unveiled a new family of Inspiron 2-in-1 laptops at Computex 2016. The company's new wave of products are powered by Windows 10 and start from just $249, making them incredibly affordable for those seeking a replacement mobile PC.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/25y452w

Lumia 640 lte: Never worked properly now Instagram wont load

What is wrong with this phone?

I had a Nokia Lumia 920 before this and it was probably the best phone I'd ever had, so it was obvious to me when I wanted to go Contract to go with the Lumia again.

The phone is terrible.

I have had to factory reset it twice in less than a year.

It locks up constantly, half the apps don't work.

Now, it wont let me do anything with photos, including loading Instagram, 4Shot or even just Crop Fix rotate that's inbuilt in the hadset as standard.
It also wont open Facebook without closing it again as Facebook needs to be updated, yet when you try you get error after error. Facebook itself says I need to update the phone software, yet when I go to Settings, it tells me no updates are available and my software is up to date.

I've put in lots of brand new SD cards too, but everyone says it needs to be scanned whenever I switch the phone off, I also cannot record video anymore.

This is possibly the worst handset I have ever had, and I had an early 3 smartphone that looked like a space remote.

Is anyone else finding similar? Did you find what to do bar Factory reset?
I have soft reset and removed the apps and reinstalled, so I've done all the usual stuff you get told to do.

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1RIgDHB

When is the backspace issue for Outlook Mail for Windows 10 Phone going to be addressed?

My Lumia 930 (Win10) can't use backspace when writing emails in Outlook mail. Also, there is a problem with replying to emails in general: the "send" button is often grayed out, even though everything is looking as it should, addresses filled out etc.
The backspace issue is getting really old and frankly I'm getting sick of these things.


from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1Pf1T8M

My SP3 just died with no warning

Hello from Australia. I'm a huge Microsoft fan. I have been for years. I find many of their products to be very, very compelling. I've owned an Xbox 360, there are three Xbox One's in my house (my kids love to their consoles too). I'm an Office 365 subscriber. An Xbox Gold subscriber. I've owned a Surface RT and a Surface Pro. And, since January 2015, I've been a very happy owner of a Surface Pro 3. Until last week.

I use my SP3 for everything. I game on it, use it for social media, web surfing, YouTubing. I use it for work all the time. It's my everything machine and I've been so happy with it. But last week it just died.

No warning. As far as I can tell no reason. It just died. And no matter what I try I can't get it to turn on. I've tried charging it. I've tried all kinds of battery gymnastics. It's just dead. And I'm so… disappointed. I'm very upset. I had everything on that machine and it's dead. I'm so mad – it's not even two years old! I just can't believe it. I'm so, so disappointed.

It's out of warranty. I'm screwed. And obviously, I've lost all of the data on there, a good chunk of which was never backed up.

I know I have no leg to stand on as it's out of warranty and I guess I don't expect anyone to care, but as a long-time customer and fan I'm really gutted and disillusioned. I'm just so mad and upset that it's not even lasted two years. I had no issues with it. No warning signs. It just went dead and wont turn back on.

Now left with no computer. And no ability to replace it for some time. When I do replace it, I don't think I can justify the risk of buying another Surface, even though I have loved Surface. I don't see how I can trust its reliability. So I'm going to have to look at other manufacturers, and maybe other platforms. I'm really disappointed about this.

A disappointed customer and fan

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1RIfT5d

lumia 950 photos app permanently refreshing

I noticed that the photos app shows photos that have been deleted from the handset and OneDrive (no SD card is fitted).

I read one solution is to delete these unwanted photos in file explorer, and refresh photos app - the app is permanently refreshing (spinning arrows, bottom right), and the screen will go to the lock screen!

When will it stop refreshing (and stop displaying the unwanted photos)?!

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1WutAgh

Funker reportedly set to launch the W6.0 Pro 2 with Continuum

Funker launched the W5.5 Pro earlier this year with Windows 10 Mobile on-board, and now the company is reportedly looking to follow-up with the W6.0 Pro 2 and Continuum. This new handset is believed to sport a Snapdragon 617 processor, 6-inch display (hence the name), 3GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/25w6aIW

Intel's 7th generation Kaby Lake CPUs coming later this year

At its Computex 2016 keynote, Intel announced that its 7th generation Kaby Lake processors will be available to consumers by the end of the year. Mass production of the processors will commence on the 14nm node starting next month.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1Wut5CN

Score SanDisk's 200GB microSD card for just $60 today!

Right now you can pick up SanDisk's 200GB microSD card for just $60, a savings of $20 from its normal price. We've seen the price of these cards drop significantly over the past couple of months, and at $60 this is an absolute bargain. Whether you are looking to add storage to your phone, tablet, camera or just to have it for backing up files, this card makes a great addition to any collection.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1VrTUq0

Delete entire calendar entries in Outlook.com

I've downloaded my calendar (just the one) from my 'laptop' outlook 2007 to my Microsoft a/c online outlook.com calendar.
I now want to delete all those entries in outlook.com (didn't include details in file) but can't find out how its done?
I've seen instructions on how to do it if you've downloaded a couple of calendars into outlook.com (birthdays, holidays etc) but not if you have everything in the one calendar as I do.
Any help much appreciated.

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1VrU0Os

Magic Chess 3D Continuum [Free] [Windows10]

Hi, guys!
Meet a new game for all chess lovers. Here you'll find amazing design, 3D pieces and classic gameplay.
Improve your logical thinking skills, enjoy fairy atmosphere of the game and just have fun!


More info:
Magic Chess 3D

Get Magic Chess 3D Continuum for free.

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1U9LGhr

Intel's 10-core Broadwell-E CPU is now official for a staggering $1,723

At Computex 2016, Intel has unveiled its Broadwell-E lineup of processors, debuting its first 10-core desktop CPU. The vendor has been offering CPUs with ten or more cores in the Xeon series for some time now, but this is the first time consumers on X99 motherboards will be able to slot in a 10-core processor. The flagship in the Broadwell-E series is the Core i7-6950X Extreme Edition, which will retail for an astounding $1,723.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1TTj5iY

Samsung's 512GB NVMe SSD weighs just one gram, is about the size of a coin

Samsung has announced that it is mass-producing the first NVMe SSD that fits into a single ball grid array package, fitting all of the SSD components — NAND flash memory, DRAM and controller — in an area not larger than that of a coin. Called PM971-NVMe, the SSDs will be available in storage capacities up to 512GB, and will be up for sale starting later this month.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1XL7hlr

Monday, May 30, 2016

Transferring all data from Lumia 920 to 950XL.

How do I transfer all of my data, contacts, photos, emails and texts from my from my old Lumia 920 to my new Lumia 950XL please?

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1sYdNdv

phone shows blank screen after update

i have lumia 640xl recently bought and i updated it to windows 10 ... after installing the phone rebooted and now it is showing just a blank screen just notification bar and navigation bar is visible i did tried to soft restart it ( volume down and power ) but that doesn't make any difference
any help

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/25vKjS2

Uber update makes it easier to book a cab

Uber for Windows 10 Mobile has picked up an update to version, enabling you to find and book a cab with ease. The update includes several stability improvements, and the app as a whole feels more robust, with real-time tracking getting an overhaul.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1sYdGi6

Random flash

Sometimes while using my 650, I'll notice the screen will flash during use once or twice per day.. And sometimes using the camera.... Previewing pics sometimes results in a blank screen. wondering if it's a software issue or not... I'm a non-insider

Posted from Windows Central's Universal App, Windows 10 (Lumia 650)

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1OZDYEI

ASUS ROG GX800 hands-on: A next-gen water-cooled gaming beast

The Republic of Gamers has expanded their dominion in the realm of high-powered, water-cooled gaming laptops with the GX800.

ASUS announced a behemoth of a gaming laptop at Computex 2016 called the ROG GX800. This is a follow-up on the GX700, which made a big splash for its water cooling dock. The dock has been improved this go-around to ensure stable CPU and GPU overclocking.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1TU9ObG

Microsoft Health battery drain: Concerns

so recently I noticed that Microsoft Health, with background task enabled, drains battery like crazy on my Lumia 950 (Italian CV, build 14342.1004)
at first, I suspected that because I disabled Location for both Lumia motion data and Microsoft Health, the app tries to pull Location data everytime, thus eating battery
then, the same thing still happened after I "fixed" it

does anyone have the same battery drain problem with the Health app?
also, as my MS Band 2 is coming in a few days, I wonder if I disable background task, will I be able to fully* use the Band 2?
if not, then, Microsoft should take a look at this very carefully...

P.S. fully use, e.g. get notifications, track fitness activity, etc.

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1OZDxKL

Message Everywhere assistance needed.

So I'm trying to set up my devices to run Message Everywhere but there seems to be an issue, and the Microsoft support team can't seem to help me properly and I'm out of options. So I'm running a 1520 running version 1511 build 10.0.10586.107 and Windows 10 PC version 1511 build 10586.318 but I'm not seeing any option through my phone or PC to set it up properly, I have both connected to the same Microsoft account, sync turned on but the actual options that should be available since I'm over the required builds. I've tried these two "tutorials" to have it set up by as you can see from my images I don't have the proper options to set it up. I'm hoping someone with more knowledge will be able to help me out because I'd really love to be able to use this feature.




from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/22uYfd2

Why not install SKYPE...?

Error Code : 0x80240024

Lumia 535

OS Build : 10.0.14342.1004

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/22uYiFT

Keyboard doest show up in Lumia 640 xl in windows 10


I am from India. Got a 640 XL 8 months back and upgraded it to windows 10 in Feb, the phone was working perfect till 2 weeks back. The keyboard doest show up at times and while typing the words don't get typed, I have to come out of the chat or msg and wait for long to get the keyboard to normal for few seconds. Even the lock scree shows black at times while trying to unlock the phone. I tried visiting 2 service center, 1st asked me to downgrade it 8.1 and the 2nd one says Windows 10 is officially not launched for 640 xl in India yet and have to downgrade. Going thru tough time.. PLS help

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/25xnNvw

Gmail Tile Gone?

I had a tile that showed my Gmail account. Now its gone. I still see Yahoo and Outlook as tiles. How do I add it back as a tile? I never had a Gmail app. It worked with W10 since I upgraded.... Help?

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/22uYghj

New to ATT and GSM


I have been a long time Verizon user and our company recently switched to AT&T. I would like to know if I can use a T mobile phone on ATT ? particularly a lumia 435 ? Also can I use other phones that are outside the USA as long as they have the correct bands ?


from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1sHVsRc

[Lumia 950 XL, WP10] Photo transfer from the phone to MAC


Does some one know how to transfer photos from the phone to the mac?

The file transfer app doesnt seem to work for WP10. Any other options?


from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/25xeewu

where to find app screenshots in W10M app store

Hi folks,

I just tried out recently W10M on a 640, jump straight from stock 8.1 to latest fast ring build, and I noticed there isn't any screenshot shown for each app in the store, unlike WP8.1. Has it been like that from the beginning of W10M or it is missing in the insider build only?


from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1qYLLwJ

Dual Sim Question: Do both sims have lte capability?

I ordered one of these after reading both sims can handle LTE. After I read another review that said one of them was 2G only (Like the older WIN HD). I would like to use a T-Mobile Sim in one slot and a Freedompop (HSPA+ Data only) in the other for when T-Mobile has no signal (Most of my building at work).

Do both sims have 3G/4G/LTE capability? Did I just waste my time and money?

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1RH0xxV

Screenshot in Tablet Mode?

I can't believe I FINALLY found a Galaxy Tab Pro S forum....

Anyone know how to do a screenshot in tablet mode?

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1sodrfJ

What's your hardware revision number?

I'm trying to figure out about when my 950 XL was manufactured. In my About, my hardware revision number is

I have a US RM-1116. I don't have my box any more though.

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/25uWf6n

I tried to upgrade to Windows 10 from 7, and I got a frozen screen

Previous operating system windows 7
the installation was completed, and the computer activated a wizard which is freeze in the first screen, do somebody know what could happened, and how to restore to the previous status (I have no access to the start menu)

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1RGKYpO

Can't look at pictures with Cortana search

When using Cortana to search, I can no longer look at pictures. I can click the image tab and see the thumbnails, but if I click a picture it just hangs. Cortana crashes 75% of the time with me tk begun with, but now with this, I have about had it. This is on a 950XL production OS.

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1RGKMqT

Tweet It! adds several small tweaks and features in latest update

The third-party Twitter app Tweet It! for Windows 10 PC and Mobile has been updated to version, adding several small customization tweaks and features.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1Pdz1Oc

$499 For the 950XL.. Is it time to buy?

I have been holding off for a long time for my next Windows Phone. I have been rolling with IPhones and various Androids and have been wanting to come back. But the high price point and the mediocre reviews have kept me away.

While $499 is still a lot of money, I am thinking that most of the bugs have been worked out and saving $150 might be the difference.

What do you think?

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/27ZqbK1

car connectivity bij mirrorlink for Lumia 735 Windows Mobile10?

Skoda Octavia A7

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/25uFiZR

Notifications disappear when I slide the Action Center down

I updated to WM10 a week or so ago and everything seemed to go fine. From then on, I'd get notifications, I'd slide down the Action Center and deal with the notifications. Every app that posts notifications seemed to be working OK.

Then, a day or so ago, notifications started to disappear. What I mean is that I'd get one or more notifications, I'd slide the Action Centre down, there would be no notifications listed, and the notifications icon(s) immediately disappear(s).

In my Settings, in Notifications and Actions, all notifications are turned on. As far as I know, nothing on my phone has changed, unless some updates were done without my knowledge.

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/27ZqaWt

Any Viber developer around? Option to choose if we want to send 'X joined Viber'

As a member of Windows Insider Program, every time I upgrade my phone (every week or so) and want to reset the OS and reinstall apps, including Viber, my contacts receive notification that I joined Viber. And this is frustrating for everyone.

If you can make that user is prompted on first run with a message "Notify your contacts that you joined Viber?" with [YES] and [NO] options it would be great. Please consider adding this. Thanks in advance.

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/25uG8pz

Switching to Android, help!

Hello all, I'm a past user of i-phones, android, and even blackberry devices. Once I started using windows phone 4 years ago, I knew I found my new favorite platform.
Windows has given me everything the other softwares did not, for a long time. But now my carrier no longer supports windows phone... and long story short I will not switch because my current carrier is provided for free via my place of work. I will now have to settle for an android phone, unless I want to pay a lot extra, which I do not.

My main question is... is there a way I can transfer all of my contacts to my new android device? The device is an LG G4 if that matters.

Secondary questions that I can live with out, but would prefer to have answered are...

Is there a way to transfer my text messages? All of them... my current windows phone has messages stored from 4 years ago.. would love to have that on the new phone.

Is there a "cortana/bing" button app sort of thing on the android app store? That was by far my most favorite thing about windows phone was the bing button. It will be sorely missed if there isn't an app replacement on android.

....if I can't do any of the above... is there a way I can just install windows phone 10 on my LG G4 by rooting it and voiding every type of warranty? I'd love to do that if possible.

Thanks in advance for any help!

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1XJTBam

All Office 2013 programs open then shut immediately after Windows 10 upgrade.

Just upgraded to Windows 10 and now I can't open Outlook, Excel, Word etc. If you click on the icon the program starts but then shuts immediately. Checked my antivirus settings and they're OK, also opened Task Manager and checked they weren't minimised anywhere, which they weren't; it showed no apps running - any ideas?

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1Upotdw

Quick take: These $4 colorful aluminum cases for the Lumia 950, 950 XL

Back in early May, we told you about some new aluminum cases hitting China for the Lumia 950 and Lumia 950 XL. The cases were interesting due to their design, colors, and $4 price tag.

Well, we finally got them in after their long trek from out East and here are my quick thoughts on them.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1XJTI5I

RM-875 to RM-877/876

Is it possible to flash a RM-875 (Lumia 1020) variant to RM-877 or 876 variant ?
(Region : India)

Why I intend to go from 875 to 876/877 ?
Ans : http://ift.tt/24gjr5O

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1X7Eglr

How to stop continuous notifications re Windows defender off; and app no longer available.

I have been getting these notifications at least four times a day since I installed Windows 10. It is driving me mad. Please help.

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1X7Er00

Does Continuum support 4K?

Hello Windows Fans!

I am going to buy Continuum Dock but my TV has 4K resolution. Will it run without any problems? I have read minimum requirements for Continuum and looks like 720p is minimum to run. What about 4K? Or will it re-scale resolution from 4K to 1080p?

Thank you.

PS My phone is Lumia 950.

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/24gjjn1

Windows 10 boot stuck at logo and spinning dots circle

I am using an Asus K53SM laptop. I had installed Windows 8, 8.1 and after that 10 on it. 1 week back I did a clean re-install of windows 10 on it using in-built options in Windows 10 settings app. The re-install completed successfully and the laptop worked fine since then without any issues. I was running most recent stable build, the 1511.

Yesterday, I tried to start my laptop and it is now stuck on boot. It shows Windows Logo and white dots spinning below it. The hard disk light turns on for 10 second on this screen, however after that there is no hard disk usage light ON and the white dots keeps on spinning.

I do not have a Windows 10 bootable disk, hence I tried with Windows 8. I went to troubleshooting menu and opt-in for Automatic Startup recovery. It failed, I believe because of Compatibility issue.

Also, I went in for Command Prompt from the same options and did a chkdsk on C drive. It gave me some message related to 'reparse records'.
Now the situation is whenever I start my laptop it is stuck on Booting screen and does not proceed. I can't get into Safe Mode as it is disabled by default (conclusion drawn from Google Search). Can anybody help me out here? Thanks in advance.

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1X7E8lZ

Media Centre deleted by Windows 10

I can no longer use my PC as a TV as I did with Windows 7. Can this be fixed without having to pay .

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/24gjlLu

Long goodbye on Nokia 830

Why does it take so long for my phone to say goodbye?

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1X7ExEY

Double tap to wake and turn off buttons vibrating ?


I was happy on preview release 10586.318 with no issues last week double tap to wake was working and also I could turn off the vibrate settings on the navigation buttons on the bottom of the phone.

I decided to join the fast ring and give that build a go dint work out few issues and overall performance of the phone not to my liking.

Used the device recovery tool to roll back and join the insider preview release again and I'm now back on build 10586.318.

Put I cant find the setting for double tap to wake or disable to 3 navigation keys to stop vibrating ?

Anyone tell me where to find them in settings ?

Thanks Ben

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1Pb7xso

Vibrate Mode Auto Active After Call

After Final Update
The ringing stops & vibrate mode active automatically after the end of the every call....

Lumia 535

OS Build : 10.0.14342.1004

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1U6WpJv

How to create reminders for a specific date without usung cortana?

Ive tried to add reminder in cortana. Its not giving me an option for date. Please help

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1Pb7nBk

ASUS' latest Transformers take on the Surface Pro 4

ASUS is setting its sights on the Surface Pro 4 with its latest Transformers 2-in-1s. The Transformer 3 Pro and Transformer 3 feature 12.6-inch displays with a resolution of 2880 x 1920 resolution with a pixel density of 275 ppi, and come with an integrated kickstand as well as portable keyboards.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1U6VU26

Nokia Lumia 950 XL not syncing theme with Windows 10 Enterprise through Microsoft Account

Good day!
I have a problem with new Lumia 950 XL Dual-SIM mobile phone registered with Microsoft Account. Mobile phone doesn't syncing theme (startup and lock screen picture) with Windows 10 Enterprise PCs (I have PC and notebook). Other settings all syncing well. PC and notebook also sharing startup and lock screen pictures without any problem.
Both pictures in Windows 10 Enterprise are custom and static in JPG format, no slideshow, no solid color. Status of theme in "Control Panel\Personalization" is "Synced". In Windows 10 Enterprise, Microsoft Account Troubleshooter (How to Troubleshoot Microsoft Account Issues - TechNet Articles - United States (English) - TechNet Wiki) doesn't show any problem.

Windows 10 Enterprise build is 1511, English version, with all current Windows updates (last checked 29.05.2016), "Defer Upgrades" setting is ON, no insider content. All sync settings in Windows is ON. Interface language is English.

Phone OS is Lumia Windows 10, Core Build ID 1130.122, Configuration ID 13914.03216A, BSP Release 1078.0038, Application Version, build creation date - 01.02.2016. Interface Language is Russian.

Sync settings in Windows Phone: "Sync Parameters" - ON; "Sync Theme" - ON; "Sync Passwords" - ON.
Startup screen settings in Windows Phone: "Background" - "My Pictures", "Full screen".
Background screen settings in Windows Phone: "Background" - "My Picture", "Application with detailed information" - Microsoft Outlook, "Switch off display" - "After 5 minutes", "Touch screen twice to turn off" - "Disabled".
Logon settings - "Require logon after 15 minutes", PIN set up, Windows Hello (Beta) is disabled.

What can I do to get startup and lock screens synced?

BR, Anton Minosjan
Russian Federation

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1Pb6Mj3

ASUS' ZenBook 3 is lighter, thinner, and faster than the MacBook

ASUS kicked off Computex 2016 with the ZenBook 3, the latest iteration in its flagship ultraportable series. Weighing just two pounds and with a thickness of 11.9mm, the ZenBook 3 is lighter and thinner than the 12-inch MacBook, which comes in at 2.03 pounds and 12.3mm. ASUS' offering does all that while offering a processor that's twice as fast as the sixth-generation Core M line used in the MacBook, while fitting a larger 12.5-inch display.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1U6Qbck

Restoring Whatsapp messages from a WP 8.1 (NL720) backup to Windows 10 Mobile (ML950)

I'm trying to restore my whatsapp chats to my new Lumia 950. (Unsuccessfull)
Previously I was using Lumia 720 and have backed up the messages. Have copied this backup folder to the new phone. But it doesn't detect the same.
Can someone let me know why I'm not able to pull the messages from the previous version's backup?

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1VpyVEn

my phone lumia 720 is hanged so,how can i get the phone normel

the screen is cracked and when i tried emergency calling (no sim) it suddenly become hanged

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1U6P5gR

Is it worth buying a 640 or 650 right now?

Hi everyone, I want to buy a new phone right now. I am a student right now and don't really have the budget to buy a high end phone. I was wondering if there is any sense in buying a 640 or 650 right now, when I can get a nexus 5x by throwing in a little bit more money (albeit probably without warranty). I don't think lower end Lumia phones will be supported well in the long run. I was wondering if anyone could guide me here, which direction should I go into?

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1Vpyrhn

Sunday, May 29, 2016

youtube video skipping and sound buzzing in windows 10 on a toshiba satellite upgraded model

just another example of the typical bull**** doled out to us - we the consumer with little voice - just put it in the box and get the money - let them ***** later..
windows 10 - loaded without my authorization, wasted hours waiting, a whole new configuration, hours to reset some semblance of normalcy, and issue after issue of **** that doesn't work.. lame offers of resolutions, patches, and 'it should work now' by shady-tree IT wanna-be's.. who should of kept their mcdonald's jobs as it fit their competency levels..
maybe when trump becomes president some of this **** they pass off for product will actually get better.. if not, then they should head to mexico, after all, half of their 'technicians' don't speak 'good enough English'..
if your with me - tell them they can now help pay for the wall...

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1X7knLh

Surface Pro on top at conference use

Attending a day long conference last week with about 25 people, I did my usual check to see what tech was being used. Of the 25, an uncommonly small number of 9 were using tablets or laptops. I've usually found at least half and often nearly all people in the room with one or more devices. But of the 9 devices in use this time, Surface had the plurality with 4: 3 SP3's and me and my SP4. The rest were laptops: two Dells, an HP and a Lenovo and exactly one Apple: an older MBP. I was struck that for the second time in a row while attending a conference or large meeting, there were no iPads being used.

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1UnLeP0

How do I autostart The Weather Channel Desktop Program on my Windows 10 pc?

I have successfully installed the Windows 10 version on my Win 10 pc, and it runs fine.

Now I would like to know how to make the program autostart each time I boot up the pc, and run minimized until I log off.

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1TRM8od

Want to see BitTorrent client Torrex on the Xbox One? You can now pledge your support

Popular BitTorrent client Torrex is exploring the possibility of making its app available on the Xbox One. With the Unified Windows Store launching later this year — paving the way for UWP apps to make their way to the console — the Xbox One will see a noticeable uptick in the number of apps.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/22tDdvk

Doing my bit, are you?

Just wanted to say that I'm doing my big to support W10M. I've ordered the L950 for my wife and a L650 for the technophobe mother in-law. I've just returned from a android 6 months vacation. I like the W10M, I like where it's going. Now to work on my parents.

What are you doing d to promote W10M in a good light?

Please no negative comments as we all know the is is not perfect and the things like apps etc need improved. Tho reading Windows central latest article shows we have the course apps that 91% of US smartphone users use. Food for thought?

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/25v9443

Not getting Windows 10 PC insider build Help!

I have enrolled to windows 10 pc fast ring, currently im on RTM (Production) build, I'm not getting any insider build even after opting for it .. hep!

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1Udybgo

Happy to join here!

Hello dear,

I am new member into this forum. Opened my account few minutes ago. I would like to introduce myself with you all.

Thank you!

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1TRzMN7

Windows 10 elastic effect on scrolling

Hi everyone,

I cant seem to find a way to turn off the "elastic" scrolling feature in windows 10. It happens in the file explorer, outlook and some other apps. Its like, when you reach the end of the scroll the whole window nudges a bit as you move your fingers on the precision trackpad. it does not happen while using the mouse. To be particular it is happening on my new Dell Precision 5510. I have tried reinstalling a clean system just to be sure it wasn't dell.

I am sure its a OS feature but its kind of disturbing to me. Has anyone found a way out?

Thanks a ton

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1sGmbh2

What if the Xbox became the next PC?

With PC sales declining in the consumer space, what if Microsoft positioned the Xbox as a PC alternative? Connect a keyboard and mouse and then run UWP Word and Excel. Even a smaller, less powerful unit could handle it. The game machine is also a homework machine. Feasible? Would you use it?

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1TRzKov

What is the start screen?

I want to set up Cortana for voice dictation.

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1UnoRcK

Not getting Windows 10 PC insider build

I enrolled to Windows 10 PC insider program with option of Fast Ring from RTM but I'm not getting any build, windows update says your device is up to date. help!

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1PaiURn

Unresponsive Power button after Windows 8.1 Update

I have a Lumia 520. The phone has worked flawlessly and beautifully for the last few years. I recently installed the prompted 8.1 updates (I have purposely put off and ignored getting the updates for a very long time) After being prompted for the last couple months I clicked to install them. Well that was a giant mistake.

Immediately after updating to 8.1 my power button no longer functions. I can not power on nor power off with a simple click. If I plug the phone into the charger it will come on and I can use it but if it goes to sleep I can't wake it unless I disconnect from power. I can't simply press the power button to turn the screen off, I have to either connect it to the charger or disconnect it and it will automatically bring up the splash screen. I have revised my settings as well to accept the 'double tap' to wake it and that is unsuccessful as well. :angry:This is simply not an acceptable workaround.

Also I have noticed rapid power drain. I am unable to use the volume/power/camera buttons to reset. I was able to hard reset the phone from the "About' menu and I thought it would take it back to factory settings, where my phone would be reset to the version prior to updating. This was not the case and this did not resolve the issue.

I now have an updated phone but it's unusable in this condition and I am more than a little frustrated. I don't want to have to purchase something new because this damnable update pooched it due to no fault of mine. HELP please.

OS VERSION 8.10.14234.375
FIRMWARE REVISION NUMBER 3058.500000.1424.0000

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1Unpu5P

Lumia 1520 with Metro Pcs

I have a 1520 which I just received the unlock code from ATT. I went to local Metro PCS store and inserted a Metro sim and I didn't get service. I went to another Metro store and got the same results. Does anyone know how to get a 1520 to work with Metro?

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/25uUiKK

Two months later, how is it?

I tried the TabPro S when it first came out in March. I liked it, but I had serious problems with the display driver crashing and major Windows store apps like Netflix and Hulu causing blue screen crashes and ended up returning it.

How is it doing now? I am interested in trying it out again as I look for a Windows based portable to use on airplanes and while on the road meeting with clients (I live in a browser and the MS Office suit). Have driver issues improved? How is the battery life? Did you get more accustomed to the keyboard?

I'd love to hear real stories about how it is working out (or isn't) for you.

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1qVRFyt

Microsoft store screen repair...

Hey guys! I have a Lumia 950xl that I got on day one. I went a few months without a screen protector and got some pretty deep scratches in my phone. Does anyone know if the Microsoft stores does in store screen replacement and what the cost is?

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1NXv280

Start Menu Keeps Resizing

On my SP4 running Windows 10 (non-insider), I notice that my start menu resizes for it self. Like if I close the surface or wake it up from hibernating or something, SOMETIMES the start menu goes from 3 columns wide to 2 columns wide. This is really annoying.

Again, it does not happen all the time.

Does this happen to anyone else?

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1TPKpPb

Should I sell my iMac and use my Surface Book as a desktop?

Ive had my iMac for 3 years with a windows partition, but i've run out of space, the fans are driving me INSANE, the windows side's sound doesnt work and I do a bit of light gaming so I'm just getting pretty sick of Mac's lack of performance in the area. I have a shiny new surface book which i adore but its an i7 and I'm sure it could do much more than play my Netflix shows. I bought the Surface Dock, put my iMac on sale, got a Samsung 4K display and the Microsoft keyboard/mouse. While I still have the things in the box and they are returnable I would like opinions, am I making the right choice here? I have been slowly transitioning over the past years from everything apple into now everything windows starting with the SP2 that replaced my MB Air (keeping my iPhone and watch though) my work laptop runs windows as well and everything is beautifully integrated to one drive. Thus, I've really no need for my iMac anymore other than it looks pretty in my room. Is the SB powerful enough to support the 4k, and my light gaming? Since I'm pretty sure it is because I already tried it and it runs league at native res and medium graphics with 100fps (a tiny bit of lag). Is it worth ditching my mac to get a 4k screen and run it with my Surface?

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1NXv4Ne


Has anybody flashed the Nokia Lumia 2520 with windows 10 or windows 10 mobile?

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1TPK8LW

Help with music app payment

I recently updated my credit card information within my Microsoft account by deleting my old card info and adding my new card info. However, when I attempt to go into the music store app to make a purchase and download a song, it gives me the following message: We don't have a credit card on file for your account.

So then I clicked on the "add credit card" link within the app to try to add the card info within the app, but when I click the "next" button after entering the data it gives me this message: We cannot add this payment method because it already exists in your account. Please try another one.

This is very confusing. My credit card info saved in my Microsoft account and shows up when I try to purchase a game in the App Store, but when I try to purchase a song on the music app it doesn't show.

Any feedback someone can provide would be much appreciated

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1NXuNKe

Persistent Wifi problems

Does anyone experience extremely slow Wifi connections? For months my Surface Book's connection has been EXTREMELY slow (although somewhat intermittently). My internet speed will often be ~3 or 4 Mbps while all my other devices are 20+ Mbps. Sometimes if I disconnect or turn off Wifi and reconnect, things are better for a while. But not always. So I don't think it's the router or channel. The worst thing is that I use a NAS (network attached storage) to access files. Sometimes my connection speeds with that are ~350KB/s or less (again, around 6MB/s on other devices).

When I first got the SurfaceBook in November, I didn't have this problem. I think it cropped up at some point after an update. I hoped the recent Marvell Avastar update would help but if anything, it's gotten worse. I've looked around the web and there are some old suggestions about registry hacks (that don't work) and plenty of Surface owners complaining about Marvell and Skylake. Anyone have suggestions? I may try buying another router just to rule that out.

I love my SurfaceBook but these Wifi issues are making it bascally useless to me.

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1TPJKNy

Is the new W10M the old Android?

I remembered the days when windows phone used to be sleek, stable and beautiful, apps works as they supposed to, a ½GIG Ram windows phone can go against a GIG Ram android phone in performance, the only hold back was APP Gap. In comparison, android phones have more APPs than Windows, but the performance is poor, a reset is needed every now and then, bla bla bla…

Now, the new windows OS compared to the new android OS, is the vice versa, midrange and budget android phones works just like the old windows phones, plus more APPs for that matter, the windows OS on the other hand, lacks APPs and is now unstable, a reset is now needed every now and then.

I have been a windows fan since day 1, even now, my daily driver is windows, but it's hurting me, because the windows experience is gone. I used to convince android and iOS fans to join windows because of one or two things but now, I don't know what's left for windows that is better than android or iOS.

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1NXv0gs

windows 10 apps

is there a charles schwab app for windows 10

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/25rScYF

would i be able to access google+ from a windows phone ?

I'm thinking of changing to a windows phone from android

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1RDayfv

Selling my Surface Book i5 base model

I have decided that this laptop is not best for my needs. This is the base model that costs $1,500 new.

Mine is in like new condition and comes with the original box and everything that comes with it. It is 5 months old and I would like to keep the sale in the US for shipping purposes. I am open to offers, but realistically I would like to get $1000 out of it.

It also has a screen protector that I put on the day I bought the Surface Book.

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1WTNAZn

help with Windows live mail

We recently updated to Windows 10. We use Windows Live Mail for our email. In trying to get passwords for email and Microsoft accounts straight, I must have clicked on the "calendar". Now when signing into our email account I keep getting an error message for the calendar, which I do not use. I can't get past the error message to get our new emails.

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1RDawnT

You think that W10M could recover?

With all the OS problems, the terrible press, the lack of advertisement and lack of developers, you think that w10m could recover from all that? I'm really hoping that w10m could be a success, but it's kinda looking dark lately.

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1WTNcu4

Is the new W10M the old Android?

I remembered the days when windows phone used to be sleek, stable and beautiful, apps works as they supposed to, a ½GIG Ram windows phone can go against a GIG Ram android phone in performance, the only hold back was APP Gap. In comparison, android phones have more APPs than Windows, but the performance is poor, a reset is needed every now and then, bla bla bla…

Now, the new windows OS compared to the new android OS, is the vice versa, midrange and budget android phones works just like the old windows phones, plus more APPs for that matter, the windows OS on the other hand, lacks APPs and is now unstable, a reset is now needed every now and then.

I have been a windows fan since day 1, even now, my daily driver is windows, but it's hurting me, because the windows experience is gone. I used to convince android and iOS fans to join windows because of one or two things but now, I don't know what's left for windows that is better than android or iOS.

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1UmVvLA

Start screen feezes/lags

Last week I took the SIM out of my 950XL (running .318), put it in an adapter and dropped it in my 640 which is running the latest Redstone build. Decided to switch it back as I need my 950XL for two authenticator apps, tied to the phone and am tired of carrying two phones Now, the above info may or may not be related to my problem - it could be that I only just noticed it now after putting the sim back in the 950XL.

The problem: when scrolling through my start screen, or rearranging my live tiles, the start screen freezes for a seconds/lags and is non-responsive. It eventually responds, but it definitely is freezing/lagging. Has anyone seen this or have a suggestion on how to fix it?

I've done a soft reset. I recently installed Audible. Uninstalling seemed to have no effect. Any thoughts?

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1P9EUvQ

This Week in Xbox - Xbox 'Scorpio' rumor round-up, Phil Spencer teases E3 (Giveaway!)

This week we're rounding up all the latest Xbox One hardware rumors!
We're also giving away another copy of Overwatch to one lucky commenter! Simply leave a reply and join the discussion for a chance to win.
Every week, I summarize some of the biggest rumors and talking points in one handy post every weekend. You can also rely on this weekly column to catch up with all the latest Xbox One game releases.

Welcome to the latest edition of This Week in Xbox One News.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1sG0xcP

Sorry, but is there a shelf life of each W10M build? Because it sure seems so.

I'm on build .318, and it seems like with every build, after a week or two things start to go south rather quickly. It's like the OS can't handle it anymore and is time for a re-boot, as if the build self destructs after a certain testing period. I've had to do multiple soft resets on my 735 over the past week for stupid ****...notifications not showing up, time disappearing on the lock screen, a lag when unlocking the phone, my Messages threads going blank, volume getting stuck on a media player that I closed hours ago, etc. It's absurd.

I'm the first to say I love WP, and I'm all for trying it out. But, this past week has caused so much frustration that I've actually switched back to my iPhone 6 for a "break". A BREAK. FROM AN OS. That's sad, and nobody can deny that. The icing on the cake was when I was trying to take photos at IKEA to remember what the furniture pieces we liked were, and it took like 5 minutes for the camera to open. Then in the car we were trying to look up movie times and my location couldn't even be determined. Pulled out my fiance's iPhone and we could do it in 5 seconds.

This is just silly. And I'm not bashing WP but now I see what everyone is saying. As nice as W10M is, it's just a hugely frustrating experience. I'm not doing a hard reset, as I refuse to believe that's what needs to be done all the time. For now, my 735 is sitting in a nice air conditioned room waiting to be used again --- when I feel less frustrated and more forgiving.

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1TQY8qi

(Phone) Nokia Lumia cyan "No Sim Card Error" Keeps popping up!

I just bought a Nokia Lumia cyan (phone) from a friend at school. I reset the phone to the factory default settings. And It was working for maybe a day or three. Until now, it keeps popping up with the "No Sim Card Error". It usually only popped at the start. Now it pops up like every 1-5 minutes and after it pops up the second time the power button won't put it to sleep. You have to hold it to shut it down then it just turns back on by itself. Also the internet doesn't work for Cortana or any of the default apps but it works for Clash of The Lords 2.

Please Help I do not want to reset everything again!!!

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1sFZN7w

Sorry, but is there a shelf life of each W10M build? Because it sure seems so.

I'm on the latest production build of W10M, I think, and it seems like with every build, after a week or two things start to go south rather quickly. It's like the OS can't handle it anymore and is time for a re-boot, as if the build self destructs after a certain testing period. I've had to do multiple soft resets on my 735 over the past week for stupid ****...notifications not showing up, time disappearing on the lock screen, a lag when unlocking the phone, my Messages threads going blank, volume getting stuck on a media player that I closed hours ago, etc. It's absurd.

I'm the first to say I love WP, and I'm all for trying it out. But, this past week has caused so much frustration that I've actually switched back to my iPhone 6 for a "break". A BREAK. FROM AN OS. That's sad, and nobody can deny that. The icing on the cake was when I was trying to take photos at IKEA to remember what the furniture pieces we liked were, and it took like 5 minutes for the camera to open. Then in the car we were trying to look up movie times and my location couldn't even be determined. Pulled out my fiance's iPhone and we could do it in 5 seconds.

This is just silly. And I'm not bashing WP but now I see what everyone is saying. As nice as W10M is, it's just a hugely frustrating experience.

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1TQYnBq

The untold "app gap" story Part II: App gap? What app gap?

The term "app gap" suggests a numeric disparity exists between the number of apps available on iOS and Android and that of Microsoft's Windows Store.
However, as I mentioned in "Part I of this series: Human behavior, the overlooked variable" , the term "app gap", has evolved to also include a "quality of app" factor. Thus "app gap" now carries the additional connotation that there is a quality gap between some of the apps of the dominant platforms and Microsoft's.
There has, however, been an even more dramatic evolution of the term. Due to how it is presented in most reporting without the context of how the average smartphone user (at least in the US) behaves in relation to apps, "app gap" has further evolved to mean a dramatically inferior or nearly unusable smartphone experience if a consumer chooses Windows Phone.

Though not explicitly stated this way clear recommendations away from Windows Phone and other inferences strongly imply this. This logic, however, is not necessarily valid. Human behavior is a critical factor to incorporate when we consider the empirical data of the app quantity and sometimes the quality disparity between Windows phone and iPhone and Android apps.
In Part I, we gave a broad view of the effect of human behavior on app usage and the general smartphone experience of the average US smartphone user. We surmised that the impact of certain missing apps from the Windows Store would not dramatically affect the average smartphone user's experience. This conclusion was reached based on an analysis of the 2015 US Mobile App Report which presented data reflecting human behavior in relation to apps.
In this piece we will look more closely at that data and talk in greater detail about what apps are most used, by most users, most of the time; and why that information effectively precludes an "app gap", in the sense of a dramatically inferior or unusable smartphone experience, for the average US smartphone user who chooses Windows Mobile.

As I proceed with this analysis, please note, I will be speaking from the perspective of the demographic reflected in this data: US smartphone users. It may, however, be reasonable to conclude that human behavior in other regions may yield a similar concentration of app usage on a small core assortment of apps.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums http://ift.tt/1sFZKZw