Sunday, April 30, 2017

Microsoft had Awesome Product Placement in Guardians 2

Awesome product placement in Guardians 2. No spoilers. You'll know when you see it.

from Windows Central Forums //

RCA tablet windows 10 help with instillation apps

Is there any other app store that will work with this ??

from Windows Central Forums //

My prediction: Cshell at build

That's my prediction, MS will demo cshell running on windows 10 mobile and other devices at build in a few weeks.

This, and some other announcements will spin everyones head. People will be generally impressed how continuum functions, literally just like a desktop shell.

Everything will move to beautiful neon design.

They _may_ also talk about Cortana skills api. win10 m naysayers jaws will drop. That's how I am calling it.

from Windows Central Forums //

Camera performance on CU

Has anyone noticed degraded camera performance on CU? Mine seems to have difficulty focusing, and sometimes makes noise as it tries to focus. Maybe it is just a coincidence, but it seemed to start right around when I got the latest build (15063.251). Anyone else have this, or is my camera maybe going bad?

from Windows Central Forums //

Be it resolved: Windows 10 tablet mode needs more Apple!

How can us end users get Microsoft to wake up and smell the proverbial coffee? Windows 10 Tablet mode is seriously broken and is an impediment to Windows' future success. It needs to be fixed and quickly.

There is little love lost between me and Microsoft, but I want to see Microsoft succeed in the tablet world. Why? For a very selfish reason, competition. Since I use Microsoft's operating system I want it to be the best that there is. Right now it isn't!

In 2017 the tablet (& mobile) landscape is still almost a monopoly. Apple's iOS dominates. Google's Android is a distant runner up in terms of dollar value (I don't consider old, under-powered or cheap devices running a myriad of versions of Android as constituting an actual threat to Apple's iOS monopoly). Unfortunately Windows 10 doesn't barely registers above a percentage point on the tablet devices scale which doesn't bode well for its future. But, Windows 10 tablet could be better. It could be MUCH BETTER.

Android doesn't meet my work needs (it's okay as a portable web OS). iOS is way too expensive and doesn't meet my work needs (though, it a great portable OS). Mac OS X mostly meets my work needs, but, I'm now too heavily invested in software that runs on Microsoft's Windows, so, I need Microsoft to succeed.

Let me describe how I've come to the conclusion that Windows tablet mode is woefully inadequate: by watching my four and six year old sons get frustrated with Windows 10 tablet mode on two separate tablet devices (a two year old 7" tablet, the other a 2016 era 13" 2-in-1 laptop). And, with my own frustrations with Windows 10 on said devices.

My four year old only knows iPad, Android 5 and Windows 10 tablet. My six year old also knew the BlackBerry Playbook.

As young children, both boys were capable of manipulating--without any instruction--an iPod Touch 2nd generation. Let me re-iterate that: WITHOUT ANY INSTRUCTION they were both capable of opening apps and operating the device with little frustration. Android 5, same form factor (4" screen), is a worse experience with many more frustrations but still marginally tolerable. The BlackBerry Playbook wasn't bad (though, after it fell down a flight of stairs the cracked screen kind of took the fun out of it :(. Windows 10 Tablet is distinctly worse than all of the above!

My assessment of a device's/OS's usability is determined by the parent-intervention-required factor. With iOS I don't never really had to intervene beyond things that were simply beyond their cognitive ability. Android required far more parental intervention. PlayBook required some intervention for a 2 year old but not that much!

They're now much older and Windows 10 tablet mode is just a constant headache. It's not INTUITIVE. And, these boys are pros when it comes to Android and iOS so it's telling to see them be frustrated by Windows 10 tablet mode. Microsoft just hasn't got it right. Though people are nostalgic for Windows 8, its tablet mode was no better.

I do grant that Windows 10 desktop mode is even better than Windows 7! That's where Windows 10 shines (though, even there Microsoft could stand to learn from Apple's philosophy of "it just works" and it could stand to get rid of legacy approaches).

Back to the tablet mode frustrations.

Swipe from right and you get the Action Center. Swipe from left and you get the start menu. Swipe from top and you close an app or snap it to a side. These gestures are frustrating (to me too) and cannot be disabled when you could really stand to have them disabled.

Then there's the icons and menus. Tablet mode in Windows 10 is an afterthought. It's a way to shoe-horn the desktop paradigm into a touch screen and it shows. Icons are small. Many parts of the interface don't respond as you'd expect from real life (that's the genius of iOS... things "just work" like in real life). Tablet mode should "just work".

Now, I do get that Apple has a patent on the home button which limits what non-Apple touch device makers can do to make their devices "just work". But, there's got to be better solutions than what Windows currently has.

For example, try to play any touch game and I'm constantly swearing at the swipe right and swipe left screen edge actions. They're constantly interfering with the game. That's not something covered by an Apple patent and is simply bad UI design by Microsoft. That's FIXABLE without violating patents (unless Apple has a patent on disabling screen edge gestures :).

Post script: I'm a fairly recent Windows user. For the first 20 years of my computing life I was almost exclusively a Mac user. Now, for the past 10 years I've been a mostly Windows user and exclusively Windows for the past 7. Not because I particularly like Windows (I don't) but because it's what I use at work so there wasn't a compelling reason for me to pay the premium for Mac when I spent half my time finding cross-platform solutions.

from Windows Central Forums //

What "MUST HAVE" functionality do you get with iPhone that's not available on W10m?

I'm talking about the things that allow you to function daily beyond games and social media? What is the "special sauce?"

from Windows Central Forums //

Few questions I have

I recently had to do an clean install of Win10 because MS doesn't have a fix for the Creators Update not installing because of my SSD had a MBR and not GPT. Yes I know it's stupid to have to do a clean install to install an update.

Since I upgraded from Windows 8.1 to 10 everything was the way I had it set from 8.1. Since the clean install I have a few issue that I can't find the solution too.

First MS instead of putting my name as the user it put the first 5 letters of my email. How do I change this?

Second I'm running dual monitors. How do I "Always, Hide Labels" for the task bar on the second monitor. The main screen it's working. I would like the taskbar for the second monitor to be exactly like the main monitor.

from Windows Central Forums //

Maps lose traffic info in CU

After updating to the Creators Update and the new Maps app UI, each of my devices lost the ability to predict traffic for routes. For any route at all (including the home/work favorites) it says "traffic info isn't available." I can see that traffic info IS available through the colors on the map. I'm not even talking about during navigation - we've sadly never had that - but in the route options themselves. This is a major feature loss! Does anyone else have this issue? And by the way, I'm in the northeast US so the maps are definitely available, and I have checked for updates.

from Windows Central Forums //

Maps app traffic info isn't available on CU

After updating to the Creators Update and the new Maps app UI, each of my devices lost the ability to predict traffic for routes. For any route at all (including the home/work favorites) it says "traffic info isn't available." I can see that traffic info IS available through the colors on the map. I'm not even talking about during navigation - we've sadly never had that - but in the route options themselves. This is a major feature loss! Does anyone else have this issue? And by the way, I'm in the northeast US so the maps are definitely available, and I have checked for updates.

from Windows Central Forums //

Why is my Alcatel One Touch Spazing?

I started experiencing problems yesterday. My phone was low battery and would not let me type the text bar to reply through facebook messenger. No big deal, so i plugged my phone in to charge and let it sit through over night. I woke up this morning and the charge was still at 17%. Weird. Than I go to plug it in and answer some messages and my phone freaks out on itself! It is opening and closing apps, wont let me use the home keys. When i eventually got to the message bar to type, it starts typing by itself and and closes the app completely. What is going on? I factory hard reset it. It still wont let me get past the part where you pick the language because its too busy spazing on different buttons.

from Windows Central Forums //

So if Windows 10 is at the core of Xbox One, why have no games come over?

So if Windows 10 is at the heart of this box, why have none of the Windows 10 games come over??
Most of the Asphalt games would run like a dream, same for O&C 1 and 2......heck even the Microsoft Titles are missing Shuffle Party, Solitaire.......

Not a deal break for me as I was only interested in the Live OTA TV as a friend gave me the USB TV stick...way faster on Xbox over my game rig PC.

I was just surprised not to see the PC games I like in the Store.

from Windows Central Forums //

Microsoft Confirms Windows 10 Mobile is Alive

Here's a very short article from Windows Latest which I thought was pretty good. It might help some people put things in perspective. Microsoft are working on and will continue to work on Windows 10 Mobile. It is extremely unlikely however that they will be creating any new mobile hardware. And this is were the confusion lies. People are conflating the hardware, Mobile hardware from MS is no longer and people are taking this and then wrongly declaring that mobile software from MS is no longer. This simply has no basis in fact and is unsupported. It will be up to the OEM's to create the hardware for the foreseeable future.

Hopefully we will get a statement at BUILD 2017 to quash the rumours or at least bring clarity. Anyhow, here is the article;

Windows 10 Mobile is still alive, Microsoft confirms

from Windows Central Forums //

Hello everyone

Hey Windows Central Community!

I'm new to the whole Windows Phone ecosystem but I've been hearing that it's dying out or is "dead" [emoji53] ... I wanted to try one for myself... Any recommendations? I've only been an Android user, not a fan of Apple at all. Lol. I guess you can call me a gambler. Hehe

Anyways, I'm Tyler and I've been here at WC for a few months now but haven't got a chance to stick around for too long, as I'm always busy! I've been somewhere around the PC and Gaming sections of the forums.

I'm a PC game developer... Or soon to be when we release a title [emoji2]. I work with a fellow member of the forums @Josiah23 and a few others that haven't signed up to the forums (yet).

Anyways, thanks for checkout out my introduction post, and I'm hoping to see some of you guys in the forums.

from Windows Central Forums //

I can't remove "Recent" files from Office on WP8.1

I have 925, 928 and 635. I cant clean "recent" in Office app. They just come back. I tried turning off internet, still come back. How to clean Office permanently? Cleaning Recent on didn't work either, plus it had different files. On all phones I'm signed in with the same hotmail account. I deleted these 3 files (3 on 925, 2 on 928 & 635) from OneDrive but still show up on the phones

This video shows everything

from Windows Central Forums //

Things to be learned from Windows Mobile & Things to be learned from the other guys

As a programmer myself, when creating the ideal OS for phones here's some things that I think Google and Apple could learn and implement in their OS from Windows Phone. Note that these are related to the OS only (not marketing techniques or hardware):

1. Continuum-like interface for scaling phones to larger screens. For instance, my 6.4-inch Android phone could benefit from something like that for presentations/etc.

2. An update service that bypasses carrier release wait times (Google especially).

3. If you think that Cortana gathers too much information about you, try Google Now and come crawling back to Cortana. xD

4. The Live Tile interface. No other interface that I've used seems superior to that, even with all the Android launchers in the world.

Here are things that Microsoft could learn from Google and Apple's OSes.

1. Interface customization: Android has the ability to offer more than one home screen in which 2 different sets of icons exist. Microsoft could improve on this and create virtual "mobile desktops."

2. Antivirus. Now this isn't a jab at Microsoft itself, but it still needs to be taken into consideration. Some people may say, "This OS doesn't need antivirus." However, if an OS exists, someone is making exploits for it. Now there may not be as many exploits as other OSes, but one exploit is enough to ruin your day.

3. Launchers. This is contrary to my previous point about live tiles. Android has many launchers, one for almost any taste (except people who want live tiles). For people who don't want live tiles, please allow an icons view Microsoft (just like File Explorer).

4. All notifications on the Lock Screen. This is one of the features of Android that I actually enjoy. You can see them, you can scroll them, you can clear them without unlocking your phone. And if you don't want them on your lock screen, you can set them as private. This would be a nice feature to have in Windows Mobile.

5. Lock Screen Security. Speaking of the lock screen, Android allows you to set a pattern for a lock password. Where is that feature in Windows Mobile?

6. Overall fluidity. This is one of the reasons I never went back to Windows Mobile. After using Android for a while, I went back to my Lumia 640 with Windows 10 Mobile 10586 (yes, that was a while ago). It was like I was using a choppy-animated OS.

So, combine the positives and erase the negatives and you've got yourself an ideal OS (one that doesn't exist), but I digress. The best part of programming is to learn how to do the same thing in a different way from someone else. It gives insight into how you can improve your techniques, and for building OSes, that is a really important thing to keep in mind.

from Windows Central Forums //

Why can't I download photos from my Lumia 950 to my laptop?


I usually use my normal USB lead to transfer image and video files from the camera roll folder on my phone to a folder on my laptop, but recently it's not behaving itself. The normal "copying" box appears and I can see the little folders with little pieces of paper flying across (!), but the bar isn't moving. Eventually I give up and have to use task manager to stop things.

If anyone has any ideas I can try I'd appreciate it.

Many thanks

(I'm running XP (I know!) but it's been fine until recently.)

from Windows Central Forums //

Anyone getting Call of Duty: WWII?

Any COD fans out there?
Anyone Pre-ordering?
Any anti Call of Duty fans? Lol

It looks interesting, but I'll probably stick with good ol' Battlefield 1 for a while longer.

Releases 11-3-17

from Windows Central Forums //

Insider build as daily driver

with the Windows 10 Mobile going into maintenance mode effectively is it stable enough to run a daily driver phone on the fast ring?

from Windows Central Forums //

Movies&TV app problems after CU (Lumia 1520)

After updatating to CU 10.0.15063.251 my phone via Insider Preview - Release Preview Ring and performing an hard resert im unable to use Movies&TV app.
I get a screen that said i need download the app, but is present!
Tryed multiple soft reset then remove/reinstall the app but store continue to give 0x803F8005 error.

Any idea how to solve this issue?

tnx in advance and sorry for my english

from Windows Central Forums //

Didn't get the Creator update in my Lumia

Hi, still now I didn't get creator update in my Lumia 650 or in 640xl. Can you tell me what just happened?

from Windows Central Forums //

Windows creator update problem in my Lumia

Hi, still now I didn't get creator update in my Lumia 650 or in 640xl. Can you tell me what just happened?

from Windows Central Forums //

WTB: Microsoft Surface 3 used or refurbished

Buyer location : Canada

Microsoft Surface 3.
With or without keyboard cover.
Win 10 preferably, but Win 8.1 is ok too.

Please specify shipping charge.

Payment method : Paypal.

from Windows Central Forums //

Using the Lumia 1520 in 2017- (yet another) Experience.

Saw meattray post and seeing as I'm in the same situation I thought it would be cool to share my thoughts. My 1520 arrived in the mail 3 days ago. Sturdy, a little heavy, but boy howdy if it doesn't scream "Nokia" just by touching it. It feels robust and good, despite being plastic. Turned it on, still on 8.1. Updated to 10 after fiddling around for a minute, I have to say, I liked a lot the previous 8.1 interface. It just seemed more... Fun. Download update after update (4 years to catch up aren't a joke), not a single issue. It does get a little too warm but considering the operations it has to performs I don't mind. Calls are better than my previous device (a Nexus 6P) and despite the fact that there is only one speaker it does sound much louder compared to the Nexus' double front facing ones. It's colder though.
As for the system... Well, Windows 10 Mobile is great! The OS itself out-of-the-box is amazing, beautiful and innovative. Live tiles are simply too good, and the UI feels a lot better. The similarity to my PC is good too, so I can seamlessly pass from one to another and feel just at home (besides, the fact that my Windows pc notifies me when there's a notification is a bliss!).
Keyboard is amazingly fast but it's different so it'll take a while to get used to it.
The only, really, the ONLY groundbreaking fatal wound this OS has are apps. There are VERY few apps that works, and even less are optimized. Big shots don't update since a year (looking at you, Spotify) and this brings their apps to be unusable. Plus, even if they work, there are a lot of important features missing (Facebook messenger doesn't allow you to call people, same with Telegram.). If this platform got even as much as half the support iOS and Android have, it would rise so quickly it would dethrone Apple and Google from the mobile market. And about the latter... Why there are no Google apps in the store? The only one is the crappy Google Search app that doesn't even work properly!
Overall, despite being a 2k13 phone, I still prefer it to my Nexus 6P (that I still have around for games and stuff). Is it worth to buy one in 2017? The phone itself is more than worth, it's still a flagship for me. The problem is the OS. So the question is; is W10M worth in 2017? Well, that's up to you. I can only say that I don't regret a single buck I spent on it and besides, Groove Music has double the songs Spotify has ;P
Cheers, LVBNR5 out. Lemme know your thoughts or some cool apps I can download.

from Windows Central Forums //

My Microsoft Band 2 broke. What should i get to replace it?

What's the closest replacement for a Lumia 950 owner with a Groove Pass membership. Some of my requirements are
1. full fitness tracking (ala fitbit).
2. show notifications from phone including text, skype, phone calls, emails, etc.
3. Groove music control

from Windows Central Forums //

Hi there! LVBNR5 here!

How's it going people? LVBNR5 here. Windows enthusiast, and long time user (despite my young age). Well, see you soon!

from Windows Central Forums //

Why my WhatsApp images are not getting saved in photos

Hii i m using iPhone 6 plus i just changed the settings save photos in camera role on whatsapp but still i cant see any pictures in photos app from which i got received from my friends??

from Windows Central Forums //

950 xl creators update sits down

I got creators update on my 950xl and now have very bad battery 🔋 drain and when it gets too 25% phone switched off every time this happens plus making errors on memory card

from Windows Central Forums //

Creators Update?

Simple question for those of us that have the 650... Who's gotten the CU, but isn't in the Insider program?

from Windows Central Forums //

Problem migrating MS services on new Android phone

First up, I hope noone feels offended when I post this Android related question on the WINDOWS Central forums, but I still consider this my home and since my question is related to MS services I guess it is not too much out of place.

After a lot of pondering I decided it was time to look for an alternative to W10m. I disliked iOS back in the day of the iPhone 4s and from what I know, nothing much has changed in the Apple corner. I have no experience with Android so I thought it would be fair to give it a go. So, a couple of days ago I got lucky and found a deal at a retailer selling the Moto Z for only 250 €. The phone is nice, although a bit big in the hand and the camera is lacking. Still, it igot most things I wanted from an android device.

Since I am heavily invested in MS services I would like to avoid having to use google's alternatives and stick with MS. Syncing contacts to the Outlook app is working, but I can't seem to be able to get my contacts and calendar to sync. In the contacts app nothing is showing up although I have set up all my accounts in the options menu and in outlook to sync to google contacts...

I am a bit lost atm, android being a bit of a chaotic mess when you come from the clear cut UI and menues of W10m. The little that I could find on the net in regards of syncing my data to MS services on a android device was not helpfull at all. Is there anyone who can point me to a write up or guide about this topic?

Thanks heaps!

from Windows Central Forums //

why is it that I am unable to download files from Onedrive

I log on to Microsoft One drive and somehow I am unable to download files after I do multiple selection of them.

There is no space to upload screenshots here, sorry, but I will explain the problem if you want to help.

from Windows Central Forums //

Stuck on surface splash screen on reboot

As mentioned above, whenever the surface restarts or switches on, the screen will get stuck on the surface screen. I did the 2 button reset and it worked, however if i did another restart or if switches it off and on, the surface splash screen will never go away until i remedy again with 2 touch. I also realized the keyboard can be an issue when docked, the issue also occurs at random without dock on restart or boot.

Things ive done prior..

Installing win 10, updating all the driver, disable touch screen due to faulty screen, removing of keyboard dock

Background: Because the screen was cracked, i replaced it with another faulty screen ( i changed it myself, the faulty screen has ghost touch issues) . No issue with the previous screen but upon installation of the new one, issues mentioned above occured.

Possibilities of faulty screen causing the boot to get stuck? Please give me some guidance as to why the issue is happening... thanks in advance! :sweaty:

from Windows Central Forums //

Two new sounds phones coming?

from Windows Central Forums //

Two new sounds phones coming?

Duplicate due to internal error, please delete

from Windows Central Forums //

Are 8.1 apps still working on Release Preview of creators update?

8.1 apps no longer work on the fast ring but what about release preview? I'd like to put Creators update on my 1520 but not if it breaks all my 8.1 apps...

from Windows Central Forums //

Nokia Lumia 520 .switch off. play back video

Hi I have been given a Nokia Lumia 520 and am new to this two things need help with
1. how do i set phone to stop switching off so i just use the on and off button
2. when i record video on phone how do i play back video and transfer to computer
many thanks

from Windows Central Forums //

No Creators' update yet

Lumia 650, UK, no update yet! Have been checking more than once daily since the announcement. Did anyone receive the update from uk? on any device?

from Windows Central Forums //

BUILD 2017 - Windows Mobile OS News

I've just cancelled my order for an Elite X3 after looking through the articles and forums of this website. It's funny that after all my research on the Elite X3 that it was actually a Windows "fan site" that persuaded me not to buy a Windows powered phone. I've cancelled my order just to be cautious and can easily re-order if I get some official news that Windows on mobile has a future. And that's the thing. I have been persuaded to cancel my order by what I've read on Windows Central, but, everything I have read, although convincing, has been purely speculation and theory.

My question for this thread is this; will we get some official news from Microsoft during BUILD 2017 about the future of Windows on Mobile? If not then I won't re-order, if we do and it's positive news I'll re-order that day and settle with it. And this is the thing, Microsoft, through their silence and ambiguity are actively damaging the Windows Mobile brand by fuelling the negative journalism you find on this website, and forum. They are thus by extension damaging their reputation as a whole which will hurt their profits in other areas.

BUILD 2017, with regards to Windows Mobile, seems like Microsoft's last chance to repair relationships with fans and developers. Even if the news is negative, people deserve to know once and for all so that they can make sound investments with their time and money. I might not be happy with negative news, but at least I'll feel like I can somewhat trust Microsoft again.

What do you all think?

from Windows Central Forums //

Positive / Buyer / kdk24z

@kdk24z was a pleasure to do business with. Fast close on the deal and great communication throughout. He saw what he wanted and didn't dither around, I always like that in a sale and try to do the same when I buy so I really appreciated the fast, no hassle arrangement.

Buy or sell, I would do business with this member again in an instant.

from Windows Central Forums //

Win10 splitscreen manager..

I'm not sure if there's any way of doing this but here goes!

Is there any way to save a splitscreen (Windows Snap) setup and recall it later so it loads the apps and the splitscreen setup in one go?

For example, I might like to save a screen consisting of 50% MS Edge and 50% Excel as one snapshot and 30% Notepad and 70% Publisher as another snapshot etc etc.

I'd then like to just choose 'Snaphot1" or "Snaphot2" and have the respective screen setups load automatically with the correct apps in place.

Is there a way to do this?

Many thanks!

from Windows Central Forums //

Windows 10 Mobile creators update not received

I have Lumia 950 but haven't received Windows 10 Mobile creators update.

from Windows Central Forums //

Given the state of Windows Mobile, why should I buy a Windows tablet?

The title says it all.

I have a L650 phone which I really like. I run Windows 10 on the desktop + a bit of Linux (I have been on Mac for the past 10 years) but wonder what to do now as far as moving forward is concerned.

Why? Because I am on the lookout for a tablet and have for a while considered getting a SP4.

Problem is, with the state of W10 Mobile I can really see little point in staying under Microsoft's umbrella any more. I am being forced to exit the Mobile space thanks to Microsoft's mobile decisions, so if I am forced out, and I'm NOT returning to Apple, then Android is the only other option.

But if my next phone has to be Android, then why would I buy a Surface tablet to stay under Microsoft's umbrella? Word, Excel, Logos Bible software, Python, Hugo, Kindle, Arduino etc. can all be run on Android.

What advantage is there really in buying a SP4 or other Windows 10 tablet any more?

Edited: I should add that the app gap has never been relevant to me because I don't care about Snapchat and Messenger. But when it comes to tablets and UWP, the app gap is a big problem because I am suddenly forced to use desktop-only non store apps rather than apps designed specifically for tablets. Or go for an Android tablet with proper mobile apps.

from Windows Central Forums //

Anyone facing problems with PC post creators update installation

System is less stable. It hangs up frequently. Post hanging, text on desktop disappears. It is less stable than anniversary update.

from Windows Central Forums //

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Nice Composable Shell Concept

Love the universal transparency. Be so cool to see something like this in action. Be excellent to see a better UI for small tablets/phablets too.

from Windows Central Forums //

Can't transfer my music from my computer to my phone

I have windows 10 on my pc and I'm trying to sync my music to my Alcatel 4s. I keep getting an error message. Can anyone help me figure out how to transfer my music.


from Windows Central Forums //

Why is Bluetooth missing with Windows 10 update

So when I updated my kinda old vista laptop to Windows 10 Bluetooth disappeared. I remember using bluetooth when it was running vista. Its not in device manager at all and its not hidden. I dont remeber what the bluetooth driver was called but the laptop is dell, so Broadcom I assume? Can anyone help? Thanks

from Windows Central Forums //

Error installing apps error code 0*87AF0813

Whenever i try to install an app it says error code 0*87af0813.
Cant install pls try agan later....i tired and frustrated of this problem...pls provide a fix

M on 640DS

from Windows Central Forums //

Why their is no creator update on Lumia 640 XL production ring in india

I am trying to update but their is no update since 25 April 2017. When it is going to be on air I am waiting. And if it is available why I am not able to downlaod

from Windows Central Forums //

Creators Update

I've installed it manually via the Insider programme, selecting the Slow Ring and updating as far as it will go, then selecting Release Preview to get the final .251 build. I haven't had the opportunity to test things much yet, but the phone is still recognisably a phone rather than having turned into a block of cheese, for example, so the immediate outlook is promising. The distant outlook for an unsupported device is not so promising, but meh. Anyone else with the CU on their 930?

from Windows Central Forums //

Can't add Gmail account to Outlook Mobile anymore

I can't add my Gmail account to Outlook anymore because whenever I try, it takes me to the web sign in page but after I sign in, it says that Google has disabled authorization requests for embedded browsers since April 20th. Is there any way around this?

from Windows Central Forums //

Can i have Cortana read PDF's to me?

In Edge it has a text to speech feature but sounds like a robot. is there a way to have it speak in Cortanas voice or just have her read.

from Windows Central Forums //

Since upgrading to windows 10 creators update on my let me a 640 LTE,

Voice to text no longer works without yelling at the phone. Prior to this upgrade it had been quite bullet proof

Any ideas?

from Windows Central Forums //

I'm using Lumia 640 xl LTE model in India but not getting creators update officially.why?

I am not an insider program member.i want to know why am I not getting this update?

from Windows Central Forums //

Windows creators update

Which windows creator build contains bugs? Is the 16... For PC or the 15... for mobile

from Windows Central Forums //

Anyone try Nokia lumia 1520.3 on T-Mobile in usa?

I was wondering if any know if the 1520.3 version will work on the new 700 mhz band that tmobile just started using I guess in the past year? I think the 950XL does. Just checking.

from Windows Central Forums //

Windows Phone isn't on the list of investments on Microsoft's Q3 securities filing with the governme

It was listed in Q2 but there's no sign of it now. I'm concerned.

from Windows Central Forums //

good surface pro apps

looking for good surface pro apps for school. need to edit pdf documents for one. one note and word just paste the document in like a picture or send me to an internet pdf when i try and open it. Also just any good surface pro 4 apps in general?

from Windows Central Forums //

I Asked Microsoft Support About Future of W10M

I've just purchased an Elite X3 and I want to start purchasing UWP apps in the store that I can use both on my desktop and on my phone. Bit pointless if W10M is "dead". So I contact Microsoft support to ask whether investing in the store for UWP apps with the intent to use them on mobile is worth it. This is what they said;

MSS: I understand that you are facing issues to purchasing apps from the Windows Store . Am I correct?

ME: Kind of. Let me explain. I'm considering purchasing apps in the Windows store as they would work on my Windows 10 PC and my Windows Mobile, however, I've heard Microsoft is abandoning Windows Mobile sometime in the near future. If this is the case then the apps in the Windows store won't be worth investing in. I'm contacting you for some clarity on the issue. If I purchase a UWP app in the Windows Store for my desktop and mobile, will Microsoft being supporting mobile in the long term thus making any investment in the store worthwhile?

MSS: Thank you for explaining your concern. I completely understand your concern. Please be informed that we have the dedicated team for supporting the windows Mobile which means Microsoft will keep support the Store Apps which was purchased in the mobile.

ME: So Microsoft will continue to develop Windows mobile? I want to purchase movies in the store also so I can watch them on my desktop and on my phone. This won't be worth the purchase unless Microsoft is planning on supporting Windows Mobile in the long term. Is this what you're saying the will do?

MSS: Yes. so far whatever you have purchased will be supported .. Also, please be informed that we have not got any Official update that Microsoft is going to stop the Mobile Support. IF we are stopping the support , you will be notified:) So, not to worry .

ME: I don't worry about not being notified about support being stopped. I worry about paying for UWP apps on mobile if it is planned to be unsupported in the next year. Thank you for your help anyway.

MSS: You are welcome :) I do understand your concern. Since we have not received any official update here , I could not tell you that we are going to stop the services for Mobile.. I will keep this case and update you in the future. Is that okay?

ME: Yes, thank you very much. Have a good night. Bye.

I didn't expect support to know anything, but I thought the question is worth asking as it is a real concern I have. I think he points something out that we all need to keep in mind, "nothing official" has come from anyone. All we have is speculation and rumours. For me, the idea of one of the biggest tech companies in the world, worth billions, with billions in offshore accounts, just bowing out of the mobile sector, probably one of the, if not the most important sector of technology when it comes to commercial interests, just sounds complete bonkers and unimaginable. After all the time and investment, the damage it would do to their reputation with ******* of UWP developers, etc. Nope, doesn't sound realistic. But all the doom and gloom on here and other places has rattle my cage.

I could go on and on but I'll leave it there. Windows 10 Mobile has a future until we hear something from someone who's in the know who says it doesn't.

from Windows Central Forums //

if i buy Forza Horizon 3 on my PC can i play with me friends on xbox one ??

From pc to xbox one if i buy Forza Horizon 3 on pc can i play it with my friends on xbox one

from Windows Central Forums //

Win a Star Trek: The Next Generation Blu-ray set as we livestream Star Trek Online tonight on Beam!

Every weekend, Windows Central livestreams an Xbox One or Steam game for 1-2 hours and gives out free games to the cool people who join us during the stream. It's like a live podcast, only you also get to watch a game while chatting with our awesome readers and viewers! We call this show Saturday Game School, because learning about new games is always fun.
Tonight at 9pm Eastern (8pm Central, 6pm Pacific, 1am GMT) on Beam, we'll be playing Star Trek Online: Reckoning, the latest free expansion to the official Star Trek MMO from Perfect World. We're also giving out Star Trek Online Xbox and PlayStation 4 prize codes and Star Trek: TNG Blu-ray sets! Read on for quick impressions and contest details.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums //

MintSim + Lumia 950 XL + Wifi Calling: Has anyone done this?

Hello All,

After all the advertising for MintSim on this portal, I decided to try it and I like it. Sadly they're a TMO MVNO and the service sucks.

I'm on a Lumia 950 XL on the latest firmware and I enabled "Wifi Calling" from the MintSim interface online. [STRIKE]I can see that IMSI registration on my phone in the about section.[/STRIKE] Correction, I confused the IMSI with the IMS, mine says, "Not Registered"....

However I still can't see the option in the phone. Does anyone know if this is a possibility? Or if there's a general way to do this? Or is it just impossible.

With Appreciation.

from Windows Central Forums //

Take control of the Big Easy with Gangstar New Orleans for Windows 10 PC

Gangstar New Orleans is an action-adventure game for Windows 10 that sends you to the French Quarter to battle your way through the criminal underworld.
The free game is available for Windows 10 PC and has you undermining gangs, battling zombies and dealing with crooked cops. The Gameloft game sports quality visuals that are reminiscent of a graphic novel and gameplay has plenty of twists and turns to keep you busy. Game controls aren't terrible but could use a little fine tuning to become more user-friendly.
The game comes across as an acquired taste, but if you like the Grand Theft Auto style of games you should find Gangstar New Orleans to be a fun time-consuming Windows 10 game.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums //

Find my phone not working!

Hey guys,

I've been having issues locating my phone using "Find my phone" in the device section of the account.

The issue is with my phone as I am able to locate my laptop.

Also I cant lock my phone or Ring it.

Can anyone confirm if they are having similar issues?

If not, I believe this might be due to me spoofing my phone to look like a 950 to get creators update. But even though I have reverted the changes after getting the update I still cant use the feature. Also in "Device info & support" the account is showing IMEI and RAM as "Unknown".

I would really appreciate if someone can help me in resolving the issue.

from Windows Central Forums //

How do update "waves" work?

I live in California, have a L950 and I still haven't gotten the C.U. Are "waves" hitting devices at random?

from Windows Central Forums //

Steam Spotlight: Toukiden 2 is a Monster Hunter-style action-RPG with both story and co-op

Welcome to another edition of Steam Spotlight, the weekly column in which we look at new and interesting Steam games for Windows.
Capcom's Monster Hunter is a popular series of co-op action-RPGs focused on slaying giant monsters. Unfortunately, those games exclusive to Nintendo devices nowadays. Enter Koei Tecmo with Toukiden 2, a Monster Hunter-style game focused on a war between humans and mythological creatures. Although sadly unavailable on Xbox, Toukiden 2 is still a compelling Steam offering.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums //

What's with Microsoft's inability to provide global services?

I have been having this frustration for quite some timenow and today I got to the point that I decided to write about it.

Regrettably, there is no thread that encompasses all ofMicrosoft's services so I am posting this in the off-topic lounge.

The issue itself - the availability of differentMicrosoft services is very dependent on the country and one can only get thefull experience if living in one of 10 countries around the world. Elsewhereone starts facing different limitations.

For better or for worse I happen to live in Bulgaria,which is quite low in the list of all tech companies when it comes to servicesto provide.

Nevertheless, Google has enabled most of its globalservices for Bulgaria; Spotify, Netflix and Amazon video have done the same;even Apple have enabled the option to rent and buy movies and music in iTunes.Going quite back, Nokia had all of its services available in Bulgaria despitethe fact that it was in a time before Bulgaria had even joined the EU and mostpeople had a hard time finding it on a map.

I will discuss the virtual assistants at the end, butthey have quite a lot of differences as well, regrettably Cortana trails behindGoogle and Siri by quite a stretch.

So here are some of the services and their availability:

  • Bing Rewards – the US only (previously includedthe UK as well)
  • Cortana – international but quite limitedoutside of the big 7 (US, UK, Germany, China, Italy, Spain, France)
  • Cortana app for iOS and Android – only the USand UK
  • Xbox Live Gold – 42 countries, list available inWikipedia (previously it was only 16)
  • Grove Music – guessing 42 countries as well?
  • Movies & TV – same 42 countries?
  • Microsoft Hardware – very limited availability(talking about the high-end stuff, not the mice and keyboards)

My point is that I:

  • have to keep a UK account so that I can buy anXbox Live Gold subscription (Sony enabled the PS Plus for 70 countries, all ofthe EU included) and get free games, online play and so on.
  • cannot use Groove Music nor Movies & TV.
  • have to set Windows in a specific way to getCortana to work and it is quite useless for finding stuff like restaurantsdespite the fact that Bing is able to manage very well on that front.
  • cannot get the Cortana app on my iOS devices.

So, comparing the virtual assistants.

Google beats all not only with data but also languagesupport and automatic detection of names of places in different languages. Soasking a something like "Give me information about Цар Освободител" willactually work.

Following the last update of Siri, it has become quiteuseful as well since it no longer tells me "I cannot find places in Bulgaria!"when asked for Italian restaurants nearby.

Many queries in Cortana still just open a Bing searchinstead of providing the relevant answer.

Cortana on the Xbox is also very slow to do anything, sowhile before I just had to say "Xbox pause" and the movie would stop almostimmediately now when I say "Hey Cortana, pause" it takes between 5 and 15seconds to react. Also, a new option is that it will come back with "Theinternet and I aren't communicating right now, please try again later."

All of this is makes using Microsoft's services veryfrustrating. I would totally understand I it was a small company with a fewhundred thousand devices in stores worldwide, or Apple, who target only (ormainly) the high-end sector. But Microsoft has a few billion devices out thererunning Windows and making services available in some markets, or having badtranslations is not good at all.

Thus, finally, my question to Microsoft and anyone whomay have an insight – when will Microsoft's services become really "global"?


from Windows Central Forums //

Windows 10 build 16184 (and earlier) for PC: Everything you need to know

A total of four Windows 10 Redstone 3 previews rolled out in April, and here we'll give you a closer look at those builds, and those things Microsoft didn't mention.
Windows 10 build 16184 is now rolling out to PCs enrolled in the Fast ring. This new release, part of the Redstone 3 update expected to arrive in September, is a minor update, but it delivers a few improvements, fixes, and introduces "My People," a new feature that makes connecting with people close to you a lot easier.

Alongside build 16184, during the month of April, Microsoft also released Windows 10 build 16179, 16176, and 16170. While these test previews are not significant, they all add small improvements to the OS, including system changes and several tweaks.
In this Windows 10 guide, we'll have a closer look at the changes and improvements Microsoft has been working in the past four test versions of the upcoming Redstone 3 update.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

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How to change email address for app store on phone

I have a Microsoft phone. For the app store I misspelt my email address so cannot download anything. I click on the link 'Fix it here' yet it goes to a page stating there is a problem, please come back later. However that problem has lasted weeks.

Please help

from Windows Central Forums //

Intermittent freezing of webpages when Pen used to scroll

I have a Surface Book, performance base, 1TB.

I use the Pen (as opposed to the trackpad) to scroll webpages; specifically by dragging the scrollbar up and down.
But intermittently (maybe once every 10 minutes, or even more), the browser will freeze - the Pen can no longer grab the scrollbar and drag it.
Very frustrating!
Doesn't matter which browser - Edge, IE, chrome, firefox.

Usually I can get to scroll again with the Pen after pressing the down arrow key on the keyboard; but sometimes I need to restart the browser.

I went to Best Buy; they called a Microsoft Rep, who said the Pen was not meant to scroll.
I went to a Microsoft Store; they told me since the scrolling issue began on the first day I received my Surface Book, it may be a hardware problem and I should exchange my Surface Book for a new one (30 day replacement is up tomorrow).

I suspect it is a software issue, specifically a bug in Windows 10. I really don't want to replace my Surface Book, losing my apps, settings... only to have the same problem.

Has anyone else had a similar issue with scrolling using the Pen?
Idea for a solution?


from Windows Central Forums //

GAME's Bank Holiday Xbox One S deal adds a trio of awesome games at a great price

It's a Bank Holiday weekend in the UK again and that means deals, deals and a few more deals. If you're looking for an Xbox One S then you might want to head down to GAME where you'll get three Xbox One exclusive titles bundled with the console.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

from Windows Central Forums //

DEATH OF windows Mobile by june '17 ?

Hey Dan,
Ok, I know there has been a lot of questioning about regarding the death of windows on phone. But I found an article claiming that Microsoft would be completely abandoning and shutting down its windows mobile by June this year !! Is this information true ? Can we expect microsoft to answer or hint a little towards it future roadmap of windows 10 mobile?

Here is the link
Microsoft to end its smartphone ecosystem by June

Please tell us if windows on mobile device is actually dead. Shall ios or android be better to adopt as a sole windows phone user since 7 years.


from Windows Central Forums //

What's Your Preferred Web Browser, & Why?

I'm looking for a new web browser & would like to know what others like or would recommend from a browser. I'm currently using Chrome, but want to "Degoogle" myself. Thanks

from Windows Central Forums //

Taking back the forums

This is a thread to thank all the positive posters who are attempting to enjoy their platform and assist others who may be having issues or are looking to use Windows as their mobile platform. As you know, it has become nearly unbearable lately with the negative comments flooding the forums. While I understand frustration, I do not understand how the constant negativity will be productive. This is a forum for Windows fans and, while I support anyone who wants to be here despite their choice of device, I am hoping we can turn things around a bit and make it a more enjoyable place for fans to come to.
I want to thank James Falconer for driving meaningful conversation and topics. While they often get turned into negativity, we need more of these types of threads where we can discuss and work through things we may be thinking about or facing ourselves.
Thank you so much to Windowsmoose for starting the "Positive Windows phone news thread". We needed this and it is helping to create the positive energy we so desperately need.
Also, thanks to RumoredNow who rightly points out that it is we who will help turn things around by supporting our platform of choice. If we show MS and everyone how much we want this to succeed, our chances of success are exponentially higher.
And thanks to all the others (you know who you are) who are always posting positive comments and helping others in need. You do make a huge difference in the forums and shine a positive light on how our platform enriches our lives and brings an alternative to Android and iPhone.
So what can we do? Remain positive! I know it's hard but we can't let all the negativity get us down and take away from our enjoyment. Try not to get pulled into the negativity (one of my flaws and something I will get better at). Just return comments with positive ones. That doesn't mean everything is rosy and perfect with Windows mobile, no platform is perfect. We can have meaningful conversations without turning it into an argument. Lastly, flood the forums with your comments each and every day. Help make this place what it should be, a fan forum with a helpful community of people with a variety of viewpoints but who are trying to enjoy their platform of choice.
I hope I have not offended anyone with my comments, it is not my intent. Everyone is welcome as is every viewpoint. But I think most of us can agree it has tuned mostly negative and that's no fun for everyone. Let's do something about it! Thanks for listening and I promise I will do my part to make this the best Windows enthusiast site online.

from Windows Central Forums //

in which insider branch would i get RS1 updates.

I was on release preview brach (14393.726) and change to fast ring RS2. I downgrade my phone to 8.1 because RS2 build bugs. Now im on 10586.107 public build. How can i get RS1 builds. Which branch should i choose to get RS1 builds...?

from Windows Central Forums //

A few random windows mobile questions.....

Because I've never played with it yet. If you'll indulge me XD

*Can you make texts or calls, using Cortana yet?

*Is win 10 mobile less ram hungry than android? I notice midteir phones have sometimes slightly less going back into history, and people still talk about how snappy windows mobile is...So this is my speculation!

*Is Cortana the same, more or less, between desktop and mobile?

*How does one drive intergration work - can it fully sync the folder as with a tablet, to your sd card? Can it be set to wifi only?

Thanks for your replies :)

from Windows Central Forums //

GB 12 Verizon...Great!

I received my Galaxy Book 12 from Verizon yesterday and so far I'm quite happy with it.

Fit and Form are excellent, this thing is thinner than the Note Pro 12.2 that it has replaced. It really looks like an Android tablet until you turn it on.

Backlit keyboard works well and is comfortable. I like the fact that unlike the Surface Pro 4, when I remove the keyboard all I have in my hands to hold is this sleek tablet.

As one would expect, out of the box it is a very fast windows environment. I have installed Lightroom and Photoshop and performed some minimal testing with those programs. All I've done in Photoshop is adjust the raw photo's settings in Camera Raw and that works just as fast as my 12 gig i7 desktop. I haven't done any layering yet. Lightroom seems to be a bit slower when going from the Library mode to Develop mode, like maybe a second or two, just enough time to see some pixilation but that's it, everything else seems to work the same.

I've already updated Win 10 to the Creators update and all seems fine.

It charges pretty fast, going from an out of the box 53% to 100% in an hour. I have not tested battery duration as yet.

I'll keep you posted

from Windows Central Forums //

My windows vs Android experience

Disclaimer: This is purely opinion with some facts sprinkled in.

I actually love windows mobile, but it no longer loves me. I've had a windowsphone since Verizon took their good old time releasing the HTC trophy. That was fresh and actually cool compared to my aging OG Droid with the slider keyboard. Anyone that remembers those days when the people hub was awesome and the camera functionality was blazingly fast and the UI was sexy had a feeling that windows phone was something special. I converted many people in the early days to WP7 and most of them picked up a WP8 on their respective carrier. When WP8 was launched, I jumped over to AT&T so I could pick up the 920. At that point, I had 3 other family members join me on my plan with the best phone of the time.

WP8 was the start and end of something great. We saw lots of good things and many not so good. NFC payments never really came. Xbox music was a disaster. Apps came and apps went. People hub integration started to get weak until it no longer worked. The integrated Skype feature was short lived and poor. System apps (mail, people,phone, messaging) never got updates that were really needed. I can go on and onabout WP8, lots to like and lots to frown over.

Fast forward to the launch of Windows mobile 10. I believe in the concept of the mobile initiative. I think if they can pull off all the architectural feats needed to make it work it will be the best OS on the market. MS should have let WP8 live on with minor improvements for at least a year instead of pushing windows 10 mobile into the market. They could have released the 950/950xl with wp8.1 with the option to upgrade to be a beta tester, my guess is they would have sold more. I was an early adopter on the XL and I have mostly had a negative experience. My wife completely hates it. The other 4 people on my plan which consists of 3 950s and one XL really miss the apps. My parents have had 2 vehicles now where they couldn't take advantage of core features because there was no app. The fact than an app is needed is a different argument, but it didn'tmake them happy that they couldn't easily remote start their vehicle. My dad threw in the towel and is waiting for his android device now. In the days of 8.1 I could honestly tell people how much easier windows was over android, but I can't do that either anymore. I could also tell them how much smoother the OS was over android, but again, can't do that anymore. Most updated apps have a consistent enough feel.

I've been using android on an S8+ for a little over a week now and I haven't missed much from Windows mobile. There are those that say android will lag after some time but my 950xl will lag some times. There are those that say the battery life will be horrible, on the S8+ it's not (16 hours plus with some heavy usage and still over 20% left, the XL would have been long dead). There are those that will say you'll have to factory reset to make android work again, I've had to do the same with mobile 10.

My take on android is the same as it is with Windows not on arm, you get what you pay for when it comes to hardware. The 300-400 dollar laptop is not as good of an experience as the high end devices. Now this is the one plus windows mobile has on android and even IOS is that it scales very nicely. A custom rom can be built for whatever hardware it's running on, but that is rarely done, instead it's about building more features in at the expense of performance.

Another area windows mobile really shines and probably the number one thing I miss is global theme ability. I HATE bright white backgrounds and there are lots of them in the Samsung rom. Granted MS has not been very consistent with theme support in their own apps, but 3rd party app makers always seem to bring it.

Maybe it's just me but the keyboard went downhill in mobile 10. I like that I can pick whatever I want in android. I like that I can use a password manager.

SMS/MMS/Skype has been a disaster on mobile 10. This experience alone has helped push me away. On 7 and8 the experience was so fluid and that was completely destroyed. I'm using Textra on android and I like the experience that gives over the stock messaging. Skype works better on android!

Wallet on mobile 10 has been okay for me. My primary debt/credit cards were usable and the feature was reliable after some early hiccups. Android pay accepts EVERY one of my cards though. Android pay needs work in the app, it's like it was done by the same person for both. No way to sort cards.

Iris scanner has been a pain I lived with on mobile 10. It's FAST on the S8 and I can see if I'm holding the phone wrong which is a huge plus. (I gave feedback on this, never to be resolved)

Start screen: Yes, I miss square tiles on windows, but there is a decent replacement that the developer can make nearly perfect with some tweaks. My home screen is a nice vertical scroll with low energy widgets. Even the icons for some apps will flip and show the notification content, others show the count. Swipe to the right and then I have the vertical list of apps (this is what needs work, there's no jump list). MS dropped the ball on interactive/exploding tiles IMO. Maybe this is coming at build this year. I think this would make the live tiles much more useful both on mobile and on desktop where I think they are useless currently. Power users don't open their start window more than for a few seconds.

Overall look and feel of android to windows in my opinion android is better once you are past the launcher. MS destroyed the design ideas in apps, neon may bring some nice UI ideas back but nothing compares to early metro and even its later revision.

Apps: Yeah…. I wasn't an app user on windows 10 because I couldn't be one……. All of my bank/creditcards have an app. I can now take advantage of local store/restaurant deals. I can watch any TV I want and Chromecast has been a nice cheap addition. Push bullet solves the remote texting problem and it's actually reliable unlike skype. Supposedly skype on android will beable to sync SMS soon though. I don't care about games or the silly little apps. My 3 year old loves to play with the fun camera things but other than that my phone is all business. I never could get completely out of the google apps while on windows. My entire office team relies on gchat. I lived with IM+ for years and it was sufficient, but I reset my phone a few months back and IM+ pro no longer showed in the store. It's nice having a good app for something you heavily use. There have been a number of apps I used that went away.

Stability: So far, I'd say one is no better or worse. Windows 10 mobile hasn't won my heart for stability and speed like 8.1 did. I've had a few app crashes and my 3
party launcher would hang a bit. I think MS just hides OS level crashes a little nicer than android.

I'm using most MS services and while there is room forimprovement in all of the apps, most offer a good experience.

Continuum/Dex: I don't care, right now this is a pipe dream. I think the continuum experience was/is not a good one. I have a dock sitting on my desk as I type this and from time to time I'd plug into it and switch my monitor input to try it out. I guess it's okay if I HAD to use it, but they have a long way to go. I have no doubt this will be a killer feature in a couple releases, but the 950xl experience is poor IMO. I'm not even going to bother buying the DEX hardware.

I'm a software developer with most of my experience on the MS Stack. I've tinkered with UWP andwp7/8 dev (I don't have time to play at home unfortunately). The MS stack in my opinion is the best out there. I live in visual studio and visual studio code, nothing comes close to those products. MS can win developers over, but they won't do it unless they have a really really good cross platform approach. Right now, Xamarmin is good, but not what is needed (My opinion) as it doesn't help UWP properly. I think there is a plan for that to change which is why they bought them. I'm hoping xamarmin gets modified to essentially take the UWP environment as is to the other platforms. As a developer, I try to cut MS some slack. There are pieces of functionality in Windows that is probably tied to a very small team and they can only work so fast to re-architect so others can extend on it.

I'm hoping for a surface pro like movement for mobile. That would bring me back to the platform but I won't jump in at the beginning again. I've been burnt too many times by either a change of plans or dropped support. I would buy a device that has a nice docking solution to a larger portable display if the x86 emulation is smooth enough, but sadly I would want the device to be useful while not docked. I've moved from being a cheerleader for MS to being very cautiously optimistic. Actually, I've been leaning more towards a pessimist though. I've been putting off moving away from mobile due to the monetary investment I had in windows hardware. My wife must suffer for sometime before we can afford to replace her phone.

One thing is certain, I'll never leave windows on the desktop! I know everyone's mileage is different when it comes to the usefulness of a device. I've given MS 6 years and they've given me some good years in return, but windows 10 is just not for me anymore.

from Windows Central Forums //

Should users update Lumia 830 to Creators Update or stick with Anniversary Update? Pros and Cons.

Since there is an unsupported upgrade path to Creators Update for the Lumia 830, I'm curious if it's worth it. For those of you who have had experience with it the Creators Update on the Lumia 830, I'd like to consider the following:
1) Which build is more stable?
2) Does the 830 lose any functions such as camera capabilities, Wi-Fi, or other driver related issues?
3) Which build has better battery life?

What else can you think of?

Some have said that the 830 runs faster with the Creators Update. Has that been your experience?

So, the dilemma... stick with a stable known or enjoy the cutting edge.

Thanks to all for your feedback.

from Windows Central Forums //

What can I do with an unlocked phone?

I know that when you root an android phone, you can basically do anything, including booting Linux on it! I wanted to know some tips and tricks that I can do on an unlocked Lumia 950. I already increased my virtual ram, not that I need it, and want to hear what you have to say :) Btw, I'm currently using Interop Tools, and can download any other tools if I need.

from Windows Central Forums //

Windows Store can't open :(

I have a Nokia Lumia 730 and I reset factory my phone but when I want to open my Windows Store then I got an error. Please see ";
Any idea?

Thank you.

from Windows Central Forums //

GPD worlds tiniest laptop

GPD are at it again, back off the success of their GPD Win gaming machine (which has a sequel coming), they are crowdfunding a tiny little powerhouse laptop (Well powerhouse in terms of pretty decent resolution, cpu and so forth for the size). And I mean tiny as in 7 inches.

I'm actually starting to wonder if we might not see a bit more of these guys, or at least this type of product. Especially with new windows editions this year, and the background development of cshell.

from Windows Central Forums //

Bought a new one!!

My 2nd Band 2 gave up the ghost 2 weeks ago. After 2 failures of the original Band, I decided enough was enough and just requested a refund.
I tried Garmin (wouldn't pair).
Then I tried Fitbit - no notifications, no GPS, dreadfully inaccurate. Skin irritation after just 2 days. Shame really as the web dashboard they do is great.

I thought about changing my phone so I could use a Garmin with a Blackberry Droid, but I've only had the 950XL for less than a year. I really like it too.

So, I hunted around - ebay (UK) has Band 2 in medium and small from Argos. Brand new with proper warranty, just £149.

Hopefully, I'll get a year or so out of this one, then think about what to do next.

from Windows Central Forums //

Microsoft Weather location

I recently discovered how much I like the look of the Microsoft weather app and have pinned it to my start screen. I'm out of town for the weekend, and can't seem to get it to display my current location. I've enabled "detect my location" with no luck. I have location enabled on my phone. Even when I "launch" a new favorite, the live tile won't update and when I open the app again I'm right back to my home city. Any advice?

from Windows Central Forums //

Zombie phones....

Hi all, I'm hearing a lot of windows phone is dead stuff, and I totally get the argument, hard not to, I think a lot of us are hoping it lives on in these cellular pcs that are coming at some point.

I'm curious about something, last night whilst out with some friends they were chatting about work phones, both of them mentioned, one in oil sector and one in the local council that their companies are now using windows phones as buisness phones. As this is a renewed focus for those companies I wondered, what's going on? Companies surely are not investing in a dead platform? Is there stuff going on we are not hearing about or are these companies being played and getting dead end hardware?

Any ideas?

from Windows Central Forums //

GREAT news for video streamers!

I just received and email from Crackle telling me that they have a UWP app coming in June for PC, XBOX and Mobile!


from Windows Central Forums //

What exactly can I do when I interop unlock a phone?

I just unlocked my Lumia 950 and wanted to know some tricks out there that I can do. I already increased my virtual ram (not that I need more) and wanted to see other tips. I know that with root for Android, you can basically do anything, including booting Linux on your phone! Are there any hacks for Windows 10 I can do too? What can I tinker with?

from Windows Central Forums //

Podcast Picker: How to play a playlist?

I just can't see how to do it. Set up a playlist then there is no option to play all. Tried playing the first from the list to see if it automatically starts playing the next when it ends but no.

from Windows Central Forums //

Why is my phone calibrator sensibility not working?

The phone working ,booting pass the Windows but I can5 access it because the sensitivity is not working. ..what can I do?

from Windows Central Forums //

#AskDanWindows My 1520 is slowly dying. On which branch should I get the longest and best support?

#AskDanWindows My 1520 is slowly dying. On which branch should I get the longest and best support? The latest official Anniversary Update? (non-insider) Or the Creators Update? (Insider Release Preview)

You've explained how the CU gives better performance on 1520 but the last time I used the Insider program my Whatsapp and other 8.1 apps stopped working, which is simply unacceptable. I need confirmation that those apps still work on the CU release preview.

I'm not considering other platforms as long as Windows 10 Mobile is officially supported and if we're getting Mobile devices with Windows 10 on ARM soon then that's when I will finally buy a new device. (hopefully a Microsoft device or a new X3)

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Can someone confirm if Whatsapp is working on CU release preview for Lumia 1520?

I'm thinking of moving to CU release preview on my Lumia 1520 but I dont want all my 8.1 apps to stop working like what happened when I was on the fast ring.

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Should I buy a 650?

Looking to dip my toes into Windows 10 mobile soon.

Is the 650 a good cheaper windows mobile phone?

Are there any better alternative windows 10 mobile phones? (That are also cheap and have LTE - doesn't need to be supported in CU, I can insider that shizz, or even hack it)

Whats the speaker quality like specifically also btw (I'm partly interested to play with Cortana's new skills api abilities when those roll out)

Screen quality?

Battery life?

Photo's half way decent?

Any other general comments?

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Is my Lumia 640 XL DS getting Windows 10 Mobile C.U.?

Even today when I checked for update, it says my device is up to date. Any info regarding when we are going to get the update?!

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One crack causing chaos.

There was a crack made diagonally from corner to corner. Since then my touchscreen bounces and has lines going up and down and side to side. I don't know if it's only a digitizer issue or if I should get a new screen as well. My phone had been working perfectly before that crack was made.
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[UWP] WFW Movies & TV ()Entertainment app)

As the name suggests, this app lets you watch all the movies and TV shows, new and old, on your windows 10 pc or mobile and all the streaming is ad-free. The app features a huge collection of 69000 movies and more than 1100 tv shows to select from and stream anywhere. You can also create a personalised list of your favorite TV shows and movies and watch them with one click.
Soon there will be a parental control feature for your kids and password protection will also be available. You can also search for any movies and tv shows that you want to watch and then add them to your favorite list or watch them directly.
If you have any feature suggestion or any complaints/bugs to address please use the support email on the windows store page or add a comment below.

Visit this link to download the app:

I hope you enjoy your stay.

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Maps not displaying properly, possible compass issues

I'm updated to 15063.251. All maps no longer display roads, just names of roads and other text data. GPS Navigation apps do not function properly. Possible compass malfunction.

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Maps not displaying properly, compass problems

I have 10.0.15063.251. Maps do not display properly. Roads are not visible but names of roads are. Also compass does not function correctly and needle function erratic.

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The creators update problem

Why haven't I still got the Windows 10 mobile creators update?!?!?

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Friday, April 28, 2017

why third party apps not working on my lumia 535

After updated my lumia 535 to 10 some third party apps like WhatsApp are not working it gets loading an hours how I solve this problem

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Horrible battery drain with 950 and CU (10.15063.251)


Just wanted to see if it's just my device, or other have this problem. I have a horrible battery drain bug. The start menu, even when the screen is off, is sucking all of the battery. I upgraded from the AU to the CU, never had a CU before 15063.251.

Picture attached.


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from Windows Central Forums //

So I had a look for windows 10 mobile phones in my country

New Zealand btw. Found 3 of 5 major carriers had lumias. Went into a tech store, looked if they had windows 10 mobile phones. They had two lumias. 950 seemed to be the go to.

I was expecting for all this talk of "windows mobile is dead" blah it would be like finding a blackberry passport or something. But it's extremely easy to buy a win 10 mobile where I am, under, and under a variety of carriers.

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Best Antivirus Software

Good morning,
I was wondering what you guys all used for an antivirus.
Are you just fine with the built-in Windows Defender? It's a great default option that constantly gets better. It's all I'm currently using on my Surface Pro 4.
Do you use a free antivirus solution? On my old laptop I used Bitdefender 2014 Free Edition. I loved it. It got updated almost every day for years, was extremely fast and very, very discreet. The only issue was there was almost no advanced options and it was finicky to keep open and access.
Maybe you pay for a fancy antivirus? If so, why?
Or maybe you use the antivirus that came with your computer. If you do, Norton is a virus in itself.

I've considered getting Avast (the free version, I don't need fancy paid antiviruses because 99% of viruses and malware can be avoided by being safe). Do any of you use it?

Let's talk!

from Windows Central Forums //

Improving Performance on Low Power Devices

Good morning,
I've been away for a while (sorry guys, work and such), but I'm back now with a few questions/discussions. Don't worry, they're going in separate threads.
First, I'm curious what you guys normally do to increase performance from a low powered device, like my HP Stream 7 (thanks Windows Central). I turn transparency effects off and keep background apps to a minimum. What other tricks are there? Maybe we can start a nice discussion and help some people out. Including me.

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Anyone else having issues updating Windows 10 past Build 14393.1066?

Was updating this old ASUS VivoTab and ran into a snag. The Windows 10 Update tool ran, downloaded, etc etc. Everything was almost done until this:
Screenshot (2).png

Any ideas?

EDIT: And yes, Windows 10 is on it now and running with no issues. Just cannot update to the newest version.
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Brand new surface pro 4

does anyone know of any good surface apps? anything with the pen? any good for school. trying to get to know my new surface and see why everyone loves them so much. thank you :)

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GPS Watch for my kid

I've been looking for a good review that shows everything about GPS watches and kids but can't seem to find what I'm looking for. I saw a site that recommends the Filip 2 but it looks like I need a phone plan. Is there a way to get a GPS watch and NOT have to have a plan with it?

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how do I block calls?

how do I block calls?

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Is there any option to buy Lumia concept?

Is there any option to buy Lumia concept? I really want to buy and own Lumia 1030 McLaren which was canceled. :( It was and still is my dream smartphone.

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Using Outlook on One + 3T, does pinch zoom work properly?

I have the latest Nougat variant on the device, but the pinch zoom doesn't work properly, which is why i tend to rely on my 950XL. Hope to hear from soon Zac.


you might want to add something that enables the user to withdraw a question.

Later everyone, thanks.

from Windows Central Forums //

Hands on with Windows 10 build 16184 showcasing My People (video)

Check out our hands on with Windows 10 build 16184, showcasing the new My People feature
Microsoft's latest Insider Preview build includes an early version of the highly-anticipated My People feature that allows you to communicate with people directly from the task bar. As with most new builds, we've gone hands on for your viewing pleasure.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

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Playerunknown's Battlegrounds for PC preview: This new battle royale deserves your attention

Airdrop, loot, and shoot. That's essentially all there is to it in PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS, but wins don't come easy.
A new contender

When it comes to games that are as fun to watch as they are to play, the battle royale genre is near the top of the list. You throw a large number of players into an arena, give them a bunch of weapons and other goodies to find and pick up, and let them duke it out until only one person is left standing.
There have been a few battle royale titles of note recently, including H1Z1: King of the Kill. Brendan "PLAYERUNKNOWN" Greene created the original battle royale mod for Arma 3 and designed the battle royale game mode for the original H1Z1 before moving on to work with Bluehole on BATTLEGROUNDS. (Editor's note: The company's branding for this game is in all capital letters, but that hurts our eyes. So from here on, we're using normal, "sentence case.")
Battlegrounds is sort of like a middle point between the arcade action of H1Z1: King of the Kill and the strictly mil-sim gameplay of Arma 3. It seems to appeal to plenty of people, and it has sold more than a million copies since it hit Steam Early Access in March.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

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Charging Issues

Anyone else experiencing issues with the USB C port?

When I plug into charge it's getting more and more sensitive to the cable placement and regularly disconnects if the cable isn't perfectly lined up?

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Reset after installing Release Preview 10.0.15063.251

I have just done a soft reset via All Settings System m on my Lumia 950 and now I have lost the thin download bars with the speed of the download in the store.

I am not sure how I can get them back. I have gone back in and set the phone to get the Release,Preview builds.

All my apps are up to date including the store.

My Store version is 11701.1001.99.0

Any ideas?

from Windows Central Forums //

App in Windows Store says I need to update to latest windows but I am running on windows 10

I am trying to download Kodi app from the Windows Store but the "Free" link to install is grey and says I need to update to latest Windows to install. But I am already running on Windows 10. What do I do?

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No more HDR on Windows 10 Camera ?

I can't seem to find the HDR setting on the Windows 10 camera Lumia 950XL.


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Low ethical rating for Lumia

Is this really true?

Ethical shopping guide to Mobile Phone Handsets, from Ethical Consumer

It seems like both the lumia and the surface products gets a very low rating compared to products from other companys.

Even the iphone gets a much higher rating.:shocked:

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Creator update

Hey , if anyone will get creator update for lumia 950 in the entire world , then please inform me .... can not wait more and more 😴

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How to use Kodi to watch live TV

Kodi is a terrific cord-cutting tool, and it's really simple to watch live TV using it.
To be clear, this isn't about watching TV channels delivered over the internet (IPTV) but actual over-the-air (OTA) channels. With the right hardware and matching plugins, adding your OTA TV to the main Kodi interface is a breeze.
For the purposes of this guide, we're using a HDHomeRun Connect tuner, but the process is the same for other supported PVR hardware. You also must have set up your hardware first before going into Kodi.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

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