Sunday, April 30, 2017

Given the state of Windows Mobile, why should I buy a Windows tablet?

The title says it all.

I have a L650 phone which I really like. I run Windows 10 on the desktop + a bit of Linux (I have been on Mac for the past 10 years) but wonder what to do now as far as moving forward is concerned.

Why? Because I am on the lookout for a tablet and have for a while considered getting a SP4.

Problem is, with the state of W10 Mobile I can really see little point in staying under Microsoft's umbrella any more. I am being forced to exit the Mobile space thanks to Microsoft's mobile decisions, so if I am forced out, and I'm NOT returning to Apple, then Android is the only other option.

But if my next phone has to be Android, then why would I buy a Surface tablet to stay under Microsoft's umbrella? Word, Excel, Logos Bible software, Python, Hugo, Kindle, Arduino etc. can all be run on Android.

What advantage is there really in buying a SP4 or other Windows 10 tablet any more?

Edited: I should add that the app gap has never been relevant to me because I don't care about Snapchat and Messenger. But when it comes to tablets and UWP, the app gap is a big problem because I am suddenly forced to use desktop-only non store apps rather than apps designed specifically for tablets. Or go for an Android tablet with proper mobile apps.

from Windows Central Forums //

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